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ERP for Retail

How Does ERP for Retail Help You Cut down Retail Queues?

Did you know that long queues can make customers not want to come back to your store? About 70% of customers in a poll even said that they will not want to return to a particular store where they had to stand in long queues. LS Retail is a cloud-based ERP for Retail that helps retailers to manage their stores efficiently. It provides an end-to-end solution for managing all aspects of retail operations, including inventory, sales channels, and Customer Relationship Management.   LS Retail ERP helps retailers to connect with their customers efficiently using a real-time interface. The product has been designed in such a way that it can easily be integrated into existing ERP systems or any other applications that you might have deployed on your business premises.  In this blog, we will further discuss how LS Retail helps cut down queues in your retail store.   How Can You Reduce Queues in Retail Stores?  Customer service is one of the most important aspects of the retail business. It is a crucial part of your business and can help you to achieve success in it. Given below are some tips to help you eliminate queues and make customers happy:  Install More Mobile POS  Without having to construct additional checkout lines or pay for additional software features, wouldn’t it be convenient to have more POS machines available during peak hours? This is now possible because sophisticated point-of-sale (POS) software can run on tablets and smartphones, allowing you the ability to add mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) devices as needed and then store them away when business is slow. With mobile POS, your workers can scan things and take card payments right away, reducing wait times at the register. Anywhere on the shop floor, mobile POS can be used to give services, such as checking an item’s availability or description.  Set up a Different Space for Complex Transitions  Simple transactions such as buying and paying for the same usually flow smoothly. However, they are not the only transaction types that can be seen in retail stores. Some customers would want to exchange an item, redeem their loyalty points, sign up for a subscription, and so on. For such transactions, it is always smarter to set up a dedicated counter for the customers. An ERP for Retail can help you manage everything on the same platform. It becomes easier to manage everything when you have the same database.   Choose an Intuitive POS   Expect irritated personnel, unhappy customers, and long queues in your store if your checkout system is difficult to understand and difficult to operate. Because the (sometimes very young) employees have to use a booklet with codes to register things without a barcode, there is a supermarket chain They avoid on the weekends. Processing a cartload of various veggies can take a while at the register since the cashier must first try to identify the item in the plastic bag before looking up the relevant code in the booklet. And guess what if he’s wrong? Oh, he must call for a manager.  You may speed up processes at the register and reduce training periods by selecting an ERP for Retail with an intuitive Point of Sale system with a simple-to-use interface and quick learning curve (a great plus, especially if staff turnover is high in your store). Learn what qualities to look for in a retail point of sale and choose software that can help your company.  A single line has several benefits: first, no server is idle while there are still customers waiting; second, the waiting time is the same for everyone, even if one register gets stuck for any reason; and finally, a single line feels “fairer” to those waiting because they know they will be served in the order of arrival.  Get an ERP for Retail   When choosing new software, search for platforms that have a reputation for being dependable and quick to process transactions. You don’t want to end up in long lines or lose clients because of technical difficulties or because “the computer is stuck again!” One of our customers told us a horrifying tale about their old point-of-sale system failing in the middle of the Christmas Eve rush. The systems in their main store went down due to one of our cash registers locking up. They had to manually handle each transaction by writing it down, which resulted in long lineups outside the store. That day, they easily lost $20,000, and who knows how it will affect repeat business in the future. They concluded that reliability is the most crucial factor to consider while selecting a system. The business is now content to use LS Central  ERP for Retail.  Summing Up  Long lines could be a wonderful problem to have since they indicate how well-liked your store is. However, this translates to delayed service, boredom, and stressed-out staff members for your customers. Customers wait eagerly for establishments without cashiers and lines, but you may move things forward by cutting down on wait times by following the tips above and getting an ERP for Retail. Please get in touch with us if you need assistance identifying the appropriate technology to enhance the shopping experience in your establishments. Trident Information Systems is a D365 Gold Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner.

How Does ERP for Retail Help You Cut down Retail Queues? Read More »

Garment ERP Software

Top 4 Trends to Reshaping Your Apparel and Fashion Industry

All retail segments have been impacted by changes in consumer culture, and apparel brands are no exception. The whole fashion industry has been significantly impacted by the global success of fast fashion retailers like H&M, Zara, and Uniqlo, which has compelled apparel fashion companies to adapt to a changing fashion business model. Fast fashion businesses, which are seen as industry disruptors, have routinely produced double-digit yearly sales over the past five years. Their trick? reducing the time it takes for fashion to cycle through, and giving them the affordable, “fashion-forward” companies they want right away. To achieve this, apparel businesses must implement Garment ERP Software that fulfills all their requirements on the same platform.   Although traditionally cautious with Garment Software, many apparel retailers have reacted by rethinking their business with innovation in mind, all the way from product development to customer experience, with an especially strong focus on e-commerce sales and customization   The New Apparel Shoppers   The new luxury consumer wants more purchasing options, rewards for being loyal, and generalized personalization. The chance to develop a deeper relationship with customers by focusing on experiences, quality, and the emotions that luxury goods give their buyers is presented by engaging with this new apparel and fashion consumer. Here are the top 4 technological advancements that are now changing the apparel and fashion market.  Alternative Materials  The market for luxury apparel and accessories is significantly affected by advances in material technology. A Marchesa and IBM cooperation resulted in a high-end, cutting-edge dress for the 2016 Met Gala in New York that lit up in various colors depending on how people felt about it when they tweeted about it. Even though it was remarkable, this was only the beginning. A major trend in recent months has been the use of Apparel Manufacturing Software to produce new kinds of materials. Take materials that are produced sustainably. Customers are demanding eco-friendly substitutes for conventional raw materials like animal-free leather, as seen by the growth of “eco-luxury retail,” which includes Stella McCartney’s silk inspired by spider webs and spider DNA and Linda Loudermilk’s “vegetable cashmere” (or soybean fabric).  Not only are these fabrics good for the environment, but they are also healthier for the body because they are non-toxic and more breathable than synthetic textiles. As an illustration, “green” fabrics made from algae biomass or discarded pineapple plant leaves are better for the body than synthetic textiles. Following in the footsteps of forward-thinking sportswear manufacturers, apparel brands have also developed materials that are heavily tech-driven and utilitarian. A heating system constructed from electronically printed conductive inks was imprinted in carbon and silver ink on the interior of the athletes’ jackets for the US Winter Olympic and Paralympic teams’ Ralph Lauren uniforms.  Personalized Services with Garment ERP Software  Luxury fashion stores are utilizing technology that empowers staff members in-store so they can provide in-depth expertise and 360-degree help to match — and beyond — the level of information buyers can access online while in-store foot traffic declines. One of the cutting-edge solutions that retailers are using is LS Retail Garment ERP Software, which enables staff employees to assist customers on the sales floor while grinning and having all the information they require at their fingertips. LS Retail POS promotes conversational commerce by offering a perspective of products akin to online store browsing, empowering staff to provide the truly great one-on-one service that affluent clients long for.  Customers want style advice that is tailored to their preferences, suggestions on products that might go well with their purchases, detailed, understandable information about the potential purchases, and the ability to order items right away if they catch their eye, even if they are only available in another store location. Staff employees can fulfill all of these desires and more thanks to LS Central Garment ERP Software.  Customization   Many fashion retailers are increasingly investing in technology that enables a more personalized experience for their customers, taking a cue from Amazon to increase engagement and customer loyalty. Retailers are delivering individualized product recommendations in-store and online using software that is powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). The aim? Consider your clients’ wants and take steps to prevent them from going to a rival to finish their outfit. When armed with powerful Garment ERP Software that supports personal recommendation, store employees can thoroughly amaze the customer and personalize the experience, which will enhance conversion rates, order values that are higher than normal, and customer loyalty.  Mobility  Consumers today use their mobile devices for everything from payments to product research. With the help of mobile apps, mobile payment options, real-time promos, and integrated return services, luxury fashion stores are catering to this urge to buy whenever. Many shops are utilizing push notifications, geo-referencing, and beacons to influence and engage their customers to fully utilize this technology. You can use Garment ERP Software which consolidates all your required technology in one basket and allows seamless operations.  LS Central is the best Garment ERP Software. If you are looking forward to implementing it, you may Contact Trident Information Systems. We are a Gold Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. Feel free to reach out anytime. 

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Restaurant Application

Happy Staff Is the Secret Ingredient for High-Profit Businesses  

One of the main problems facing the hospitality sector right now is high staff turnover. The National Restaurant Association’s most recent State of the Restaurant Industry Report found that 78% of restaurant owners claimed they didn’t have enough workers to meet customer demand and 75% indicated they were more than 10% understaffed. In addition to lowering the restaurant’s average level of service, a high staff turnover rate increases the costs associated with finding, hiring, and training new workers. Although there are many other factors contributing to this issue, including a high proportion of students employed in the sector and high levels of seasonality, it is also true that many business owners in the sector might be doing more to retain talent. There are many ways to retain your staff. The most basic thing you can do is employ an agile Restaurant Application.  Hospitality Management Software like LS Retail Restaurant Management System provides a unified platform consisting of robust tools and centralized data. It impacts the productivity of your staff and adds to the smoothness of your operations.    Here are five suggestions to assist you in keeping your restaurant’s personnel motivated to work there.  5 Ways to Keep Your Staff Happy  Teamwork Plays an important role in maintaining a healthy flow of operations in a business environment. Given below are some tips to keep your staff happy and motivated.   Built Team Spirit from Top to Bottom   Having a team spirit is very important to avoid unnecessary mistakes, bottlenecks, and disputes. If your staff doesn’t feel happy with where they are right now, they will probably switch to a better environment. There are a lot of steps you can take to improve the situation like organizing a team spirit day where your staff plays fun games, enhancing team spirit, and most importantly, getting to know each other better.  Or you can organize a trip for everyone to do some activities together. Or celebrate a milestone achieved by the employees. You can either throw a party or at least cut a cake to cherish their success.  Before adding a new dish to the menu, you can ask them to taste it first and ask for their opinion about the same. There are many ways you can boost their team spirit.   Reinforce Employees with Modern Restaurant Application   If you believe that not upgrading the outdated Restaurant Application will save you money, you are gravely mistaken. Nothing is more annoying than trying to do a task quickly and to a high standard while using broken instruments. An antiquated point-of-sale system that gets stuck or creates tickets slowly may reduce table turns while also irritating guests who are in a rush. An ancient fryer that the kitchen crew can’t rely on may wreck the lunch rush. Invest money in the newest Point of Sale System and constantly check with your employees to see if any of the tools they are using, both in the front and in the back of the house, are insufficient or outdated. Just keep in mind that any money you spend on a Restaurant Application to assist your staff—such as a Restaurant POS System that can swiftly take orders at the table—should be considered an investment in enhancing the quality of your customer service.  Appreciate them for a good job  Studies have shown that people are more driven at work when they feel valued and appreciated. Teams with the highest levels of engagement experienced 59% less turnover, according to a recent survey from an organization that has earned the Great Place to Work  certification. Constructive feedback makes employees happier, more motivated, and more willing to put in the extra effort. Many workers genuinely believe that having a sense of value at work is more effective than getting money! You can also save their progress in your Restaurant Application where you can even manage their talent and assign them jobs as per their interests. Furthermore, there are numerous ways to express your appreciation to your staff:  Consistently express your appreciation to your team for a job well done, such as when a hectic shift has gone very well, when sales targets have been met, or when a worker has handled a challenging issue with professionalism.  Thanks are important. Has a waiter agreed to a last-minute shift change to meet the demands of your company? Did anyone forgo a break to assist in the rush? Be sure to recognize their effort and express your gratitude for going above and above.  Give them room and time to unwind. Establish a break room with a coffee maker, complimentary light snacks, and a water dispenser so that your team can recharge and rest before heading back to work. This will make them more motivated and at ease.  Provide Ongoing Training   Make sure to instruct new employees on your company’s values, rules, and policies. There should be no end to the training. Even though the onboarding process is crucial, you shouldn’t let your employees’ education end there. Give your employees access to professional development opportunities; they’ll feel appreciated as part of the team, understand that you care about their development, and, as a bonus, they’ll bring new skills to your company. Nine out of ten restaurant managers, according to NRA data, began their careers as entry-level employees; therefore, investing in the professional development of your staff is an investment in the long-term success of your company.   Furthermore, training is even more important for existing employees if there is a new update in your Restaurant Application. Thus, keep them updated with the latest technology.  Allow Your Staff to Officially Communicate Via a Common Channel   Professional boundaries and morale can be easily destroyed by unclear communication and misconceptions. Why does he constantly get overtime assignments? I requested a vacation two weeks in advance, so why did she get time off when she only requested it yesterday? By putting in place systems that allow for direct, open communication between staff and management, you can reduce the likelihood of complaints

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ERP for Electronics Manufacturing

5 Powerful Ways to Boost Hi-tech Manufacturing Production Instantly!

Electronics get sold and outdated quite easily in the market. A trend quickly starts and finishes in the blink of an eye. This keeps Hi-tech electronic manufacturers under utter pressure to produce just what customers will buy. According to IBISWorld, global electronics is a $1.6tr industry that has grown 4.6 % in the year 2022 itself. Being highly lucrative, new plants emerge but many shut down because they fail to keep up with the pace. Many succeed with the right ERP for Electronics Manufacturing.   Strong and accurate analytics play a key role in deciding what to produce and what not to produce. However, often, manufacturers don’t know how to plan their resources and manage their productions due to a lack of visibility. Many work with traditional disparate systems of management which further adds to their complexities. What to do? It is highly recommended to invest in a Unified Electric Manufacturing Software Solution which provides all the necessities on the same platform. One of the finest and most renowned examples of this cause is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. It is a unified ERP and CRM which combines a unique set of tools to match your business requirements. Furthermore, you can access its robust analytics to plan your production.   Incredible Hacks to Boost Your High-tech and Electronics Production   Whether it’s make-to-order, assemble-to-order, and configure-to-order, you can fulfill these orders with excellence. Despite having fluctuating challenges, you can still win the race with the following hacks:   Invest in the Latest ERP for Electronics Manufacturing  Modern problems need a modern solution. In this case, you must invest in an extensive technology that fulfills all your needs. If you are still working on silos, you are draining 40% of your resource potential. It’s best to invest in ERP for Electronics Manufacturing. Look through your options and find the best. This is critical to immune you from current and upcoming challenges. The latest technology is designed to have all the features you need to thrive rather than just survive. You can either invest in an ERP and CRM separately or employ a unified software like MSD 365 which supports ERP and CRM capabilities at once.   Automation is the Key to Maximum Productivity   These days rapid financial and regulation changes are common, and so are shrinking product life cycles and global sourcing challenges. With automation, you can reduce errors and time in an operation. With analytics tools like Power BI, you get accurate reports in minutes. You can further manage material and plan demands effectively, purchase and manage inventory, and a lot more. If you choose ERP for Electronics Manufacturing by Microsoft, you can manage multi-country, multi-management, and multi-level manufacturing from one place. Multinational Financial account becomes a piece of cake with no human error.   Reinforce Your Staff with Hand-held Gadgets to Boost Their Productivity  Allow your staff to access real-time information on inventory with hand-held devices providing real-time inventory information. Let your staff plan inventory replenishment strategies. Such devices not just save their time but also boost their confidence. They can plan faster and communicate requirements to the person concerned quickly. Since they do not have to work too much on this part, they have enough time and energy to follow other critical aspects of your business. They can manage and place inventory in the right place. With Dynamics 365 F&O they can plan your warehouse’s floor-space utilization. Find the best way to store your hi-tech inventory.   Read the Market Carefully  This is one of the most critical aspects of any manufacturing plant. What is the point if you are not clear about what to produce and how much to produce? How much raw material should you order according to current or future demands? Make sure you use robust analytics to predict current and future demands. You must also foresee the upcoming challenges and plan a way out already. Analyze your previous interactions with customers and check what they liked. You can and must take their feedback to find shortcomings in your electronic items and how you can develop a better product. You can read market news, analyze various data and create reports but there is a high chance of errors. You can give this task to an automated technology like Microsoft ERP for Electronics Manufacturing and let it create reports for you.   Engage your IT Team in Developing More Valuable Assets  Make sure you make full use of your IT team. Do not engage them in monotonous management and maintenance of your system software. Instead, engage them in developing new and effective applications to serve your business. They can create an application to bridge the communication gap between you and your customers, or an application targeting a specific need like attendance. You can optimally utilize your IT team when they do not have to worry about constant management and maintenance of your business management software. It’s best to employ an ERP for Electronics Manufacturing like Microsoft Dynamics 365 where your implementation partner is entirely responsible for your system’s maintenance and upgrade.   Grow with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations   Microsoft Dynamics 365 has something for SMEs and enterprises. You can customize a unique set of tools assembled just for your business and let the Implementation partner manage all the related chores. It is important to find the right D365 Implementation Partner with a strong track of accomplishments. That’s why Trident is the best partner in the market. With 20+ years of serving various business ventures, we have gained an excellent reputation and a high customer retention rate.   We are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner and LS Retail Diamond Partner. If you wish to implement Microsoft ERP for Electronics Manufacturing, Contact Us Today! 

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Ghost Kitchens is the New Trend!

Around the world, cooking establishments that prepare food specifically for delivery orders are springing up in cities and towns massively. By 2030, the global market for this so-called ghost, dark, or virtual kitchens is predicted to reach US$1 trillion. They are getting enough attention from different IT companies to provide the latest and most robust Cloud Kitchen Management Solution to support this industry.  A few years ago, at the same time when popular food delivery services like Deliveroo, Uber Eats, and Door Dash started to take off, these delivery-only restaurants without any spaces for dine-in customers started to appear. Restaurant owners understood that serving a completely new group of mobile consumers just required a kitchen or a portion of one. Renting expensive eating locations, hiring wait staff, or any other costs associated with operating a restaurant were not necessarily extra costs. They only needed to join a meal delivery app, set up a kitchen somewhere, and start serving food. Customers who place delivery orders for pizza or noodle dishes might not even be aware that the restaurant they are ordering from does not exist.  To meet the rising demand for home delivery, fast food chain Burger King recently opened its first ghost kitchen in the UK. Just like previously, customers can order meal delivery from the new site in North London. The only distinction is that they cannot pick up their order or eat in.  It is a pattern that is accelerating. Ghost kitchens and the mobile delivery applications they live through are upending the whole notion of what it means to operate a restaurant because more people than ever are ordering meals to be delivered to their homes. Therefore, enforced delivery services are growing quicker and more convenient.  Why Do Cloud Kitchens Stand Out in The Cut-Throat Competition?  Takeaways have been around much longer than smartphones and delivery apps. However, ghost kitchens are expanding on the idea of distant dining. No storefront, no front-of-house personnel, and no waiting or seating space are present. In contrast to a restaurant, they can be found anywhere if couriers can reach them. Successful Cloud Kitchen owners implement data-driven strategies and Cloud Kitchen Management Solution.  In abandoned parking lots and warehouses, Deliveroo’s ghost kitchen concept—ultra-affordable prefabricated buildings dubbed Rooboxes—is there. Then some organizations provide commercial cooking spaces in densely populated locations ready for businesses to put up their delivery-only restaurants, such as Mission Kitchen, Cloud Kitchens, and Kitchen United.  In some instances, a single kitchen might act as the central location for several virtual restaurant establishments, with cooks preparing different cuisines under one roof. They need a suitable Cloud Kitchen ERP to streamline their operations. Both big companies who see the promise of this new business model and individual operators searching for a low-cost arrangement use this model with ERP for Cloud Kitchen Technology.  How to Make Profit with Ghost Kitchens?  Uber Eats claims that restaurants that put up “ghost kitchens” can boost sales by 50%. Deliveroo is expanding its international rollout of ghost kitchens because of its promising scope. Make sure you implement Cloud Restaurant Software which provides real-time visibility and data analysis to make the right decisions. Given below are a few ways to make a profit out of your cloud kitchen business.  Create a plan using the data   To understand typical consumer behavior and potential untapped opportunities in terms of what markets you should target, what kind of menu you should offer, and what third-party operators would be most suitable for you, research demand and identify market gaps, or if you already run an F&B operation, use your restaurant analytics. To top it off, make sure you employ Cloud Kitchen Management Solution. Establish commercial kitchen facilities adjacent to your busiest delivery locations. By reducing the delivery distance, you will be able to serve more clients who desire food. Is demand significant? To estimate whether you would require more than one kitchen, determine your typical meal preparation time and throughput.  Present a menu holding up during the transportation   Every item you prepare in your cloud kitchen must be just as delicious as the food you serve in your actual eateries. This means that you must find methods of transporting your food that will keep it warm while preventing sogginess. The people from the original restaurant who are familiar with the food, how it should be cooked, and how it should be presented may also need to be included in each new ghost kitchen to maintain the quality to your standards.  Get the Appropriate Cloud Kitchen Management Solution   You need a Cloud Kitchen Management Solution that can interface with third-party delivery operators and allow you to track the source and timing of orders if you want to ensure error-free and prompt service. Incoming orders must also be sent directly to the kitchen so that your chefs can begin to work right away and have a clear understanding of what to make and in what order.  Use Business Intelligence to analyze Your data  Finally, the current and future of your hospitality business depend on a data analytics platform like Power BI. You will minimize waste, correctly reorder ingredients, and increase revenue every day. Long-term decisions on menu items, price, or even where to open new sites can be based on a solid foundation provided by transparent business data.  The secret ingredient to any successful strategy is using the latest technology. A Cloud Kitchen Management Solution like LS Central provides a set of tools to ensure streamline your operations and assist in providing the best customer service. Being hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud, it ensures maximum safety and security. If you are looking for Cloud Kitchen Software Implementation, Contact Trident Information Systems, a Gold D365 Partner, and Diamond LS Central Partner. 

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DevOps can be One of the Best Investments You Make for Your Restaurant Delivery Services

Are your customers facing difficulties in ordering food online? Is your online delivery app crashing again and again? Is this situation frustrating you and your customers? It signals it’s time to invest in Agile DevOps. During Quarantine, the trend for online food ordering grew at an immense speed. Many restaurants already started online food delivery services, but after the lockdown, the situation got overwhelmed.   The pandemic forced the whole world to stay at home. People stopped going out to eat and rather, ordered and ate their favorite meals at home. Results? Many applications started crashing.   To avoid extreme situations like this, employing robust DevOps Software is a smarter decision. If you are wondering how your online delivery service should behave, given below are some points to clear that out:   It should receive orders from the application, website, and even chatbots.   It should successfully handle various payment gateways.   It should send the ‘forgotten cart’ notifications to the customers to encourage them to finish their orders.   It should be able to store order history to understand customer preferences and create loyalty programs.   These features can be added to the application with either plugins or add-ons. You can also get them customized by a third-party service provider. Moreover, you can provide the smoothest online delivery services with Agile DevOps.   A Ukrainian startup called All Set Now, has added 2500+ restaurants across the 12 states of the United States. This brand helped all its members to grow their delivery revenue immensely and boosted their table turnover by 200% while their customers lived happily and healthily.   This is just the beginning of the endless opportunities to help you grow your restaurant to an unexpected level. Starting with AR/ VR to provide a preview of the custom meals to using voice assistance to place orders.   Do you know the best part of modern technology? It helps you innovate solutions fast and on budget. However, during unexpected events like a pandemic, DevOps Solutions can be a lifesaver. Agile DevOps helps restaurants to develop and operate teams to create robust technologies to cater to frequent customers who cannot cook at home.   What is DevOps and How Does it Work?  DevOps is a strategy for managing cloud infrastructure and software development that enables enterprises to deploy apps and manage them in production quickly and affordably. This is accomplished by automating repetitive procedures and setting up CI/CD pipelines so that the IT systems supporting your operations may function with little assistance from your team and with little oversight.  More importantly, DevOps Service Providers also field specialized teams of software engineers crucial for restaurants as they often don’t have an internal software development team. By doing this, you have immediate access to a team of experts who can create applications for you fast and affordably.  So How Does Agile DevOps Work?  The most common and time-consuming repetitive procedures are provisioning testing environments and creating new app versions while building and operating any program in a production environment. DevOps Tools enable Infrastructure as Code (IaC) utilizing toolchains like Terraform, Kubernetes, Helm, and Docker. It allows you to write down in text files, or “manifests,” all the settings and variables of every computer environment required for creating your application in plain, straightforward terms.  Using CI/CD pipelines, or Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery procedures is the next stage in the Agile DevOps journey. These are automated scenarios where the results of one operation serve as the input for the following one. If the tests are successful, CI/CD pipelines make sure that new code can be automatically tested, produced, uploaded to the staging server, tested again, and submitted to production with a single code commit. This guarantees quick and inexpensive software delivery, enabling outcomes you need to launch your application in a month rather than a year.  The most significant benefit of a DevOps Platform is that it is a practical application of Agile methodology, allowing you to create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for your delivery service application in a week, release it to stay connected with your regular users, and then refine it to attract new users. This might be a crucial step in addressing the unexpected dilemma and moving on effectively.  For end-to-end software delivery services, MVP creation, and continuing Agile DevOps support, get in touch with a reputable DevOps as a service organization like Trident Information Systems. Contact us if you have any questions about adopting DevOps for restaurant delivery services, or Monitoring Tools in DevOps.  

DevOps can be One of the Best Investments You Make for Your Restaurant Delivery Services Read More »

DevOps Software

Why You Should Not Avoid DevOps?

DevOps is a concept and method that is constantly growing. DevOps Software promotes quicker, better application development and faster distribution of new or updated software features or goods to consumers.  The Agile DevOps methods promote improved, continuous communication, cooperation, integration, visibility, and transparency between application development teams (Dev) and their counterparts in the IT operation teams (Ops).  Every stage of the DevOps lifecycle—from early software design to the phases of coding, building, testing, and releasing, and on to deployment, operations, and continuing monitoring—is characterized by this tighter link between “Dev” and “Ops.” This connection fuels an ongoing feedback loop with customers that leads to creation, testing, and deployment which are all improved upon. The quicker, and continuous deployment of required feature modifications or additions may be one outcome of these efforts.   DevOps Software can help in these areas. Some individuals divide DevOps aims into four categories: culture, automation, measurement, and sharing (CAMS). By automating time-consuming, manual, or static procedures involved in integration, development, testing, deployment, or monitoring, these technologies help speed up and improve collaboration in development and operations workflows.  Why is DevOps Software Important?  A major objective of Deployment Tools in DevOps is customer satisfaction and the quicker delivery of value, along with efforts to cut obstacles for better communication and collaboration between development and IT operations teams. Additionally, DevOps Software is intended to support company innovation and the pursuit of ongoing process improvement.  The DevOps Tools promote business value delivery to clients of an organization that is quicker, better, and more secure. More frequent product releases, features, or upgrades might represent this value. It may have to do with how soon a product update or new function reaches customers while keeping the necessary quality and security standards. Or it may concentrate on how soon a problem or flaw is found, fixed, and then re-released.  Software performance, availability, and reliability are all supported by the underlying infrastructure when it is initially designed, tested, and then put into production. DevOps Framework comes up with many other benefits such as:   Better Focus on the Customers  The shift to DevOps Software puts the team back in the customer’s shoes. It’s simple to make the mistake of believing that the ultimate purpose of software development is to create extremely excellent software. Because the program turns out so beautifully in the end, this mentality makes it plausible to justify lengthy development and delivery deadlines.  Who said the program is genuinely superior despite a lengthy development period? But more crucially, focusing just on the program causes you to overlook the client—one thing that defines your company’s existence.  Integrate Teams for Quicker Product Shipment   DevOps Software also allows other teams, such as operations, to benefit from working in an agile or iterative setting. However, operations teams have found it difficult to keep up and are unable to deliver software as quickly. These teams are united by DevOps Model, which speeds up software delivery. Are clients concerned about a quicker development timeline? No doubt. It is a competitive advantage if you can do the task twice as quickly while maintaining the quality of your work.  Simplifies Development Focus  There are two ways to develop a release; a major release, which bundles several features into a single deployment, or a rapid release, where features are rolled out one at a time. Because you generally won’t be able to adjust the list of features too much after you get started, if you have a huge release, you probably worry about prioritizing a lengthy list of features that go into that version. And if you do make significant modifications, you must take into account the work that has already been completed before you start making new adjustments. The components of a release become entangled.  On the other hand, if you reduce the quantity of work you do, you may significantly simplify how you prioritize your tasks. Your team works on one feature every day or every week, integrating creating and releasing into a seamless system. In contrast to a major release, when you might have to spend time sifting through several issues if something goes wrong, there is only one thing to look at.  Automates Development Operations  In general, engineers and developers don’t spend enough effort automating processes for their benefit. Why? There has never been a need to if your team has always done large releases. Few new installations occur each year, so why consider automation? However, a more efficient deployment process, supported by automation, will greatly reduce time spent due to faster, smaller releases that happen more often. (Time that may be spent on further innovation or addressing other company issues.)  What should be automated? Start with the elements of your releases that are routine. Testing and drafting specifications typically have parts that may be automated. Be careful not to automate processes or create new technological tools only for their own sake. Know why you are automating and what advantages or time savings you expect. Not all automation is worth the effort it takes to create them.  To remain competitive in the market, you must incorporate DevOps Software into your organization. Contact Trident Information Systems if you wish for a demonstration.  

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Restaurant Management System

4 Magical Tips to Use AI to Transform Your Restaurant Business 

Many Businesses are benefiting from AI machine Learning. The hospitality industry is not behind either. Those who once worked on silos are now using a unified Restaurant Management System with embedded AI features like LS Retail Software Solution. Restaurants realized the actual value of AI during times of unpredictability; the time when every economy almost collapsed.    They are now embracing contactless delivery, kitchen robotics, and order aggregation. Not just this, in 2020, Artificial Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry is valued at USD 3.07 billion in 2020 and is estimated to reach USD 29.94 in 2026. These statistics reveal how spontaneously the trend is catching fire.   Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning cannot be replaced as they are the major income-driving assets for a company. However, many other businesses are slowly and steadily getting into the heat.   There are Restaurant Management Software embedding AI features. LS Central Hospitality Management Solution is one of the most common examples so far. It can forecast demands and potential threats on the way, which helps cut costs and manage waste. It also offers a single platform to manage all your orders and most importantly, it gives essential customer insights.  There are many ways you can optimize the power of AI to boost sales and transform your restaurant. Our team discovered the top 4 ways to use AI to get the maximum benefits out of it.   Tips to Transform Your Restaurant Using AI-embedded Restaurant Management System    AI optimizes machine learning algorithms and offers essential insights per situation. Artificial intelligence plays an important role in personalizing services for customers and gives a competitive edge in the business. Given below are some essential tips to optimally use your AI-embedded Restaurant Management System to transform your business.  #1 Use AI to Find Recipe Ideas   Track your customers, what they ordered, what they didn’t like, and how your services can be improved. A Restaurant Management System like LS Retail Hospitality Management System Software provides Business Intelligence tools to get accurate business insights. You can use them to find the most popular dishes and recipes you can improve. You can even innovate recipes once you get the hand on favors customers prefer the most. You can engage your research team to mix-match a few flavors and see how it is doing on the menu. For instance, blending strawberries with tomato juice gives a unique flavor, you can innovate a recipe, put it up on the menu, and see how it is doing.     Remove Dishes from the Menu that are Not in Demand   Why would you even want to invest in something that’s not returning your revenue at all? Purchasing inventory for dishes nobody wants to try is only adding more costs, nothing else. Look through customer data to find how well each of your dishes is doing and cut undesirable dishes. You can either do your research manually, or you can employ a Restaurant Management System that can do it for you. LS Retail Power BI tool extracts, filters, and presents data into insightful dashboards which will help you improve your food and customer experience.  Set Menus Based on Locations  People in different locations prefer different sorts of delicacies. For instance, the sale of a classic beef burger will be relatively low in a location with a maximum Hindu population in Ontario. Hence, it makes no sense to add more beef burgers to the menu, they should choose chicken, fish, goat, and egg items. Find out which is the best location to set a specific menu. You can use the Restaurant Management System to extract relevant insights.    Make Your Customer Feel Being Cared for Using Insights  Make sure your customers feel heard and are being cared for. Take note of their last feedback, pay attention to their grievances, and don’t forget to mention that their last issue has been resolved already. Make sure they feel you remember them and that you are special to them. This way, they will become loyal to your brand. Reinforce your staff with handheld devices like LS Retail POS which makes ordering and billing processes easier and quicker. With LS Retail ERP, you can send the orders straight to the kitchen right from the table. You can also include extra instructions on the way. This will not only save a lot of time and effort, but your staff will have enough strength to take care of customers in the best way.   There are multiple ways you can use an AI-based Restaurant Management System to increase your restaurant sales. With essential insights, you can innovate hundreds of strategies to draw more customers. If you wish to employ Hospitality Management Software you can choose LS Retail, it is an extension to Microsoft Dynamics 365. Hence, being hosted by and on Microsoft Azure Cloud, it guarantees data security. Contact Trident Information Systems for further information.   

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