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Reimagining Healthcare with Azure IoT

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Providers, payors, pharmaceuticals, and life sciences companies are leading the next wave of healthcare innovation by utilizing connected devices. From continuous patient monitoring, to optimizing operations for manufacturers and cold-chain supply tracking for the pharmaceutical industry, the healthcare industry has embraced IoT technology to improve patient outcomes and operations. In our latest IoT Signals for Healthcare research, we spoke with over 150 health organizations about the role that IoT will play in helping them deliver better health outcomes in the years to come. Across the ecosystem, 85 percent see IoT as “critical” to their success, with 78 percent planning to increase their investment in IoT technologies over the next few years. Real-time data from connected devices and sensors provides benefits across the health ecosystem, from manufacturers and pharmaceuticals to health providers and patients. For health providers, IoT unlocks efficiencies for clinical staff and equipment: Reduces human error. Ensures regulatory compliance when exchanging patient health data across systems. Coordinates the productivity of medical professionals across clinical facilities. For manufacturers, IoT creates new digital feedback loops connecting their employees, facilities, products, and end customers. Real-time data can help: Reduce costly downtime with predictive maintenance. Improve sustainable practices by reducing waste and ensuring worker safety. Contribute to improved product quality and quantity. For the pharmaceutical industry, IoT provides greater traceability for inventory along a supply chain: Improved visibility into environmental conditions. Reduced costly inventory spoilage. Increased control against theft or counterfeiting. For end patients, IoT can improve health outcomes with continuous patient monitoring: Reduces the need for unnecessary readmissions. Improves treatment success rates by providing continuous data to care professionals. Personalizes care based on patient needs. In this blog, we’ll cover how our portfolio can support different IoT solution needs for software developers, hardware developers, and healthcare customers. Building healthcare IoT solutions with Azure IoT As Microsoft and its global partners continue to build solutions that empower healthcare organizations around the world, a key question continues to face IoT decision makers: whether to build a solution from scratch or buy an existing solution that fits their needs. From ensuring device-to-cloud security with Azure Sphere to providing multiple approaches for device management and connectivity with Platform as a Service (PaaS) options or a managed app platform, Azure IoT provides the most comprehensive IoT and Edge product portfolio on the market, designed to meet the diverse needs of healthcare solution builders. Solution builders who want to invest their resources in designing, maintaining, and customizing IoT systems from the ground up can do so with our growing portfolio of IoT platform services, leveraging Azure IoT Hub as a starting point. While this approach may be tempting for many, often solution builders struggle when growing their pilot into a globally scalable IoT solution. This process introduces significant complexity to an IoT architecture, requiring expertise across cloud and device security, DevOps, compliance, and more. For this reason, many solution builders might be better suited for starting with a managed platform approach with Azure IoT Central. Using more than two dozen Azure services, Azure IoT Central is designed to continually evolve with the latest service updates and seamlessly accompany solution builders along their IoT journey from pilot to production. With predictable pricing, white labeling, healthcare-specific application templates, and extensibility, solution builders can focus their time on how their device insights can improve outcomes, instead of common infrastructure questions like ingesting device data or ensuring disaster recovery. New tools to accelerate building a healthcare IoT solution Over the past year, we’ve been working hard to create new tools to make IoT solution development easier for our healthcare partners and customers: Azure IoT Central app templates. Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR) Connector for Azure. To help you put all of these tools together, we’ve also published a reference architecture diagram for continuous patient monitoring solutions. Continuous patient monitoring reference architecture IoMT FHIR Connector for Azure Interoperability continues to be a huge challenge and critical for most healthcare organizations looking to use healthcare data in innovative ways. Microsoft proudly announced the general availability of our own FHIR server offering, Azure API for FHIR, in October 2019. We are now further enriching the FHIR ecosystem with the IoMT FHIR Connector for Azure, a connector designed to ingest, transform, and store IoT protected health information (PHI) data in FHIR compatible format. Innovative healthcare companies share their IoT stories In addition to rich industry insights like those found in IoT Signals for Healthcare and our previously published stories from Stryker, Gojo, and Wipro, we are releasing two new case stories. They detail the decisions, trade-offs, processes, and results of top healthcare organizations investing in IoT solutions, as well as the healthcare solution builders supporting them. These case studies showcase different approaches to building an IoT solution, based on the unique needs of their business. Read more about how these companies are implementing and winning with their IoT investments. ThoughtWire and Schneider Electric leverage IoT for hospital operations Clinical environments are managed by traditionally disconnected systems (facility management, clinical operations, inventory management, and more), operated by entirely separate teams. This makes it difficult to holistically manage and optimize clinical operations. Schneider Electric, a global expert in facilities management, partnered with ThoughtWire, a specialist in operations management systems, to deliver an end-to-end solution for facilities and clinical operations management. The joint Smart Hospital solution uses Azure’s IoT platform to help hospitals and clinics reduce costs, minimize their carbon footprint, and promote better staff satisfaction, patient experiences and health outcomes. “We don’t just want to understand how the facility operates, we want to understand how patients and clinical staff interact with that infrastructure,” says Chris Roberts, Healthcare Solution Architect at Schneider Electric. “That includes everything to do with patient experience and patient safety. And when you talk about those things, the clinical world and the infrastructure world start to merge and connect. Working with ThoughtWire, we bridge the gap between those two worlds and drive performance improvements.” To learn more, read the case study here. Sensoria Health creates a new gold standard

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Redefining shopping excellence with an unified E-commerce solution

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Over the last decade, the retail sector has experienced enormous change and transition. Many have suggested that conventional brick and mortar retail is dying and that for the everyday needs, consumers switch entirely to online platforms. However, this is not the case. As per a survey from the National Retail Federation, since 2010 retail storefronts in the US have continued to expand at approximately 4 percent annually along with the consistent double-digit growth of online shopping. Almost all of the top 50 online retailers have brick and mortar stores, as well. Although progress in e-commerce tends to outpace physical stores, the rate of progress in physical retail outlets is still much higher. E-commerce is also not a stand-alone medium in most cases but used in combination with conventional and new platforms to meet consumer needs such as buying online pick up in-store or Click and Collect. Physical outlets are still a big part of consumer spending patterns, but with this, we also have seen that consumer priorities have changed around shopping. Trident is offering Retail ERP Software for an outstanding commerce experience that helps in gaining maximum profits. Gone are the days when store employees are the only experts in information about goods. Consumers already have greater access to product details, price clarity, and accessibility. This means that retailers have to look at customer engagement across all platforms to make sure that their enterprise is capable of delivering on these recent high requirements. E-commerce will no longer be a major differentiator for retailers in the next few years, but will instead allow integrated retail trade to compete in the ever more challenging customer needs worldwide. So Trident ( dynamics 365 partner) & solution dynamics 365 for marketing not confined to e-commerce, but aims to streamline the process of unifying consumer shopping experiences through an end-to-end business framework that puts together e-commerce, in-store, back office, and call centre. Let’s discuss furthermore how Dynamics 365 for marketing solution helps retailers meet those dominant business requirements. 1)- Grant Excellent and Customized Consumer Experience Consumer experience is not only one of the top growth factors in the retail sector, but according to the recent survey by Microsoft and Forbes, 33 percent of retail managers are also considered a great business priority. The main task is to identify what constitutes outstanding customer experience for each individual business, as expectations of customers differ by micro-vertical retail, product category, and consumers themselves. It is up to the retailers to better define how their marketing commitment aligns with the experience. When customer experience is established, retailers need to be able to deliver on this commitment by providing technology that allows customer engagement in the next generation and does not limit their ability to evolve and build differentiating consumer experience. As per the report by Microsoft and Forbes, providing customized shopping has become increasingly popular and over 49 percent of customers aged between 18 and 24 stating they are more likely to purchase from retailers offering custom shopping experiences. The aim of personalization is to form a bond between both the retailer and the consumer by delivering goods and/or services across all retail channels based on past interactions. It enhances the relationship to an encounter more similar to an interaction with a trustworthy friend or partner than a simple transaction. There is a significant technological dependence to reach this next stage of customization. Networked and real-time visibility into consumers and activities are needed by retailers. Dynamics 365 put together all facets of customer interaction through e-commerce, call centre and in-store as well as simple incorporation into new channels to enable retailers to gain a holistic customer perspective. Couple this with out-of-the-box integration with Dynamics 365 Consumer insights and retailers can not only deliver AI-driven suggestions based on customer shopping history, likes, and patterns but also provide store agents with tools for presenting the customer’s 360-degree view and facilitating rich interaction throughout the selling journey.  2) Omni Channel Experience    Nowadays Customers expect to be able to purchase anywhere they want, and by whatever platform. Retailers also acknowledge the importance of Omni channel as one of their top three priorities, with 47 percent of Microsoft and Forbes survey executives rating this. Most retailers are still struggling in having an Omni channel experience because of the complexity of internal infrastructure and disconnected or fragmented systems. Trident’s Dynamics 365 NAV makes it much easier to offer a native Omni channel solution for retailers, as it was built in the cloud. 3) Flexibility An integrated solution is important not just for customers to engage and shop in retail, but also for how a unified solution can allow first-line employees to take part better and make sure ideal operational efficiencies across your supply chain. Dynamics 365 for marketing offers retailers the ability to streamline their operations with enriched knowledge that characterizes their business. Employees at the store can gain greater information and insight into stock availability, cross-application support for task management, as well as trade analytics that enable managers to monitor performance and insights to help them make informed decisions.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Redefining shopping excellence with an unified E-commerce solution Read More »

Enterprise’s secret flavor to success- Microsoft Dynamics 365

As Fourth Industrialization spreads throughout the world, it ultimately reshapes the way enterprises operate and their staff work and food manufacturing is a key example. Digitization at the root of this revolution — supported and driven by cloud computing and likewise technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things, and machine learning — is enabling food manufacturers to always use information-driven intelligence to change their business operations and expand their business offerings by integrating innovative products with value-added services. Trustworthy Microsoft’s cloud offerings as Microsoft Dynamics 365—provide manufacturers new and better ways of growing, innovating, and boosting operational efficiencies. For Food & Beverage, Microsoft Dynamics 365 has all the spices you need to handle your complex tasks, financial and compliance needs. Industry-rich features are provided in the cloud & on-premise, which makes an enterprise more agile. Food safety provisions, traceability of ingredients, shelf-life monitoring, recipe management and seasonal demand predicting are some of the challenges faced daily by food and beverage manufacturers. With the industry-specific Microsoft Dynamics 365, whether you are dealing in foods, drinks, frozen entrees or canned goods, food manufacturers are acquiring the resources required for success and prosper. Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides a complete solution, ensuring that every part of your enterprise is fully connected, from human resources and financial management to warehouse operations and quality control. Add in industry-specific food and beverage manufacturing apps, then add a touch of advanced digital and shop floor technologies, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 will provide you with a formula for success. The benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for food manufacturing industry include: The flexibility of recipes with batch processing technologies and industry-specific BOMs to help reformulation Supports multiple Units of measure (volume, weight, pounds, cases, etc.) Seasonal demand forecast for individual and multi-plant Precise and clear consumer inventory management, including batch, lot and serial number traceability to automate turns and monitor expiry or best-in-time dates The functionality of private labelling Strong scheduling engine for planning volumes, advanced sequencing, waiting times and other dynamic scheduling criteria. Conquering of the laws of the food and beverage industries Two-way lot monitoring (from fields to grocery stores and back) for a clear and precise supply chain, including the purchase of raw materials and rapid identification of recall Expiry, cross-contamination and shelf-life monitoring, first-OUT (FEFO) logic to reduce waste and streamline your stock Strong labelling options to avoid unnecessary error labelling and regulatory fines Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides some clear business advantages for the food industry, whether you need to boost your teamwork skills, improve productivity or protect your data, it will be there for you. Now the question is out of too many Microsoft Dynamics 365 service providers, which service providers to opt for?? For that, you can blindly trust dynamics 365 partner Trident Information Pvt Ltd. It is one of the renowned names in the market. For more information, you can go to https://tridentinfo.com/contact/[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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7 Steps to Implement ERP in a Right Way

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are utilized by businesses looking to manage their business functions within a centralized and integrated system. ERP is commonly used by companies working within the supply chain to help keep track of all the moving parts of manufacturing and distribution. ERP can be utilized by several different industries including those in Retail, Logistics, Manufacturing, Hospitality, etc. ERP is really important for any organization, it could act as a backbone of any company but you have to keep a lot of things to take full advantage from your ERP which we will discuss in below context. Steps to Implement ERP  1- Finding objective and scope Before ERP implementation recognizing the objective and scope of implementing ERP is very important. You should ask yourself a question that “What should ERP be implemented for” and the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) have to be analysed. You should not focus only on the present objective but you also have to keep in mind the future objectives as well, which enables your business to accommodate changes in your future. As per Panorama’s study, 61.1% of ERP implementations take longer than expected and 74.1% of ERP projects exceed the budget. Blurry definition of the ERP requirement is the main cause of a long time and over budgeting. For that you should know the scope of implementing ERP, the ERP demand list should be generated depending on budget and core necessity. 2- Selecting ERP Vendors In this competitive environment, the election of the ideal product is important to achieve productivity gains. There are over 500 ERP applications in the market. While selecting the perfect ERP application for your business, you should know the vendor’s previous projects, industry vertical and experience. 3- Monitor Foundation  According to Mint Jutras, 23% are unable to grow their business as quickly as they would like and believe this to be because they lack the tools they need in their current ERP system. The infrastructure on which the software will operate has to have the expanse of scalability along with options to update as per the demand. Such a requirement should not be limited. 4- Make Employees Ready for ERP Big changes in any organization could also lead to the retention of employees, this could immensely influence the growth rate of a company, therefore management should involve their employees and develop them psychologically to clarify the critical questions like – HOW will ERP help an organization to rise? OR How would ERP enhance productivity? OR How would an ERP automate back-office functions and save time? A couple of brainstorming sessions will build employees’ confidence and prepare them to welcome the good change with open arms. 5- Technology & Knowledge Transfer  21% of ERP implementations fail to give significant business benefits. The causes vary, beginning with inappropriate customization occurring from ill-trained personnel operating data to the solution. Training is the most important aspect of the ERP software implementation process. It assures there are fewer issues and higher success, especially when ERP is implemented for the first time in the company or when the platform is changed from one ERP solution to another. Decent use of technology and a useful knowledge transfer, along with proper training should be considered. 6 – Testing  According to a Panorama Research study, 40% of ERP implementations cause major operational disruptions after go-live; therefore, proper testing is necessary before implementation. In the testing phase, improvising can be done keeping core objectives in mind simultaneously. Testing is an important phase of the implementation process, which takes care of system and user acceptance testing. 7 – Maintenance Once the ERP solution is properly-checked and implemented, it is the time to go live. After going live you your ERP needs continuous maintenance and updating to avoid any glitches and irregularities. It is a continuous process, not a one-time event. Now the question is out of 500 ERP applications right now in the market, which one is the best to choose?? Trident (Microsoft ERP partner) ERP Software Solutions are one of the best ERP software providers in, India. Our ERP analyses your business individually before coming with an efficiency offer in order to meet the best needs of your business. We provide customized ERP software solutions in cloud & web based environment, which is our strongest value propositions. Our ERP consists of various building blocks, which enables businesses to choose modules according to their exact needs and integrate all of their key processes into a single solution.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Food Manufacturing Industry Need Intelligent ERP to Manage Operations & Manufacturing Process

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Nowadays various food industries providing all kinds of food services are established throughout the world. Now food industries have to focus on concerns like fitness and wellness, changing lifestyles, changing favourites, food protection, sustainability, and technology. Aside from serving their customers, they also are involved in managing their processes short and streamlined. In today’s food market with such an immense competition the investment in technologies like ERP for food & beverage is not only a wise choice but a necessary one. In the below context we will address the needs for ERP for Food Manufacturing and its benefits.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Needs of ERP for Food Manufacturing & Managing Operations    Single Integrated System Streamline Production Management Monitoring of the food Enhance Supply Chain Efficiency Manage R&D for Faster Time to Market Strategic Financial Management [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Benefits of ERP for Food & Beverage Industry 1) Single Integrated system ERP makes an organization efficient and simplified its management by addressing data from every single distinct zone of the organization, allowing all data to be accessed by employers in real-time. This also helps the administrators to have overall information of the whole organization. Furthermore, most ERP programming is presently accessible on cell phones which makes it’s more easily accessible. 2) Streamline Production Management ERP helps in following up with the seasonal demand with simpler production scheduling tools. Furthermore, it reinforces accuracy with automated barcodes, and RFID tags and track a variety of things including the loss of inventory and ingredients[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”7257″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”6163″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] 3) Continuous monitoring of food An ERP ensures the protection of your manufacturing company by continuous monitoring of food for its security, for example, stock details, expiry dates, content properties, and nourishment can be effortlessly observed and verified. 4) Enhance Supply Chain Efficiency ERP helps in making ingredient and raw material sourcing more efficient and economical by purchasing more strategically with an eye on seasonality and Improving forecast accuracy for just-in-time production. Furthermore, it enhances materials and inventory management to maximize shelf life and reduce waste. 5) Manage R&D for Faster Time to Market By knowing what ingredients are included in each order with robust batch and lot tracking, ERP Applies discipline to managing recipes throughout development with revision auditing.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 6) Enable Strategic Financial Management It helps in Streamlining accounting operations by gaining visibility into trends with built-in sophisticated analytics and reporting and Optimizing profitability with end-to-end costing analysis. For food and beverage companies, these hurdles have been especially acute because of the very vital necessity to balance changes that influence cost-effectiveness and product safety. But such concerns are not new to this industry as today’s business environment has become very competitive and nowadays ERP is not just a choice, it has become a necessity. Without an integrated ERP software system, the task is less effective, less economical and has a greater chance of losing to manage both your business plans and long term aims. An investment now in an ERP system can help you further by having more ROI.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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How Dynamics 365 ERP Helping in Manufacturing Industry

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]With the advancement in technology, manufacturers are under pressure to live at top-level productivity throughout their supply chains in the phase of a transforming industrial landscape. Transforming operations and enhancing productivity is a top preference for many manufacturing businesses, but if manufacturers have to build more efficient and productive organization industrial overhaul, they necessitate to have a sound business management solution at their foundation. This is where an ERP like Microsoft Dynamics 365 for manufacturing can make all the difference. The Microsoft Dynamics suite has long been a favourite of manufacturing businesses, with Manufacturing ERP Software solutions Dynamics NAV and Dynamics AX, in particular, offering a range of tools and processes for manufacturers of all types. Microsoft Dynamics for manufacturing has been aiding manufacturers to streamline and enhance their processes for two decades, and now, in the phase of massive digital transformation across the industry, it is rendering customers with modish tools to assist them to do more[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”7014″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for manufacturing 1) Heighten supply chain operations It can be challenging to gain a complete, real-time survey of procedures. Data from sales, suppliers, order fulfilment, product performance, and customer service all need to be acknowledged while sweating to advance supply chain processes. By linking your business data, supply chain data, and public data like maps and weather forecasts in a system instilled with artificial intelligence and machine learning, manufacturers can better readjust to changes and developments which ultimately cut down the wasted time and resources. A cloud-based, mobile-enabled solution like Dynamics 365 for manufacturing assists businesses to implement a holistic system that acts as a “single source of truth” can help create more accurate schedules, forecasts, and budgets, which in turn power a more efficient business.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] 2) Slick asset management Dynamics 365 for manufacturing enables manufacturers to closely observe their machinery by processing and gathering data in real-time. Performance, usage, and machine lifecycle information can be viewed anytime, anywhere, and any issues can be resolved accordingly. Combination of an innovative ERP like Dynamics 365 with IoT-ready parts, manufacturers can keep an even closer eye on their assets, spot broken or inefficient components, and use collected data to work accordingly.   4) Make better use of business data  The growth of the IoT is not only enabling manufacturers to better sync their equipment and processes, but it’s also producing impressive amounts of data. How businesses use that data is crucial to their success in the new age of industry. Combining this centralized intelligence with Dynamics 365’s built-in AI capabilities supports manufacturers obtain actionable insights from their data, forecasts based on previous actions and events, and graduate from being reactive to staying one step ahead.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] 3) Enhance innovation  In any type of business, time is money, and manufacturers are under relentless pressure to reduce production cycles and get products to market more quickly. Dynamics 365 for manufacturing allows greater insight into business operations, highlighting sections that can be optimized, processes condensed, and costs cut. With product, customer, and performance data being examined in real-time, manufacturers have more freedom and scope to enhance the way they work and respond to changes quickly. Having data on hand to able to innovate and reinvent not only empowers employees but also shortens the time to market and enhance manufacturing process automation.   5) Boost profitability By equipping manufacturers with the tools and intelligence to make their services better, faster, and more customer-focused, Dynamics 365 for manufacturing enables users to eliminate waste, reduce errors, and provide more value to their customers; all of which will result in higher profits, and a healthier future.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Dynamics 365 Business Central – Connect and Grow your Business

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Dynamics 365 Business Central Dynamics 365 Business Central Modernize your business operations across finance, manufacturing, and supply chain to drive new growth. Dynamics 365 Business Central is designed for businesses looking for an all-in-one business management solution that’s easy to use and adapt. Connect your finances, sales, service, and operations to streamline business processes, improve customer interactions, and enable growth. An all-in-one business management solution An evolution of Dynamics NAV An intelligent and unified solution A member of the Dynamics family An application and a platform [/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Financial Management Make Informed Decisions Connect data across accounting, sales, purchasing, inventory, and customer interactions to get an end-to-end view of your business. Chart financial performance in real time with built-in Power BI dashboards. Accelerate Financial Close and Reporting Streamline accounts receivables and payables, and automatically reconcile accounts to close and report on financials quickly and accurately, while maintaining compliance. Improve Forecast Accuracy Refine financial forecasts by modeling and analyzing data across multiple dimensions. Customize reports using seamless Microsoft Excel integration. Basic General Ledger Set up a company and start posting to the general ledger, chart of accounts, general journals, VAT facilities, recurring journals, and source codes. Budgets Work with budgets in general ledger accounts. Deferrals Set up deferral templates that automate the process of deferring revenues and expenses over a pre-defined schedule. Basic Fixed Assets Keep track of fixed assets and related transactions such as acquisitions, depreciations, write-downs, appreciations, and disposals. Basic Receivables Post sales transactions in journals and manage receivables; register customers and manage receivables using general journals. Dimensions Add unlimited dimensions to any ledger for advanced transaction analyses. Audit Trails The system automatically assigns audit trails and posting descriptions to every transaction. In addition, users can define reason codes to create complementary audit trails. Bank Account Management Create, operate, and manage multiple bank accounts for catering to your diverse business needs and across different currencies. Reconciliation Reconcile your bank statement data automatically to open bank account ledger entries end to keep track of all your bank statements. Currencies Manage multiple currencies throughout the system, including payables and receivables, general ledger reports, resource and inventory items, and bank accounts. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Human Resource Employees Group and track employee information and organize employee data according to different types of information, such as experience, skills, education, training, and union membership. Expense Management Post expenses against employee cards to track and reimburse their expenses.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Project Management Stay on Budget Create, manage, and track customer projects using timesheets along with advanced job costing and reporting capabilities. Develop, modify, and control budgets to ensure project profitability. Plan with Precision Manage resource levels by planning capacity and sales. Track invoicing for customers against planned costs on orders and quotes. Analyze Project Performance Make effective decisions with real-time insight on project status, profitability, and resource-usage metrics. Resources Register and sell resources, combine related resources into one resource group or track individual resources. Estimates Monitor resource usage and get a complete overview of your capacity for each resource with information about availability and planned costs on orders and quotes. Jobs Keep track of usage on jobs and data for invoicing the customer. Manage both fixed-price jobs and time-and-materials jobs. Timesheets Timesheets are a simple and flexible solution for time registration with manager approval and integrate with Service, Jobs, and Basic Resources. Multiple Languages Switch languages on the client in real time provided that the desired language is available. Reason Codes Define a set of reason codes that can be assigned to individual transactions throughout the system, providing user-defined audit trails. Extended Text Set up an unlimited number of lines to describe inventory items, resources, and general ledger accounts. Intrastat Reporting Automatically retrieve the necessary data to report Intrastat information to statistics authorities. Local customs authorities can inform you whether your company is obligated to file such a report. Outlook Integration Synchronize your to-do items and your contacts with your meetings, tasks, and contacts in Outlook. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Empower Everyone with Ictionable insight with Power BI Make Data Driven Decisions See all your data through a single pane of glass. Live Power BI dashboards and reports include visualizations and KPIs from your data in the cloud and on-premises, offering a consolidated view across your business, regardless of where your data lives. Build Intelligence into your Apps Make all your apps smarter when you collect and infuse all the data captured across your organization. Bring the power of the Business Application Platform, Power BI, and your apps together to deliver actionable insights. Use Common Data Service for Analytics Remove data silos to drive intelligence across your organization by connecting data from Dynamics 365 and your other business apps with Common Data Service for Analytics. Apps that Transform the Way you do Business Create An App for Every Task Build visually stunning apps that take advantage of device capabilities like cameras, GPS, and pen controls, run on any device, and are completely customized for your business requirements. Incorporate Powerful Workflow Automation Integrate Microsoft Flow workflows to automate virtually any process including notifications, data collection, and approval routing—all without writing a single line of code. Use Common Data Service for Apps Consolidate your data in Common Data Service for Apps. It’s the foundation for your apps and includes a set of over 200 standard business entities and relationships. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Customer Relationship Management Deliver Value at Every Touch Point Prioritize sales leads based on revenue potential. Keep track of all customer interactions and get guidance on best upsell, cross-sell, and renewal opportunities throughout your sales cycle. Boost Sales Productivity Accelerate the quote to cash process. Act quickly on sales-related inquiries, manage service requests, and process payments—all from within Outlook. Maximize Profitability Gain a comprehensive overview of your service tasks, workloads, and employee skills to effectively assign resources and accelerate case resolution. Contacts Maintain an overview of your contacts and record your contact information for all business relationships. Campaigns Organize campaigns based on segments of your contacts that you define. Opportunity Management Keep

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Elevate your financial performance and streamline your operations with Dynamics 365

Dynamics AX has been rebranded Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, On-Premises. Take the next steps to learn how a modern, intelligent ERP solution can help you grow your business. 1- Elevate your financial performance Close books faster, deliver robust reporting, increase profitability with business intelligence, and ensure global compliance. Increase profitability: margin revenue growth with a centralised, global financial management solution that delivers robust financial intelligence and embedded analytics in real time. Optimise workforce productivity: Empower employees with role-based workspaces that provide intelligent automation, task prioritisation, and integration with Office 365 applications to maximise efficiency for superior business outcome. Reduce operational expense: Minimise operational costs across business geographies with financial process automation, encumbrance, budget planning, budget control, and three-way matching. Adapt quickly to requirement changes: Adjust to changing financial requirements with a flexible, guided, rules-based chart of accounts, dimensions, and global tax engine. Streamline asset management : Efficiently track values and reduce reporting errors with centralised, automated processes for managing your capitalised assets from acquisition through disposal. 2- Run smarter operations Bring agility and efficiency to your manufacturing to connect and optimise production planning, scheduling, operations, and cost management. Select best-fit manufacturing processes: Create an ideal manufacturing mix from discrete, lean, and process in a single, unified solution to support your processes across the supply chain. Improve operational procedures: Optimise manufacturing parameters for each product family, including make to stock, make to order, pull to order, configure to order, and engineer to order. Simplify resource management: Streamline scheduling with real-time visibility into resources using a unified resource model and scheduling engine with Dynamics 365 financial software. Accelerate product delivery: Optimise the flow of manufacturing material and finished goods with advanced warehouse and logistics management. 3- Automate and streamline your supply chain Modernise your supply chain with unified, advanced warehouse and stock management to improve fulfillment, material sourcing, and logistics. Modernise business logistics: Optimise fulfillment and reduce costs by synchronising logistics across sites, warehouses, and transportation modes. Deliver timely customer response: Enable faster response to customer demand by automating a seamless coordination of order-to-cash processes. Get ahead with predictive insights: Gain visibility and control across all sites and warehouses for proactive response to issues using dynamics financial analysis. Streamline procurement: Reduce procurement costs and gain greater control by automating procure-to-pay processes. Unify processes from sales to fulfillment: Seamlessly connect sales and purchasing with logistics, production, and warehouse management for a 360-degree view of your supply chain. 4- Innovate with a modern and adaptable platform Drive innovation with an intelligent application that is easy to tailor, extend, and connect to other apps and services you already use. Use a single regulatory format for multiple software versions: Work with one regulatory configuration service that can be used across multiple versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and Microsoft Dynamics AX. Empower your users with no‑code configuration services: Enable users with a no‑code approach to easily configure frequently changing legal requirements for regulatory reports, e‑invoices, payment formats, and tax rules.

Elevate your financial performance and streamline your operations with Dynamics 365 Read More »

Why Microsoft Dynamics AX for Mid-Size & Large Organisation

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is an ERP system suitable for midsize to large enterprises. The solution has particular strengths in manufacturing and distribution but is also capable of serving buyers across multiple industry verticals. The solution can be installed on-premises or be hosted in the cloud for remote accessibility over the web. In addition to core accounting, Microsoft Dynamics AX offers functionalities for inventory control, warehouse management, transportation management, demand and supply chain planning, material requirements planning, production management, quality assurance, product lifecycle management, asset management, and business intelligence. Multi-language and multi-currency are the additional features which make MS Dynamics AX a suitable option for companies operating globally. The solution supports repetitive, make-to-order, make-to-stock, light assembly and engineer-to-order manufacturing process, among others. The industry-specific functionality meets the needs of discrete manufacturers in the high-tech, electronics, metals, industrial machinery, aerospace, consumer products, and medical devices industries.

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The Industry Solution for Hi-Tech and Electronics Manufacturing

Today’s global customers are demanding more configure-to-order, make-to-order, and assemble-to-order products. The modern, agile industrial manufacturer must be responsive and able to deliver with the highest quality and timeliness. The fluctuating demand leads to significant challenges in managing the internal supply chain, coordinating the extended vendor ecosystem, controlling costs, ensuring quality, tracking production, and optimizing inventory levels.   With today’s ever-changing financial and environmental regulations, shrinking product life cycles, and global sourcing challenges, Dynamics 365 for Operations helps you gain visibility across the entire value chain, empowering you to make more efficient and timely decisions. Trident’s implementation processes reduce time and risk so you can rapidly build an adaptive business network, seize new revenue streams, and respond to changing market conditions regardless of your company’s size. Trident’s high-tech industry solution is a set of software and services that automate and streamline the following business processes: • Materials management and demand planning • Purchasing & Inventory Management • Multi-Country, Multi Product, Multi-Level Manufacturing • Multinational Financial accounting • Supply chain planning and Logistics & Warehousing • Service management and customer support • CRM/sales • Engineering Change Management Materials Management and Demand Planning In Hi-Tech Industries, conditions in materials management and demand planning vary rapidly. New requirements need to be determined constantly; order processes and production planning have to be updated. Manufacturing operations need to respond quickly and without too much expense. The higher the product and BOM complexity, the more important a comprehensive, automatic MRP planning process becomes. Trident’s Hi-Tech Solution provides powerful MRP planning configurations, including ordering and order data, shopping and sales planning and stochastic processes. Purchasing & Inventory Management Trident’s Hi-Tech helps you in procurement planning considering minimum order quantities, lot sizes, purchase prices and current stock levels. Purchase planning based on planned and historical consumption levels Blanket orders, supplier inquiries & bonus management Purchasing agreements with suppliers on price, quantity and delivery time for optimum supplier selection Faulty parts management and backlog information with activity messages to avoid delivery delays Supplier connection via the Enterprise Portal or other common industry standards Multi Country, Multi Product, Multi-Level Manufacturing Trident’s Hi-Tech gives you an overview of delivery dates, component availability, production capacities and capacities of external manufacturers (make or buy) and be able to plan accordingly. Graphical view of production resources and production orders Integrated materials and capacity planning as well as production priorities for managing rush orders External production with the provision Extensive production papers with barcodes, label handling for batches and serial numbers Integration of time recording, production data acquisition and machine data logging Visualisation of QA and QM processes Various process variants can be configured such as Made to Order (MTO), Make to Stock (MTS), and more (BTO, ATP…) Variant and product configurator for building custom products (also via the Enterprise Portal on the Internet) Financial Accounting Financial management is the core of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Hi-Tech. Full integration in the other areas of the application allows the collection and analysis of financial data in real time. With extensive country- and region-specific features, the solution fulfils the local financial requirements for 36 countries. Financial accounting, financial planning and cash flow management on client company code, cost centre, cost object and up to seven other dimensions Automatic accrual for consignment stock, bonus agreements and goods. Automatic “work in process” (WIP) tracking for productions and projects Cost and performance accounting integrated into production, project, time recording and production/machine data acquisition Stock valuation Engineering Change Management Research and development (R&D) are the basis for the success of many medium-sized high-tech companies. Efficient quality, time and budget management for R&D processes often decide the future success of a company. Different types of projects and the integration of customers and suppliers into the processes require a flexible system for managing and controlling project activities. The product module allows you to manage and monitor internal as well as contract research projects.

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