Retail ERP Software

ERP for Retail

How Does ERP for Retail Help You Cut down Retail Queues?

Did you know that long queues can make customers not want to come back to your store? About 70% of customers in a poll even said that they will not want to return to a particular store where they had to stand in long queues. LS Retail is a cloud-based ERP for Retail that helps retailers to manage their stores efficiently. It provides an end-to-end solution for managing all aspects of retail operations, including inventory, sales channels, and Customer Relationship Management.   LS Retail ERP helps retailers to connect with their customers efficiently using a real-time interface. The product has been designed in such a way that it can easily be integrated into existing ERP systems or any other applications that you might have deployed on your business premises.  In this blog, we will further discuss how LS Retail helps cut down queues in your retail store.   How Can You Reduce Queues in Retail Stores?  Customer service is one of the most important aspects of the retail business. It is a crucial part of your business and can help you to achieve success in it. Given below are some tips to help you eliminate queues and make customers happy:  Install More Mobile POS  Without having to construct additional checkout lines or pay for additional software features, wouldn’t it be convenient to have more POS machines available during peak hours? This is now possible because sophisticated point-of-sale (POS) software can run on tablets and smartphones, allowing you the ability to add mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) devices as needed and then store them away when business is slow. With mobile POS, your workers can scan things and take card payments right away, reducing wait times at the register. Anywhere on the shop floor, mobile POS can be used to give services, such as checking an item’s availability or description.  Set up a Different Space for Complex Transitions  Simple transactions such as buying and paying for the same usually flow smoothly. However, they are not the only transaction types that can be seen in retail stores. Some customers would want to exchange an item, redeem their loyalty points, sign up for a subscription, and so on. For such transactions, it is always smarter to set up a dedicated counter for the customers. An ERP for Retail can help you manage everything on the same platform. It becomes easier to manage everything when you have the same database.   Choose an Intuitive POS   Expect irritated personnel, unhappy customers, and long queues in your store if your checkout system is difficult to understand and difficult to operate. Because the (sometimes very young) employees have to use a booklet with codes to register things without a barcode, there is a supermarket chain They avoid on the weekends. Processing a cartload of various veggies can take a while at the register since the cashier must first try to identify the item in the plastic bag before looking up the relevant code in the booklet. And guess what if he’s wrong? Oh, he must call for a manager.  You may speed up processes at the register and reduce training periods by selecting an ERP for Retail with an intuitive Point of Sale system with a simple-to-use interface and quick learning curve (a great plus, especially if staff turnover is high in your store). Learn what qualities to look for in a retail point of sale and choose software that can help your company.  A single line has several benefits: first, no server is idle while there are still customers waiting; second, the waiting time is the same for everyone, even if one register gets stuck for any reason; and finally, a single line feels “fairer” to those waiting because they know they will be served in the order of arrival.  Get an ERP for Retail   When choosing new software, search for platforms that have a reputation for being dependable and quick to process transactions. You don’t want to end up in long lines or lose clients because of technical difficulties or because “the computer is stuck again!” One of our customers told us a horrifying tale about their old point-of-sale system failing in the middle of the Christmas Eve rush. The systems in their main store went down due to one of our cash registers locking up. They had to manually handle each transaction by writing it down, which resulted in long lineups outside the store. That day, they easily lost $20,000, and who knows how it will affect repeat business in the future. They concluded that reliability is the most crucial factor to consider while selecting a system. The business is now content to use LS Central  ERP for Retail.  Summing Up  Long lines could be a wonderful problem to have since they indicate how well-liked your store is. However, this translates to delayed service, boredom, and stressed-out staff members for your customers. Customers wait eagerly for establishments without cashiers and lines, but you may move things forward by cutting down on wait times by following the tips above and getting an ERP for Retail. Please get in touch with us if you need assistance identifying the appropriate technology to enhance the shopping experience in your establishments. Trident Information Systems is a D365 Gold Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner.

How Does ERP for Retail Help You Cut down Retail Queues? Read More »

Do Not Make These Mistakes or You Can Lose Massive Sales Opportunities In This Festive Season

Many merchants discovered the hard way that the busy holiday shopping season would overwhelm their e-commerce platforms. The holiday season was often a textbook illustration of how not to do business, from shipping the wrong product to canceling orders owing to stockouts to making returns of broken goods challenging. There is no doubt that many merchants still have a lot to learn about selling – and keeping customers pleased – across various channels. Successful businesses use robust technology such as ERP software for Ecommerce to keep up with the uncertainties and smooth out the sales process.   #1 Do Not Make Promises You Know You Can’t Keep   On December 10, Anna is browsing an established retailer’s online store. She chooses to get the ideal lamp for her brother. The order has been accepted, and delivery will take place in 5 working days. An email notifying Anna that her order had to be canceled owing to stock availability was sent to her a week later. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please accept our apology. Now that Christmas is just a few days away, Anna doesn’t have a present for her brother and doesn’t have time to go out and get one. But at least she has the store’s sincere regrets! That will improve everything right away!  Quick Fix: Integrate Your Channels with ERP software for Ecommerce  For their consumers’ buying experiences to be seamless, retailers that offer omnichannel shopping must link their channels. In the event that your channels are not connected, you can sell something on your online store only to discover after the fact that it is genuinely out of stock. Because the e-commerce portal uses the general ledger to retrieve real-time stock information, a system with true omnichannel integration, like LS Retail ERP software for eCommerce, ensures that your online store always contains up-to-date product information.  #2 Delivering the Wrong Item   When Marco discovers that the shorts he ordered online have arrived in time for his sun and sea vacation, he is overjoyed. But as soon as he opens the package, he sees the sizing is off. He double-checks his order: even though he marked XL, a Small was received instead. He will never be able to change the thing before his departure because he is departing in two days.  Quick Fix: Get Visibility into the Value Chain   Retailers lose an average of 4.4% of their sales due to customer returns. Returns frequently occur for causes outside the retailer’s control. However, you only have yourself to blame when you are the reason. Even if not all returns can be avoided, an effective ERP software for Ecommerce can help lower the risk of returns by, for instance, guaranteeing that consumers who make online purchases receive the precise item they bought – in the right model, color, and size.  #3 Not Interacting with the Customers Very Well   Linda purchased an evening gown online, but it arrived late. She worries that she might not have it in time for her new year’s celebration. She tries to follow the order, but the website doesn’t provide a way for her to do so. Linda emails customer service, but all she gets in return is an automated message saying, “Thank you for your email. We will investigate your issue after learning about your difficulty and expressing our concern. Warm regards. A few days later, Linda calls customer service but doesn’t get a clear response. She requests that they postpone the dress and makes the decision to go downtown and buy whatever she can find at the mall at the last minute.  Quick Fix: Keep Communication Channel Open   How would your customers know if you did your packing and shipment on time if you didn’t tell them? Your level of communication defines the level of gratification your customers will get. The best strategy is to stay true and provide transparency for building trust between you and your customers. Always be straightforward with your customers even before they start purchasing from you. Imagine how humiliating it will be for your customers to see a message that states, “extra charges for bulky items”, or “we only ship in Canada” after making a purchase. Avoid making these mistakes.   Mistakes are common. However, to avoid big mistakes you must employ ERP software for eCommerce. Prefer a platform that combines Retail ERP and CRM at the same time, like LS Retail ERP. If you wish to implement LS Retail Software Solution, you can Contact Trident Information Systems, a Diamond LS Retail Partner.

Do Not Make These Mistakes or You Can Lose Massive Sales Opportunities In This Festive Season Read More »

You Will Never Dread Inflation Again with ERP Software for Retail

You are already aware that the rising inflation rate is having a detrimental effect on consumers and businesses. As prices for everything, including food, electricity bills, and household goods, soar to record highs, everyone is feeling the effects. Trade associations, particularly among poorer households who are more vulnerable to the effects of inflation, like the National Retail Federation (NRF) in the US, which monitors industry changes, emphasize some of the ways that these kinds of events alter consumer behavior. Retail industry leaders too are impacted by the situation. However, they can use it as an opportunity with ERP Software for Retail. With Retail Business Software, retailers can make ground-breaking profits in inflation with attractive policies.   Even though it’s challenging to predict exactly what will occur in the coming months, we do know that the retail business has survived and, in some circumstances, even thrived throughout prior recessions. Analyst McKinsey provides a more optimistic analysis of the situation, saying that “retailers may convert these obstacles into opportunities – if they make bold, strategic decisions.” These decisions are typically influenced by retailers’ digital transformation journeys, (ERP Software for Retail) which aid them in acquiring the transparency, knowledge, and abilities required to safeguard margins and promptly address shifting customer and corporate demands.  In light of this, the following five technological strategies can help your business become more resistant to inflation and other issues in the future:  Order Only What Will Sell  It might seem obvious that you must stock the necessary items but is it that easy? Without real-time insights, you cannot understand what items will sell at a specific time. Implement ERP Software for Retail which allows live market updates and statistics to help you analyze the right strategy for upcoming sales. LS Retail ERP will help you analyze the sentiments and spending patterns of your customers to provide them with the best deals during inflation.   Furthermore, ERP for Retail will help you identify present and future buying trends and upcoming shortfalls in your supply chain. Reinforcing your business with retail analysis helps you understand your customer’s patterns, which will be useful for your marketing planning.   Set Reasonable and Appealing Pricing   To attract customers, you do not have to sell your products cheaply all the time, nor must you run a marketing campaign most of the time. Your customers may perceive your brand otherwise and may not even want to pay enough for the full price for your products.   Instead, with ERP Software for Retail and its analytic tools, use this time as an opportunity to reset your promotional strategies. You can think of creative ideas of how you can provide products to customers at reasonable prices while saving your costs and profit margin.   A UK-based retail company, Sainsbury’s, did just that. They introduced new pricing pledges during the inflation as it eased the financial pressure on customers while helping them make more profit. This way not only did they bond emotionally with them but also managed to make a profit. CEO Simon Roberts said that they have invested £60 million to lower the prices so their customers could get exclusive offers and meal deals on budget.  Improve Your Staff Performance with ERP Software for Retail   It doesn’t take long to see that high staff turnover continues to be a significant concern for merchants in this sector. The average staff turnover rate in retail, according to NRF, is over 60%, which is significantly higher than the average for other industries, which is approximately 19%. The expenses incurred due to all those people joining and leaving your payroll quickly mount up. Recruiting, recruiting, onboarding, and training consume time and resources from store management and cost your company money. What can you do, then, to entice the greatest employees, maintain their productivity, and motivate them to stay with you?  A cutting-edge POS Software Solution undoubtedly helps. It not only enables you to organize and monitor employee schedules, but it also provides you with a comprehensive picture of costs and results. With this knowledge, you can handle brief and overstaffed times, identify high performers and reward them, and give those who require tailored coaching and guidance.  Filter Your Omnichannel Strategies   Retailers are preparing for less foot traffic in their businesses due to rising energy costs and gasoline and fuel costs. According to a poll by Alvarez and Marsal’s Consumer and Retail Group (CRG), more than half of consumers usually or exclusively shop when they truly need something, which results in fewer trips to the store and more things being purchased in bulk per transaction.  In these circumstances, maintaining a connection with your consumers and enticing them to do business with you depends on having a seamless physical and digital presence. Make those experiences count whether customers are visiting your business less frequently or shopping online less frequently. McKinsey provides the following illustration of what this coordinated shopping experience may entail: Retailers can access all of our omnichannel chances to place an order and pick it up using ERP Software for Retail, which will also assist you with navigating and offer you visibility into the goods in the shop. You are welcome to use a QR code to conduct product research while standing in the aisle.  Inflation hits every business but retail the hardest. Retailers need ERP Software for Retail during this time to accurately analyze the market and supply chain. LS Retail provides a complete ERP and CRM suite to help retailers thrive even during inflation. If you are looking for an LS Retail Implementation Partner, you can Contact Trident Information Systems. We are a Gold Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation Partner and Diamond LS Central Partner. For further details Contact Us Today!  

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Grab Retail Sales Opportunities with LS Retail Power BI!

LS Retail ERP fosters Power BI which is a set of services, connectors, and apps that coordinate together to turn unrelated sources of data into visually impressive, coherent, and interactive insights. You might record data in a spreadsheet or a collection of cloud-based and on-premises hybrid data warehouses. However, Power BI ensures easy data source connection followed by visualizing and identifying essential inputs and sharing them with anyone you want.   Microsoft Power BI sets an example of being one of the most popular SaaS (Software as a Service) Power BI services. You can use it on both your PC and mobile devices.    Role of Power BI in Sales   Any organization sets benchmarks based on its sales. A sales increment contributes to more customers, revenue, and profit. There was a time when sales data was tracked manually. It was researched and combined from various sources and transmitted into a single report. All the manual work made it tedious and prone to errors.    An organization cannot create relevant sales-boosting strategies without real-time data precisely displayed in a report. Be it on current market trends, customers, competitors, or KPIs, to take relevant action, one needs accurate data. This is where LS Retail ERP comes into play. Power BI automatically draws data from various sources and turns it into actionable reports.    How to Boost Sales with Power BI?   Sales will not increase automatically, decision-makers need a proper understanding of their environment and relevant aspects to come up with the most logical and feasible sales-boosting strategies. Planning needs data, real-accurate data. A little input inaccuracy can lead to internal as well as external losses.     A data-driven dashboard that BI generates displays essentials that need to be taken care of. Compiled data from various sources and formats transmuted into visual dashboards helps decision-makers to get a full-fledged picture of their business right in front of them. They can analyze each store’s performance and make necessary modifications, track sales performance, and much more. Here are five ideas to boost sales using LS Retail Power BI.    Carry out In-Depth Sales Analysis and Forecast    The very first step to employing LS Retail ERP to boost sales is to study your sales pattern. With Power BI Services, analyze sales made in the past few months and identify your mistakes. Compare the most recent sales with the previous ones and spot the difference. Identify the time you made the most sales, what strategies you used, and if it is possible to implement them again. Change your current strategies if required. Study previous statistics where you made the least sales, track the pattern and identify the redundant processes you might be repeating. Thoroughly study and compare your sales. Identify the factors or ingredients your customers did not appreciate earlier and try to avoid them. Suppose you increase your restaurant sales by 30% in 2018 when your restaurant offers free coke with a pizza. Identify the probability of an increase in sales if you implement the same or similar strategy again.    Be Creative with Meal Variations    Track the meals in demand the most, launch their variations or side dishes and offer them out. What ingredients can you add or remove from your meals? Offer unique side dishes like a new cake variation or add a mix of different herbs to French fries. You can also launch innovative dip ranges with simple snacks like chips, French fries, chicken nuggets, potatoes nuggets, etc. such as cashew cream, creamy jalapeno dip, Romasco sauce, Persian cucumber dip, and so on. With LS Retail ERP you get plenty from different touchpoints.   Create Loyalty Programs and Special Deals    Understand each of your customers, scan through their most recent purchase, and read their spending behavior with Power BI. customize exclusive deals and plans based on their preferences. Classify customers into distinct groups and launch specialized offers for them. Prepare meal plans and meal deals, avail loyalty points, and allow them to be redeemed at a given time.    Encourage Your Staff to be More Productive with LS Retail ERP Track each member of staff’s performance and identify how you can boost their efficiency. Notice the technical and non-technical aspects impacting them. Check if they are compatible with modern technology. Analyze their pain points, try to resolve them, and identify the factors that would drive them to perform better. Encourage employees to work better with regular awards and rewards. It becomes easier if you have LS Retail ERP at your back. Ask your customers for their feedback on the staff hoisting them and reward the best-reviewed staff members at the end of every month or quarterly. This boosts your employees’ morale and drives other employees to give their best.   LS Retail ERP provides a set of tools essential to boost your employee’s productivity.  Referral Promotion Through Power BI     This is one of the most common and effective sales-boosting methods. Select a meal or a meal plan you wish to increase demand for. Launch exclusive discounts for people who bring more people with them. Suppose a person brings two people along and offers a 20% discount on the meal on offer and a coupon to the person who brought them. If he brings three people along, offer a 30% discount. Stretch discounts to a maximum of 50% for 6 people and above. Some might even try other dishes that are not on offer as well. Hence, boosting your overall sales.    Planning gets easier when you have a comprehensive report on every aspect of your business. To boost sales, LS Retail ERP and its Power BI functionalities can assist and backup your creative strategies. If integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI), it can open doors to numerous opportunities, from analyzing current market dynamics to understanding competition strategies. Trident Information Systems is a Gold Microsoft Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner and serves various successful businesses with Power BI services.  For queries, Contact Us Today! 

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Is Poor Customer Management Haunting Your Business in This Festive Season? Not Anymore!

In the not-too-distant past, Halloween marked the transition from summer to the succeeding winter holidays with color, foreshadowing the impending season of heavy consumer spending. According to the National Retail Federation, 40% of Americans now start their holiday shopping before Halloween. You must be ready to manage this rush of customers and uphold the same standard of customer care as you do the rest of the year. It is best to implement ERP Software for Retail.  According to Deloitte, customers typically tell nine people about a pleasant customer experience but 16 people about a poor one. Even if this number is horrifying, careful holiday planning might help you overcome your phobias. Let’s look at the finest strategies for avoiding being haunted by unhappy customers throughout the remainder of the holiday season.  Cut Out-of-Stocks with ERP Software for Retail   During festive times, customers are already busy with many tasks. Because of this, they prefer only those stores that will provide smooth services. Imagine many customers entering your store and finding the missing commodity. They might get frustrated and not prefer your store in peak times in the future. According to the HCL group, retailers lose up to 1 trillion dollars every year due to out-of-stock commodities. The number is shocking but provides a great business opportunity for you.   You can become the store that holds all the popular commodities all the time. But managing rhythm can get difficult with siloes systems. You should invest in ERP Software for Retail that gives real-time inventory updates, and many other robust features to effectively manage your inventory.   Even if you go out-of-stock sometime, you can make it visible on your online store. Get Software for eCommerce Website that can manage your online and offline store. You can then manage your store and warehouse altogether, leading to happy customers and five-star reviews.   Offer Exciting Promotions  This is a very common yet effective technique to attract more customers. Moreover, the Festive season is the best time to move your extra stock out on sale. Ideally, a sale aims to provide benefits to you and your customers. Check how your previous sales went and how you can make it even better this time.   You should aim to provide competitive prices without having to disbalance the perception of “value”. If you provide an item at excessively low prices, it can backfire. Your customers can perceive the product as a compromised quality item. You need to maintain your balance.   Furthermore, you can make strategies to convince your customers to purchase more. Look through your previous interactions with them and understand their spending pattern. Employ Business Intelligence for fast and accurate reports. You can tremendously boost cross-sell and upsell.  Retail CRM Software like LS Retail comes with Power BI which collects a pool of data from Retail POS Software and filters it to generate actionable reports. This data is crucial for any successful strategy.   Embrace Unified Commerce  Given that more and more people are integrating online technology into their daily lives, your company should ideally have both traditional and online shops. It is equally crucial that these shops can exchange data in real-time, allowing all channels of commerce to benefit from what your company has to offer.  Some shops use add-ons that they link with their existing systems to address this issue. These, however, may leave them with Frankenstein’s monster of many modules and suppliers, all of which produce inconsistent data and perform inefficiently. As a result, you are left with dissatisfied customers who, after carefully weighing their options and selecting a product to purchase, only to receive a message through email two days later informing them that their order cannot be fulfilled because it is currently out of stock. Or even worse, they can place an online order for an item that is in stock with pick-up in-store just to find out when they get there that it’s unavailable. According to Gartner, 58% of consumers believe that having access to inventory status online throughout a purchase is crucial.  With ERP Software for Retail, you can choose which of your street-side and online promotions to match, and customers may exchange and return things they’ve bought online at customer service counters within your physical stores. Most essential, the inventory figures displayed on your website will correspond to the stock in your store. Your customers will have a fantastic experience if you give them convenient and accurate product information.  In the era of heavy competition where every business is lurking to grab an opportunity, getting the latest ERP Software for Retail avails a competitive edge. ERP Software for Hypermarket like LS Retail allows Power BI Capabilities, Microsoft Azure Cloud Strength, and various robust features to get you the most profit in this festive season. If you are looking for a Retail POS Implementation Partner, Contact Trident Information Systems. We are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Partner and LS Retail Diamond Partner. For further queries, Contact Us Today! 

Is Poor Customer Management Haunting Your Business in This Festive Season? Not Anymore! Read More »

Try These 5 Hacks to Get 80% More Sales During This Festive Season: Guaranteed!

Festivals are around the corner. It’s time to extract the maximum benefits. Boost your potential with Retail Software. eCommerce sites are flooded with luring offers and deals! You must increase your presence with the right strategies. Make sure you have implied robust Search Engine Optimization.   At the same time, do not forget your in-store. It’s understandable that most businesses, in festive seasons particularly, are unable to provide as smooth and flexible services as they would in the off-season. Your staff may get overwhelmed with overloaded tasks and may not be able to serve every customer personally. Financial constraints, seasonal items, and temporary workers can put your revenue at risk. And if you aggravated a customer then, you may never see them back at your store.   Only suitable technology can handle this overwhelming situation. You can get wonderful results if you reinforce your business with powerful Retail Software that efficiently manages your brick-and-mortar store and e-commerce store simultaneously LS Retail ERP can be the best eCommerce Website Software that works for your retail in-store excellently.   In this blog, we will discuss Five guaranteed hacks to increase your sales by 80% this festive season:   Provide Ease to the Customer  Have you ever wondered why a customer would fight snow, rain, and wind only to visit an offline store to get the services they can get on their couch? They want to experience the touch and feel of the product. But what happens when they reach there, and the item is missing? They feel disheartened or may even frown at the situation. Everyone is in hurry and hence your staff must serve every customer and resolve their queries as fast as possible. You can also replace your legacy billing application with a Retail POS System that works as a sales assistant and an extension to your billing software. LS Central is one of the finest examples in this case. It can show product availability and records all the previous transactions of customers. You can also use the Retail Software to help customers repurchase an item that’s a name they can’t recall.  Give Your Customers Enough Space to Move Freely  Your store will get overcrowded during the festive season. Ensure enough space for your customers to roam around and check out different items, especially when they drag a cart. Check if the layout of your store is compatible to allow free movement. Also, notice if the placements of items are correct; check if some items are selling less than others. Modify the framework accordingly.   Be Organized (You Can Also Use a Retail Software)  Imagine walking into a clothing store to buy gifts and seeing stuff all over the place, shirts spread out on the floor, t-shirts scattered around, and a mannequin wearing a brand-new jacket that looks second-hand. Furthermore, it becomes hard for customers to find the appropriate item, followed by the right size. And it’s doubtful that they’ll want to spend the full price on shabby-looking products. They’ll probably depart out of frustration. Reinforcing your staff with Retail ERP Solution will help you avoid having your business resemble a battleground and will ensure that consumers who come through your doors can locate what they’re searching for.   Provide Precise Description   Is there another color available for this computer bag? Do you still have these in the pro version? As more and more consumers approach the store during the festive rush with a clear concept of what they are searching for and little time to squander, it is simple to become flustered.   At such a point, having the appropriate Retail Software is essential to support and increase sales. Many stores continue to use outdated IT infrastructure. These piecemeal systems frequently lack sufficient information synchronization, are expensive and time-consuming to operate, and prevent businesses from providing the services that customers want.   Therefore, they pose a significant danger and expense to the company, which exacerbates during the busy season. It’s better to consider a Retail Business Management Software that can manage your business on a single platform and provide a clear picture of your business to ensure a smooth operation throughout the holidays. It enables you to retrieve necessary data in real-time and gain insights. This further allows you to decide your next course of action and keep on top of things with confidence.  Extend the Return and Exchange Duration   People buy presents during the festive season, and naturally, some will not even work for them. This highlights the need of providing longer return policies that enable customers to return their purchases beyond New Year’s Day and under benevolent shipping terms. Accepting in-store returns for things purchased on an e-commerce website is essential for your company plan if you run an omnichannel operation. A UPS survey found that 60% of customers prefer to return things to a store and that 70% of them will make future purchases there.  You can make an incredible profit in this festive season, only if you work smartly and adopt efficient strategies. Our team of experts studies market gaps and discovered five hacks to boost your sales by 80%. You must invest in the latest Retail Software like LS Central. It is agile, flexible and provides a full-fledged suite of tools. Furthermore, it is hosted on Microsoft Cloud Azure, which means it’s extremely secure. Moreover, with Power BI, you can understand what exactly your customers want.   It is important to simplify your operations to optimize customer service. Get Retail Software that manages your ERP, finance, customer services, etc. on the same platform. If you are looking for a Retail ERP Implementation Partner, you can Contact Trident Information Systems. We are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner.   

Try These 5 Hacks to Get 80% More Sales During This Festive Season: Guaranteed! Read More »

ERP Software for Retailers.

Is your Retail staff unhappy? Here is How to Fix it.  

One of the most critical factors that businesses consider when it comes to customer service is the quality of their employees and the technology they use. Many big retail brands prefer ERP Software for Retailers. However, a poorly-staffed retail store can lead to a customer dropping out of their shopping list. According to a study conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 32% of consumers will stop buying from a brand they love after one bad experience.  After a customer has left a negative review on social media, their friends and family might also follow suit. This could lead to a few more people dropping out of the shopping list.  As an employer, you can also take various steps to improve the quality of your employees’ work lives such as implementing a Retail Management System Software. These include implementing policies and procedures that will help improve their engagement and job satisfaction.  Some of the common problems that can affect the performance of your employees are poor communication, absenteeism, and poor performance. To avoid these, there are a lot of things you can do. But let’s discuss some problems and their best possible solution.   #1 Problem: You Lack a Proper Set of Rules  Have you set stable rules for your employees? Do you have certain rules to train your new staff? Does your new set of staff know what is expected of them? You must disclose what they are expected to do and how they must behave. How they can resolve common customer queries and escalate issues wherever required, and how they must use your Store Management Software  . They must have easy access to the rules of conduct to remind themselves how to react.   Training your staff about the rules of conduct may feel tiring but it is essential. Your staff feels confident if they know what is expected of them and how they must behave in a certain situation. Moreover, it also supports consistent customer service.   Solution: Retail brands are creating simple sets of rules and many of them are even using ERP Software for Retailers which helps them set and manage their rules of conduct. One such software is LS Retail Software Solution.    #2 Problem: Your Employees Feel Left Out  One of the most common factors hampering your staff’s efficiency is not feeling a part of the group. Some research reveals that staff who have a best friend at their workplace tend to work seven times more efficiently. People in a team have a strong sense of shared purpose, rely on each other, and share responsibilities and achievements. The secret is to create a connection that exceeds your work time.    Solution: Build team spirit among staff. Engage them in activities requiring teamwork such as drumming, sports, yoga, etc. Anything that needs collaboration will work. For those working remotely, you can create spaces for collaboration, followed by some informal moments where your staff could chat and share common interests.   #3 Problem: Lack of Official Channel of Communication   How many times did you have to call your employees frantically to find out about the last-minute update? Have you witnessed employee(s) gathering in front of your cabin to find out if their time-off requests have been accepted, or probably you have lost them? There will be many instances where communication plays a massive role. Inefficient communication will only lead to chaos. Hence you need to implement a technology that supports a strong communication medium.   Solution: The best ERP Software for Retailers includes tools that support effective communication. A space where employees could connect and share information in real-time is a must-have these days. One such Software for Retail Shop is LS Central. This Retail Software is Microsoft-driven and provides tools such as Teams and outlook where employees can communicate with one another via quick chats and emails.   #4: Inability to Optimize Your Workforce  Your employees have to fulfil a task even if they feel bored. At some point, all employees are guilty of not being able to optimize their staff efficiency. For instance: Linda is good with kids, maybe she should manage the kid’s section. And John is very organized, he must be assigned the responsibility to arrange the items received. Another issue can be time: you may need more than two staff at a POS station. You can save your efforts and resources with the right ERP Software for Retailers.    Moreover, your staff can do a lot more with the right technology in hand. For instance, empowering your employees with a Retail POS enhances their customer service twofold. Further, you can take some time to understand your staff’s skills to assign the perfect task to them. You can store your staff detailers in your ERP Software for Retailers and use them for the best situation.   One of the key solutions is to implement ERP Software for Retailers which helps you optimize your staff, provides tools for adequate communication, and sets and manages rules for consistent conduct of workflow.   LS Retail is a unified Store Management Software. Driven by Microsoft, it provides all the tools necessary to run a smooth retail business followed by Azure security. If you are looking for LS Retail Implementation, you can contact Trident Information Systems. We are a Gold Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation Partner and LS Retail Diamond Partner. Many famous retail businesses have leveraged our ERP Software for Retailers and thrived in the industry. Contact us for further information.  

Is your Retail staff unhappy? Here is How to Fix it.   Read More »

LS Retail ERP

How Can Supermarkets Reduce Food Waste?

Have you ever realized how much food your business is wasting every year? Probably more than you realize! It contributes to the waste management burdens on a significant level globally. According to The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, wasted food costs add up to US$936 billion a year. It is burdening the food management system and causing major threats to global issues like climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. The UN is urging countries across the globe to cut the waste in half by 2030. ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning) like LS Retail ERP have proven itself to be effective in tackling this situation. It is recommended to contact LS Retail Gold Partners as they are backed up with a strong track record.   It is shocking to note that the United Kingdom alone is throwing away food that makes up to 190 million meals a year. The edible surplus is going into animal feeds, landfills, or plants.   Food wastage is a global issue that needs to be tackled as quickly as possible, but it also needs a balancing strategy as well. By their very nature, supermarkets tend to stock up varied materials with different shelf lives and end up throwing up food that is no longer considered fresh. They need to find a suitable solution to guide them in buying relevant items in relevant amounts while fulfilling customer demands and providing fresh material at all costs.  We have compiled a list of solutions for you to minimize waste as much as possible.  #1 Manage Expiry Dates Properly   One of the major factors leading to food waste is expiry dates. It has been estimated that 87% of food that is wasted from grocery stores is because of them having to dispose of expired products.   The first thing that the stores can do is to educate their customers about what exactly the expiry date means. Many consumers do know the difference between sell-by, used-by, and best before dates. However, there are still people who are confused between them. Thus, supermarkets can assist buyers by standardizing this information while addressing it to their customers in clear and simple formats.   Supermarkets are also inclining towards software such as LS Retail ERP that can track expiry dates and help them create discounts and exclusive offers on individual items that are about to expire, so they can be sold while reducing food wastage. Tools like Dynamics Pricing grab customer attention and encourage them to purchase near-to-expire items over fresh products.   #2 Analyze Waste Patterns with LS Retail ERP  LS Retail ERP specialized in collecting and analyzing waste. Even Grocery stores these days are realizing the importance of collecting data from different touchpoints like their eCommerce site, vendor data, smart shelves, and loyalty programs. However, there are still some who prefer to operate on spreadsheets or paper printouts. By doing so, they miss capturing essential data which could deliver special insight to boost their efficiency and profit at the same time.   By optimizing demand planning and advanced data analytics solutions, they can use the collected and big data to predict demand, identify waste patterns, and order exactly the amount they need.   #3 Shift to Modern Appliances   According to a study conducted by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the grocery retail sector sucks up to 2% of the globally used energy, which is even more than what data centers across the world consume. Energy and asset monitoring solutions throughout the stores play a key role for engineering solutions worldwide food system (which is under massive pressure)  The key challenge is to maintain food quality and safety while using the least amount of energy. Modern refrigerators can help significantly with this as they are reliable and keep food at the current temperature. LS Retail ERP can take this a step ahead with its essential and actionable insights on how to enhance energy performance.   FAO declares that over the past 5 years alone, ERP Solutions have managed to save up to US$37 million (about $0.11 per person in the US) by reducing food waste.   #4Train Your Staff to Cut Food Waste   The food and packaging damage is most likely to occur during the transition phase. One of the most common mistakes that staff members make is to place heavy objects right over the easily breakable or easily bruised produce such as eggs and fresh fruits. This can end the writing of the entire box of fresh produce. This affair is very costly.   Food retailers can avoid scenarios like this by professionally training their staff. Getting staff on board and introducing methods to curb food waste can bring a meaningful change.   For Instance, in Germany, Metro Cash and Carry staff is trained in all aspects of food safety and hygiene while storing, processing, and storing. Thus, reducing loss of food and a greater volume of marketable products.   #5 Donate the Surplus   One of the best things supermarkets can do to reduce food waste is to donate their surplus for human consumption. In the UK, the top ten supermarket chains are donating less than 6% of their surplus for human consumption.   A representative of Tesco, the UK supermarket that gives away the highest surplus of its surplus food quotes “We first published our food waste data in 2013 and believe that only by understanding the hotspots can we reduce waste” then he also mentioned “Our priority is to reduce this surplus through optimizing our forecasting, ordering and ‘reduce to clear’ processes. Our target is that no food safe for human consumption will be wasted and [if you deduct 16,497 tons sent to animal feed and 9,661 tons given to colleagues] we are now 77% of the way there.” To achieve this, they used LS Retail ERP.   Conclusion   The world’s food issues need a radical solution throughout the supply chain. Using technology like LS Retail ERP can track inventory and its expiry date as well as provide meaningful insight to help you reduce waste could bring a significant difference. This Retail Management Software is one

How Can Supermarkets Reduce Food Waste? Read More »