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Retail POS Solution

How do Successful Loyalty Programs Help in Increasing Sales and Drives Customer Behavior?

Did you know if you manage to boost your customer engagement rate by as low as 5%, your profit can increase up to 60%? Loyalty programs are a great measure to increase customer engagement from both existing and new customers.   Loyalty programs deliver tremendous benefits to a business, they make the customers feel being cared for, recognized, and valued. Why wouldn’t anyone want to come back to you if you make them feel special? Apart from financial, these programs proffer non-financial benefits as well.   Note that not just any loyalty programs will provide the same benefits, you need to carefully hold research, track customer behavior, understand their spending pattern, and generate customer driving strategies. A unified ERP software like LS Retail can help create loyalty programs like a piece of cake. Essential data is automatically generated in the form of dashboards, providing a single vision of truth. Therefore, driving customer behavior and boosting sales.   Why is Customer Loyalty so Important?  Research has shown that 80% of your business comes from your loyal 20% of customers. An effective loyalty program can ensure repeat business from 47% of your customers. Amazing eye-catching deals can drive a good sum of customers back to your business.   Most people believe that brands should offer loyalty programs while 60% of internet users address ‘earning rewards’ as one of the most valued aspects of a retail shopping experience. It is best to use software that helps create loyalty programs like LS Retail, where customers can earn loyalty points and redeem them in your retail store and its respective chains. You can create different schemes and set rules on how to collect and spend points.  Apart from this it can help segment different customers based on their spending patterns, choices, and habits. It also keeps track of the vouchers and offers that are redeemed or on stand-by.   How Effective Loyalty Programs Help Boosting Customer Sales?  An effective loyalty program can do wonders for your business, boost sales and connect with the customers emotionally. Nothing is more effective than a loyalty program based on a customer’s desires, spending pattern, behavior, and similar factors. Research has shown that people’s emotions drive them to purchase more than their needs. Given below are its amazing benefits:   Greater ROI   It is costlier to acquire new customers than to retain the existing ones. Paying for different forms of promotions can add up to the marketing costs significantly. Additionally, 50% of your existing customers are more likely to spend more on your new product. Hence, providing a higher ROI.   Stay Ahead of the Competition  Shoppers tend to go through a hundred brands before buying a product in a few clicks keeping the product in mind more than the store. It might drive a few businesses like yours to the bottom, putting larger stores like Amazon at the top.   Loyalty programs can change your game while not relying on the pricing alone. Since buyers tend to spend more based on their emotions than their requirements, a loyalty program understands the customer and creates perfect schemes for them. It makes them feel special and connects them on an emotional level.   Understand your Customers   A loyalty program helps you understand your customers better, their preferences, and predict their behavior. With a loyalty program feature, you can effortlessly identify trends, micro-segments and anticipate demands. Upgrade your marketing campaigns keeping customer habits in mind. Plan your stock, mix-match products, and boost cross-selling and upselling. All the channels a customer uses to access your business can store their data, process them, and turn them into insightful dashboards. Without proper customer insights, your business fails to create effective deals and offers.  New Customer Engagement   With a well-structured loyalty program, you can incentivize referrals, rewarding customers who bring new customers to your business. There is convincing evidence suggesting that referred customers are more profitable and loyal than non-referred customers ensuring more loyalty and low churn rates. 83% of customers show greater trust in personal referral than any other form of marketing. McKinsey’s study shows that referrals generate twice the sales of paid promotions.   Creates Brand Advocates  Loyalty programs not only encourage people to increase their engagement with your business but also promote it. According to some research, loyalty programs help boost referral promotion. People recommend a business to their friends and family members if they are happy with the loyalty schemes. Showing your customers how much you value them connects them emotionally and turns them into your brand advocates. Additionally, 86% of costumes engage with a brand by spreading the word.   Final Words   More customer engagement is the essence to boost sales. Ensure customer engagement with effective loyalty programs as it ensures a greater ROI, keeps you ahead in the competition, understands your customers, engages new customers, and creates brand advocates. ERP software services like LS Retail integrate all the channels and extract customer details which later help in making effective loyalty programs. Trident Information systems is a Gold Partner of LS Retail and has served various businesses so far. For further queries or a demonstration contact us.  

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Bust Queues and Boost Sales during the Festive Season with M-POS

Haven’t you prepared for the festive season yet? Don’t take too long. Grab a POS Software Solution and bust those long queues annoying your customers! Mobile POS is a boon, especially during these overwhelming periods. Be it a restaurant or a retail business, a POS supporting mobile devices can change the game.   Research has shown that restaurants and retail stores using M-POS could make more sales than those sticking to old traditional mediums.   Working in silos can actually make you lose track of your sales, or even worse, you may lose customers to your competition.   Managing an overwhelming flow of customers is not easy, especially with old methods and limited staff. People these days are becoming even more impatient. Hence, they demand immediate attention. Failing to do so can deprive you of new sales.   Nobody likes long queues. Customers won’t hesitate to leave your store/ restaurant/ food chain without making any purchases.    Why M-POS Over Traditional POS?   While a traditional POS system works well with accepting all sorts of cards, it does have a fair share of its disadvantages. From being bulky to being fixed at a corner, it does consist of unnecessary complications. Mobile POS Software Solution. However, on the other hand, it is a cleverer alternative.   Mobile POS:    You can accept payments on the go with M-POS   It doesn’t need high-end technological knowledge You can carry it anywhere with you.   Can be connected via Bluetooth to make faster and more secure transactions   It is easy to maintain and has automatic settlements and integration capabilities.   Traditional POS:   Traditional POS can have greater installation costs.   Being bulky, it is fixed at a place.   Delivers less flexibility than a Mobile POS.   How does M-POS Help to Boost Sales?   Mobile POS for Restaurants or retail is a smarter alternative for the traditional POS system. It is simple to get it running. All you must do is select a POS Service Provider, download the application, connect your card reader to your mobile device, and you are good to go. Mobile POS systems generally work on Wi-Fi. However, LS Retail ensures continuity of transactions even with no internet access.   Encourages Self-Ordering and Self-Checkouts   During the festive season, where each member of staff is overloaded, customers demand faster and secure checkout mediums. Self-ordering and self-checkout can get it right. Allow customers to place orders and make customization independently, followed by check-out at the end. This allows your staff to be more efficient in their current tasks and empower customers simultaneously. Customers won’t skip a beat before leaving your store without snapping up a product. Hence a Mobile POS for Retail ensures flexible sales and seamless transactions.   Ensures Vibrant Customer Services   One of the greatest benefits of M-POS is its flexibility and this is where it outshines traditional POS systems. During festive seasons, customers expect cheerful and vibrant service even if the staff is busy. With M-POS you can reduce waiting times and even cut lines. This way your customers are bound to stick to your business. Whether you run a restaurant or a retail shop, you still have enough potential to treat customers vibrantly. Moreover, you have a personalized report on each customer, through which you can suggest products that might draw them.    Offer Special Deals and Discounts   Offering exceptional deals and discounts is one of the most common methods to boost sales during the festive season. However, if not done properly, you might end up losing potential sales otherwise. A suitable M-POS reads each customer’s preferences, purchasing patterns and customizes deals for classified groups or individual customers. It gets even easier to categorize products to be out on the sale. Considering current market demands, you can impose different discounts on various products. Offer gift cards, buy-one-get-one-free     Continuity of Transactions Even with No Internet    Not all POS Software Solution providers offer this feature. Some of them, like LS Retail, ensure continuity of transactions even with no internet access. Considering how overwhelming festive seasons can get and don’t spare enough time to breathe, let alone rest, internet connection loss can jeopardize prospect sales. Hence, it is recommended to have a backup that ensures continuity of sales.   Resolves Customer Queries Instantly    With a massive in-flow of customers, each with different demands and needs, they have different service requirements. Since humans are not designed to retain everything all the time, they need technological assistance too. A Mobile POS for Retail consists of the product details stored in. So, when a customer asks about a product’s price or other information, they can easily look it up on their assigned device and help them accordingly. This ensures faster transactions and minimizes customer traffic congestion. With increased efficiency, your staff can welcome and greet customers better, followed by more expeditious assistance.   Identifies Valuable Customers    Every business has a set of customers providing them with more business than the rest. A Mobile POS scans through each customer and their purchasing history. It also identifies customers making more sales than the rest. During the festive season, such customers deserve special treatment. Lavish them with offers they deserve. It not only makes such shoppers feel valued but encourages other consumers to make more purchases.   M-POS can have a massive impact on your sales during this festive season. With faster transactions and more efficient customer services, expect tremendous referral promotion. Some M-POS Software Solution Providers even assure transactional continuity even with no internet access like LS Retail. Create loyalty programs based on precise, actionable reports and ensure vibrant customer services. Trident Information Systems is a Gold Partner of LS Retail and Microsoft. For further queries contact us.  

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6 Ways How LS Central for Hospitality is Revolutionizing the Restaurant Experience

Thinking of switching to LS Central? Do not delay! Let us explain how it can revolutionize the restaurant experience. LS Central is a unified software solution for cafes, restaurants, and other foodservice businesses with a bigger perspective in real-time. LS Central is an extension to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, letting you process POS (point of sale), financials, supply chain management, operations, online channels, inventory, and customer loyalty within the same platform.   However, many businesses tend to rely on using multiple software but, they can end up causing complexities instead, such as:    Issues with integration and implementation.   Large restaurants have many vendors making management tough.   Establishing coordination with the software service providers.   Getting support and services of the software.   As the restaurant business expands or acquires new buildings the service provider might not upgrade its services for scaling.   Difficulty with providing on-premise and cloud solutions together.   You can replace all the multiple software solutions you are using now with a centralized solution. Get ready for more effective business operations and minimum waste. You can get a spot-on view of your business and make more sensible decisions with LS Central.   LS Central as a Revolutionary Measure   LS Central can do tremendous benefits to your business. With this centralized solution, you can manage the kitchen centrally, handle tables and optimize mobile POS. LS Central integrates your headquarters and restaurant operations with ERP.   Better Table Management   Use LS Central’s intuitive visuals and graphics display on every dining table depicted with different colors table availability, making guest management and tables a straightforward and error-free process. It further addresses the number of guests for registered tables and the staff they are currently serving. It ends up saving time and enhancing the overall dining experience.  Transfer orders or parts of orders throughout different tables or different sections of the restaurant quickly and easily. For instance, you can easily book tables from both reception or bars. Hence, allow easy order transfer across the restaurant.   Loyalty Programs   You can uniquely connect with your customers, identify them, and understand their likings and preferences. This way, it will be easier for you to create personalized services and products based on your earlier preferences. Your business sales swear by it. Additionally, the product’s upselling and cross-selling. Let your customers earn points on purchases throughout your channels. This will allow them to use these points as a part of their transactions or access exclusive deals designed for them. You can launch special meal deals or hold happy hours accordingly.   Data Visibility   With LS Central you can manage prices, ingredients, menus, the campaign offers, and manage all the data up-to-date on touchpoints such as websites and apps. Get real-time data on your operations, stock, guests at hand and optimize it on your analytics and insight. Create data-driven strategies to minimize waste and cut costs wherever possible, increase profit as well as customer loyalty.   Centralized Control   You can oversee and manage your chains from the headquarters, control prices, recipes, menus, and campaigns. also, trace staff performance and communicate with your employees. Analyze current costs and revenues and identify trends and potent opportunities. Access detailed reports and data in real-time and make more logical decisions. Configure your system to each region’s fiscal and region requirements.   Minimum Waste   Use real-time data to minimize waste and inefficiencies, with LS Central you can price your dishes accurately and extract maximum profit. Smartly order the accurate quantities and distribute them. You can ensure your customers receive exactly what they ordered. Speedup table turns and upsells growth. Optimize floor space with table bookings. You can also plan your meals and rationalize your ingredient ordering. Minimize manual work and scope of errors with automation. One of the best benefits of LS Central is using single software throughout the business.   Repeated Business   LS Central offers exceptional customer service while ensuring repeated business. You can make contactless payments and orders with a mobile POS or self-ordering device on the table. Your guest can customize their orders like adding or removing something according to their preferences. There will be an accurate display of allergens and ingredient data at the POS and self-ordering devices. Also, you can align menus and pricing to real-time demand. Your customers can order food either online or on their preferred services. Lastly, you can generate loyalty programs for you and your customers.   LS Central is a tool for revolutionary measures for a business. Trident Information Systems, Gold partners of LS Retail have been serving many successful businesses so far. Being armed with 150+ technical resources, they have won multiple awards. For further queries or a demo contact us.  

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Build Loyalty and a Seamless Customer Engagement Through Mobility for Retail

With mobility redefining the way retail industry is currently operating, there is no exaggeration that smart phones have brought a new lease of life into an already complex web of multichannel retailing. Needless to say, enterprise mobility has become the new enterprise experience – a unique way of transacting business and improving how people work in every area – either desk or in the store. In this perspective, many retailers are concentrating on investing exclusively on consumer mobile apps. This is a new beginning that is gaining rapid momentum – empowering stakeholders like store associates, managers, partners and consumers with mobile solutions to fully transform the customer experience. Unique Challenges for the Retail Industry Promotion of new brands, based on whether they are in the store, on the road, or at home Consumer access to myriad choice of products, models and styles Rising consumer demands to provide excellent customer service Enormous and disparate amounts of consumer and business data to collect and analyze No proper analytics to model and forecast different scenarios. Harness the power of mobile solutions to transform your business! Gone are the days when store was just a retail floor; it's now a virtual shop operating 24/7 connecting your employees, partners and customers. This means all these stakeholders require mobile solutions to transform and define the way they learn team work and shop to build loyalty, augment sales and improve their overall RoI. Some of the typical areas of retail where mobile can have significant impact are: Store Operations Through centralized POS management and back of store transformation, retailers can remotely manage both fixed and mobile POS systems from a single location. Access real-time data anytime, anywhere, and meet seasonal demand by instantly provisioning workspaces as needed. Resourceful shelf-space utilization by field associates through apt mobile planogram. Loss Prevention Audit Analytics Supply Chain Enhance decision making and fulfilment with real-time visibility and collaboration. Enable faster time-to-market with new products. Minimize wastage, shrinkage, obsolescence and expenditure. Streamline stock fulfilment. Marketing & Logistics Offer personalized promotions, resulting in enhanced customer loyalty. Augment store visits by leveraging location-based features. Offer location based services such as loyalty rewards and status media preferences. Leverage mobile commerce to offer superior shopping experience. Customer Service Offer more reach to your customers via mobile catalogue browsing, ordering and store pickup. Enhance customer in-store experience with mobile checkout. Let your customers have instant access to store price and products availability, enhancing their customer satisfaction. Minimize margin shrinkage and lost sales by providing a seamless multi-channel store experience to your customers. Mobilizing Retail Analytics A real-time reporting tool for retail businesses Monitor traffic patterns and transactions Customize graphs and tables to highlight certain metrics Measure all aspects of the business that matter Understand shopper behaviors and discover opportunities Contextual Retail IOT Platform Beacon based proximity marketing solution Deliver highly relevant message to shoppers Setup campaigns to target individual shoppers Analyze each campaign with detailed insights CMS to build micro locations and create personalized messages Extend your brand’s reach on consumers’ devices

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Why it makes sense to move your retail management software to the cloud

As a successful retailer, chances are you are already running some of your IT functions in the cloud. That’s smart. The next logical step is to move your entire retail management system to the cloud, and go from the on-premises version to its software as a service (SaaS) one. But even if you know that the cloud is experiencing exponential growth, and that you will, one day, take the leap, you may be hesitant to do it now. Perhaps you are afraid you’re not ready for the change. Perhaps you have security concerns. Maybe you can’t clearly identify which practical, day-to-day benefits you’d get from moving to the cloud. Whichever your reasons, you want the best for your business, and you care about staying competitive. You want to make the right decision, and employ technology that will propel you forward today and tomorrow. While you are debating whether the cloud is for you, here are 8 good reasons why you should consider migrating your system. 1. Stay up to date, automatically With traditional on-premises software, businesses are responsible of keeping their hardware and software up to date. In order to stay current (and safe), they’d need to purchase new hardware every few years, and to update their software every few months. But in reality, retailers usually have more pressing concerns than keeping track of the latest software patch or upgrade. And if the company is using multiple software solutions and there are integrations in place, a system upgrade can become a costly and lengthy project. As a result, many companies end up with outdated IT environments that work, but don’t really support the business, and may even hinder it. In the worst cases, this old tech might reduce the company’s ability to grow and take on new projects, or stay on top of consumer demands. When you are using SaaS in the cloud, all these concerns belong to the past. You don’t need to worry about periodic maintenance, or to budget for expensive and complicated software upgrades. Instead, your supplier takes care of updating your software regularly. And if you have configured your add-ons correctly, you can maintain all your extensions, and even your configurations. SaaS software guarantees that you are always, automatically, on the latest version, and can use all the new functionality that comes with it. 2. Enhance productivity with intelligence One of the biggest advantages of the cloud is the advanced computational power it offers. Tasks that until yesterday were too complex for even the most powerful computer, for example predicting future sales patterns, are now within reach of any retailer. Businesses can run their data into Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) powered tools available in the cloud, and without having to pay for extra servers or data scientists, they can get the answers they need, with minimal effort, very rapidly, and at a fraction of the cost than comparable on-prem technology. There is a wide variety of AI tools available in the cloud, giving businesses infinite possibilities to improve their effectiveness and productivity. AI can also help make smarter decisions, and deliver more personalized, to the point customer service. Would you like to send personalized promotions and special deals to your customers based on their shopping history and specific tastes? Are you thinking about adding a chatbot or virtual agent as a first-line customer support? Or perhaps you’d like to offer intelligent search on your e-commerce site? When you run your software in the cloud, all these initiatives are accessible to you, and can be started within a very short timeframe. But AI can do much more than help deliver bespoke customer experiences. You can use optimize your inventory with advanced forecasting that can factor seasonality, promotions, trends, and product substitutes and complements into your forecasts. You can refine your hiring practices with intelligent talent acquisition solutions. You can simplify searches across your catalog for both staff and customers using AI-powered accurate product tagging applied to images. When you infuse your business with intelligence, you also make it more proactive, agile, and profitable. 3. Guarantee business continuity with a reliable infrastructure With traditional in-house IT setups, businesses are at constant risk of downtimes and failures. On-site servers can’t usually guarantee a consistent performance, and if a key piece of your hardware breaks down, you may be left unable to serve customers or close sales – and could even risk losing your business data. As regards reliability, a traditional infrastructure usually necessitates a disaster recovery plan, requiring you to build redundancy, carefully monitor conditions, having dual firewalls and more – in short, you need to budget for time-consuming, expensive, complex monitoring. Switch to SaaS software, and you can step away from all of these problems. Even if you experience a hardware failure – say your computers or servers break down – you won’t lose your data, as it is safely stored in the cloud and can be accessed when and as you need to. The cloud also guarantees higher reliability. Large cloud services like Microsoft Azure, with expansive resources and entire dedicated teams, have already built in redundancy, from failover hardware to datacenters located across the world. As a result, Azure, the service where the cloud-based version of LS Central resides, can guarantee 99,995% uptime, and top security features. 4. Respond quickly to changing market conditions You know how important speed of action is in the retail industry. Yet, traditional IT environments are all but agile: even a project as simple as adding new servers or applications can be very time consuming. First, your IT staff needs time to procure the hardware or software that will fit within the current infrastructure. Then they have to set it up and test it, and finally, they’ll have to go through implementing it. In the past, this process was the only way to implement change. Today, this is an outdated and ineffective way of operating – especially when the businesses you are competing against are agile and unburdened by traditional infrastructure, such as e-commerce players. To stay

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7 tips to deliver better online grocery shopping

The boom of online grocery shopping has been a long time coming. In 2015, more than one third (37%) of shoppers in Asia-Pacific regularly shopped for food online, Nielsen reports. Although in the rest of the world online grocery shopping was less common, there was already a growing trend, which has only become more pronounced. According to projections by Deutsche Bank, online grocery shopping is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28.2%, which is significant if compared with a 2.5% CAGR for total grocery sales. Supermarkets have had time to prepare for the shift to online, but not all of them have stayed on top of trends. When, due to necessity, consumers worldwide moved massively towards online shopping, some supermarkets found themselves suddenly out of the race. Today, the businesses who didn’t believe and invest in omni-channel are facing the harsh consequences of their decisions. Online shopping has been gaining ground quickly among all ages and geographies, and there is no reason to believe this popularity will fade in the upcoming months. This means there is no better time than today to invest in improving your e-commerce capabilities. Here are seven tips to get you started. 1. Focus on speed and ease of use Simplicity and usability of the platform should be your top goals: Make it easy for people to register, find the products they need, add items to the cart, review and edit the order and pay. Enable filtering per sub-groups of items to speed up search. Your customers would rather not have scroll through a hundred-item long list of “bread and pastries” to find the apricot-filled croissants they are looking for. Make sure you include all relevant product information. Feature high-quality pictures, and clearly label brand names, price, ingredients with nutritional value and allergens, and pack size. Include expiry dates wherever possible. If a shopper knows that the Greek yogurt lasts three more weeks, they might buy three packs instead of one. Support returning shoppers. Give customers the possibility to recreate previous orders quickly and activate shopping lists where people can add staples and family favorites. Allow registered customers to see their buying history and to share the basket with other family members. Ensure short page load times. If your site is too slow to load, buyers may abandon their cart without completing the purchase. 2. State the important information up front How annoyed will your online shopper be when he finds out that his postcode is not eligible for delivery, after he spent a full hour adding products to the cart? For retailers, it pays off to be clear and provide all needed information from the start. Buyers should be aware of shipping prices and times, delivery restrictions, geographical areas included in the service and special conditions before they have added a single item to their cart. When it’s time to check out, make sure that all the steps are clearly labelled, and that shoppers know what’s coming up in the process. Consider adding lines that clarify where the customer is at, such as “You can still modify your order in the next step” or “By clicking here, you confirm your order and accept to pay. You won’t be able to modify your order afterwards”. Consider adding a progress bar that shows the various steps (“Customer details” -> “Shipping” -> “Payment information” -> “Review order” -> “Complete and pay”). Once the order has been placed, include an “order completed” page where all the key information is summarized: items purchased, delivery and payment information, time of order, and what the customer should expect (an email? A call? A link to track the shipment?). 3. Think of the different platforms Today, more consumers access websites from mobiles than from computers. According to data from marketing site The Drum, last year 63% of traffic and 53% of sales on retailers’ eCommerce sites happened via mobile. As the preference for mobile shopping is only going to get more common, you should ensure that your website performs well on mobile devices. Here are some questions you should ask yourself: Is my e-commerce site responsive? Are the buttons big and easy to tap? Are the text fields large and easy to type into? Are pictures clear? Can people easily zoom in to see extra details? Is it easy to move through different images? Is all information visible on small screens, or do some lines disappear or end up off screen? Can customers easily move between items and categories? Is the payment process simple and easy to follow? Many consumers start a transaction on a device and continue it on another one. If when they resume the transaction they lose all the items they had already added to the cart, they may not be bothered to start over again – and you’ll lose that transaction. Enable saving the cart for logged in customers, so they can easily pick up transactions on different devices, at their pace and convenience. 4. Make it easy to navigate On your e-commerce site you can easily display a larger product selection than in your physical locations. If you decide to go for the “endless aisles” style, make sure you organize the selection so that customers can easily find what they need. Offer top-level categories that can be accessed from the top menu. Enable customers to filter and sort items by price, brand, group, review scores, etc. Make sure information is easy to skim through. Use bullet points and organize information consistently (first ingredients, then package size, then weight, then expiry date…) so users can find what they need at a glance. Make sure the “buy” button is clearly visible. Add a checkmark or confirmation text to clarify when an item has been added to the basket. Include a search function with predictive suggestions and auto corrects (“Did you mean…?”). Your customer may call “cilantro” what you call “coriander” on your site; you wouldn’t want her to leave without it just because the search gave no results. 5. Offer flexible delivery Offer several delivery options and time slots, and be specific with your delivery times. The best practice is to offer precise delivery windows, and allow people pick the one that best fits their schedule. The more precise you are, the more likely you are customers will decide to shop with you. Nielsen’s “Global Connected Commerce Report” advises offering 30-minute interval windows – provided you can

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How Modern POS Can Help You to Boost Productivity of Your Restaurant

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Nearly a quarter of dining owners and managers who have not updated their core restaurant POS software over the previous year intend to do so over the coming 12 months, based on new research. If you are in this class, how can you ensure that you select the appropriate technology and make the most of your investment? Your POS device is your business’s pulse, and it’s a big and risky thing to replace it. That’s why so many restaurants are stuck to outdated cash registers and obsolete POS systems. Even after considering the limitations of your existing system, you don’t want to experience the trouble of a total overhaul of software and you’re hesitant to make a huge investment without knowing what the return on investment is. However, odds are, your old tech is diminishing your business and keep you behind worse than you know. But where are you going to begin? You need a new POS that is designed to meet your unique business needs. The correct solution could fully change the way your employees work, providing productivity returns – and even an employee’s job satisfaction. If you model your POS system correctly, the productivity of your dining floor could be improved by at least 20 percent. Now the main question is how? We’ll tell you in the following context. 1-) POS which simulates your menu Arrange and display every food product from your stock including modifiers, in your POS, based on how consumers view it on the menu and make life a lot easier for your employees. They will be able to handle communicative instructions, where they can take orders in the same way that customers reel them off. No mayo and extra sweet onion sauce? No issue. You can set up your system to allow your employees to spend more time conversing with your consumers instead of modifying orders and browsing a user interface to discover customized alternatives. We have collaborated with a large restaurant chain that saw efficiencies on the restaurant floor improve by as much as 40% because their workers use a POS system that matches the menu. After its deployment, they can manage requests for orders quicker. Customers are happy because they get great service, as well as being faster in and out of their seats. 2) Color-coded sections  So you’ve arranged your POS just like your menu. You will make the system much simpler for your employees by having a colour code for each course. Orange starters, Pink paws, and Yellow desserts. And you could even break this down by getting color-coded parts in your courses. With such colour signs (which can be set as grayscale for all those who are visually impaired), employees will be able to flit between courses in less time and see all the different options for every menu item simply. Having your POS menu in this clean and descriptive manner will enable your employees to focus on delivering good customer service and enable them to work more effectively as well.  3) Flexibility in seating and payment  A group of guests enters your restaurant. They reserved seats online beforehand. The workers will easily review their booking information on the POS, which includes details of food allergies and dietary requirements criteria and make them seated quickly. Nearby, they recognize their colleagues at different tables putting their orders. They request if they can eat together with their food served at the same time. No issue, Due to the way the table management operates, your employees can effectively use the built-in seating application to shift diners around and feed information into the kitchen in real-time to ensure that their food order is in the right queue and that all meals come together. Now they want to pay, and in various ways, they want to split the bill. Some choose to pay for their shared bottle of champagne and others need to pay for their beverages. Once again, the employees can meet their needs using the intuitively built POS, conveniently dividing the expense of the bill appropriately, enabling for gratuity and taking taxes into account directly. No errors, no trouble.  4) Centralized POS System Role-adjusted, permission-controlled user interfaces that all tap into the same central system ensures that your employees can effectively communicate with just some taps of the monitor and access the information they require. If everyone works from a single source of truth, you can enable them to work more efficiently and enable them to concentrate on the task in hand. If the POS is part of a centralized system, supervisors can obtain the important information which they need to get the overall idea of business and recognize organizational weaknesses and strengths to take an initiative, quickly. Contact us to find out how we can help you redesign your POS and your business to be more successful. We will be delighted to demonstrate you what our complete solution Dynamic 365 for restaurant management,  could do for you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Why Modern POS is your Business’s Necessity

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Technology moves the organization forward. If you are a retailer who refuses to update your methods for point of sale, you may be left back in a realm of calculators, handwritten receipts and stock reviews late at night. POS systems provide retailers with a user-friendly way to enter the 21st century. Here are the 6 main reasons why retailers must invest in a POS system. 1) Reports on Sales A POS system gives you the best analysis of your enterprise and automatically keeps track of its revenue. It is effortless to obtain information about a product range. Another advantage of the POS system is its capability to maintain your financial status, stock status, and sales status data. Based on this data, you can forecast the earnings for the month, the next two months or the coming week, which would be predicted statistically. 2) Adaptation to the Demands of the Customer You can quickly identify which product categories are the most beneficial and the least beneficial from detailed studies. Understanding of which divisions and products do not fit well can provide you with the opportunity to build a marketing plan. Therefore, depending on your industry, you can tailor your products in the store or your menu and so forth. Also, the system automatically conducts an in-depth analysis of the purchasing actions of customers. This advantage of the POS system would allow the organization to adapt to the needs of the team without using expensive research work hours. 3) Saves Quality Time Another benefit of the POS system is to keep a record of the shipment and all items leaving your store. The program constantly shows you how much a particular item has sold and lets you know how much you’ve got in stock. This enables the POS system to place orders on its own when the stock is almost empty to the vendors. Therefore there is no need for an employee to spend quality time doing the same. Also, if a customer wants to know about a product’s availability or details, the seller can quickly check it in the system. The service will be improved by reducing the waiting time for the client. Besides, a POS system can help you determine margin and measure taxes automatically. 4) Minimize Errors The cost for a service can be modified and it will be adjusted automatically throughout the entire system, so prices will always look the same throughout the whole process. The organization, therefore, ensures that rates always suit the specified cost of the product and prevent dissatisfied customers. 5) Execute the Loyalty Program A POS system can store all your customer information. It allows you to find out what each of your customers ‘ favourite products is. This advantage of POS systems can be very useful when adjusting to each of your customers the brand deals and promotions. They are going to feel special and well treated and it can generate an intention to buy. 6) Management of Employees A POS program can be used to validate that employee’s additional sales. It can, however, also be used as a management tool and as a criterion for compensation. By doing so, workers will become more empowered and more flourishing. This will increase sales and enhance customer service. On the other side, the worker can monitor their own sales stats which can help the employee become more aware of their long term goals. To sum up, we could conclude that a POS system makes the company more budget-focused, provides you with more transparency into sales, saves a lot of time, strengthens relationships with clients, and uses data previously recorded to set economic targets. You can contact the Microsoft gold partner Trident Information System or add a request to our website if you want to have a POS system in your company. Trident provides the best POS Software in India.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Why Modern POS is your Business’s Necessity Read More »

What retail CEOs need to know to lead their business into the future

According to The DNA of the Future Retail CEO from the World Retail Congress, the top two current and future technical skills for retail CEOs are: Understanding of digital commerce and omni-channel Data/insight driven approach The expert panel went on to say that the future retail CEO needs to be data driven “in the extreme”. Meanwhile, Korn Ferry Institute’s study of UK retail CEOs led them to say that the new retail CEO needs to be experienced with both budget and strategy. That is a demanding list of attributes for anyone. Luckily, CEOs are not alone in managing their retail companies, no matter how big or small those companies may be. The right technology, along with the right people, can make the difference between shooting in the dark and creating a company strategy that is based on the most up-to-date and accurate information possible for unified commerce. That is right, retail technology changes quickly. Keeping up with change and coping with it is one attribute of a leader-type CEO, according to research at Harvard Business School. More importantly, the researchers at Harvard found that being a leader-type CEO is linked with better outcomes for the company. But how can one person stay on top of the newest technological, financial, and retail trends? Here are some tips. 1) Have unified commerce technology for all your sales channels Unified commerce is a step beyond omni-channel in that it brings together various, integrated systems into one platform. No matter what your company sells and where it sells it, your software should be a single-platform solution for e-commerce, m-commerce, and in-person sales. Pieced together systems, no matter how integrated, cost more money, and lead to lags in getting the data – or even to data not matching across the various channels. That means that you are missing out on important insights needed to make crucial strategic decisions. A unified system gives you the data you need quickly and easily so you can make long-term and day-to-day business decisions. 2) Have unified commerce technology for your core business functions Unified commerce is not just about retail channels. A truly unified commerce system allows the front end and back end to talk seamlessly together. This means that tracking financials along with inventory, sales, customer satisfaction, and all other moving pieces of retail is possible in one system. What seems almost impossible if the company is running on different ERP, POS, and inventory systems, becomes smooth and consistent with the right technology. Data can flow freely from one area to the other. With the right business intelligence tools, you can make the connections between various aspects of your company to make better business decisions. 3) Set the goals for your company, but be able to cope with change Retail changes quickly, but a retail leader can’t run after every shift that happens in the industry. Richard Branson, who got his start in retail, said in a recent interview with Freakonomics Radio that it is important for the head of the company to set the vision. At the same time, Branson has pivoted from retail music sales, to mobile technology, to airlines, so he understands the importance of changing course when needed. In order to change course, you first need to know where you are. Perhaps the change is to launch a series of pop-up stores. You then need to know how this kind of project fits with the overall vision of the company before jumping on the trend. At the same time, you can’t turn your back on a change that will help your business keep up with the modern pace of the industry. 4) Know how your retail business is doing and where it is going Antoine de Saint-Exupéry famously said that “a goal without a plan is just a wish.” A strategic retail CEO doesn’t make wishes for the company, he or she sets goals and has a plan to track their success. If the retail goal is to sell more products online, the data-driven CEO needs to know where sales were before setting the goal, what data to monitor and how to track that data to know if the goal is being met. This is where key performance indicators, or KPIs, come in. KPIs are exactly the measures that the retail CEO of today and the future needs to track how the company is doing financially and beyond. A unified commerce platform helps you collect and maintain in one place all the KPIs you need to track. It also enables you to easily split them between channels, product types and even individual products, so you get the level of detail you want for your decisions. In The DNA of the Future Retail CEO, only 31% of the retail experts asked said that the retail CEO of the future will have the technical skills needed for unified commerce and to make data-driven decisions. Prove them wrong! Don’t be left behind as retail moves into the future. Be the strategic leader your company needs, with the right systems and data to support the decisions you make for your company

What retail CEOs need to know to lead their business into the future Read More »