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Supply Chain Management Software

Shed Unpredictability, Labour Shortages, and Equipment Unpredictability with SCM software! 

Machinery and equipment rental, leasing, and service-focused businesses look for every challenging opportunity in their way. Everyone applies different strategies to stay ahead in the competition. Successful businesses emphasize majorly Supply Chain Management Software which provides all the necessities to run a business on a single platform.   Due to the global changes in the past few years, the supply chain has been disrupted for various businesses. Mckinsey’s Tom Barton recently moderated a discussion panel on how to overcome supply chain disruptions at the 84th Inland Transport Committee roundtable. There it was discussed that despite consistent recovery efforts, we have still not managed to achieve pre-pandemic growth and sustainable development.   There are three major challenges that the global supply chain is currently facing: Equipment unavailability, labor shortages, and global bottlenecks. Furthermore, persistent unpredictability is another reason why supply chains are failing.   It is important to choose the right Supply Chain Management Software for:   Providing the planning departments with a complete vision of trucks throughout the depots.   Enabling planners to schedule transport and transfer work orders using the same window.   Robust third-party shippers and carriers’ collaboration.   Route optimization by connecting planners with drivers.   Real-time coordination and optimization with logistics.   Updating customers about delivery issues or delays.   Agility for complicated routing, partial shipments, and multi-channel orders.   Manage complex freight and transport costs in a single process.  In this erratic environment, the technology you use plays a major role in the flow of your supply chain. Supply Chain Management Software like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations has helped streamline the supply chains of businesses in different verticals throughout this rough period and continues to do the same.  How does D365 Supply Chain Management Software Help in Maintaining a Healthy Supply Chain Flow?  Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain is an all-in-one Supply Chain ERP System evolved to manage trade, manufacturing, and complete supply chain processes. It competently collects and uses the data available to provide significant insights on upcoming opportunities and threats. What else does it provide?  Everything in One Space  Microsoft ERP for Supply Chain Management provides every functionality a retailer, manufacturer, or distributor needs on a single platform. This may include a complete range of tasks such as data management, inventory, planning, warehousing and transportation, procurement and sales, and integrated product management on the same platform. This Supply Chain Management Software allows detailed management and complete control based on reliable and complete operational information.   Input Chain Control   Many products may come from distant locations while engaging in long traveling hours. They may reach you via trucks, ships, planes, etc. and each of them may potentially delay the process. Earlier it was impossible to control every stage. However, today you can access data on your cargo processed by delivery, insurance, and services in electronic forms.   Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain allows you to register agreed routes and gain information about the product’s location at each stage. This way, you can correctly calculate the accurate date of its arrival at your warehouse, thus ensuring timely shipment to the customer.   Control Additional Costs    After adding delivery, processing at intermediate points, and insurance, imported goods cost 40% or even higher than the selling price of the supplier. D365 Supply Chain Management Software allows control of additional costs at every step of the complete supply chain to your warehouse with accurate costing of goods.   Every line in each order, regardless of complete or individual delivery, disparities in routes, or calculation methods will be calculated according to rules of cost allocations. Even if there is an unexpected occurring cost in between the process, it will reflect in your current route ensuring accurate calculations.  Reduce Costs with Power Platforms   Another development in current digital technology is the ability to develop small solutions or chatbots, combine software products, and produce interactive reports at a far lower cost of development and maintenance. And corporate customers have access to all of this with little to no participation from professional developers.  There are also specialized, pre-packaged boxed solutions for particular processes that link to Dynamics family products. Is there an added task in your industry that needs to be automated? You can find solutions in the AppSource Affiliate Store. You will probably be able to identify several proposals that have already been created and are suitable for usage with your system.  If you are looking for D365 Supply Chain ERP Implementation, you can contact Trident Information Systems, a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner, and LS Central Diamond Partner.  

Shed Unpredictability, Labour Shortages, and Equipment Unpredictability with SCM software!  Read More »

ERP Software for Retailers.

Is your Retail staff unhappy? Here is How to Fix it.  

One of the most critical factors that businesses consider when it comes to customer service is the quality of their employees and the technology they use. Many big retail brands prefer ERP Software for Retailers. However, a poorly-staffed retail store can lead to a customer dropping out of their shopping list. According to a study conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 32% of consumers will stop buying from a brand they love after one bad experience.  After a customer has left a negative review on social media, their friends and family might also follow suit. This could lead to a few more people dropping out of the shopping list.  As an employer, you can also take various steps to improve the quality of your employees’ work lives such as implementing a Retail Management System Software. These include implementing policies and procedures that will help improve their engagement and job satisfaction.  Some of the common problems that can affect the performance of your employees are poor communication, absenteeism, and poor performance. To avoid these, there are a lot of things you can do. But let’s discuss some problems and their best possible solution.   #1 Problem: You Lack a Proper Set of Rules  Have you set stable rules for your employees? Do you have certain rules to train your new staff? Does your new set of staff know what is expected of them? You must disclose what they are expected to do and how they must behave. How they can resolve common customer queries and escalate issues wherever required, and how they must use your Store Management Software  . They must have easy access to the rules of conduct to remind themselves how to react.   Training your staff about the rules of conduct may feel tiring but it is essential. Your staff feels confident if they know what is expected of them and how they must behave in a certain situation. Moreover, it also supports consistent customer service.   Solution: Retail brands are creating simple sets of rules and many of them are even using ERP Software for Retailers which helps them set and manage their rules of conduct. One such software is LS Retail Software Solution.    #2 Problem: Your Employees Feel Left Out  One of the most common factors hampering your staff’s efficiency is not feeling a part of the group. Some research reveals that staff who have a best friend at their workplace tend to work seven times more efficiently. People in a team have a strong sense of shared purpose, rely on each other, and share responsibilities and achievements. The secret is to create a connection that exceeds your work time.    Solution: Build team spirit among staff. Engage them in activities requiring teamwork such as drumming, sports, yoga, etc. Anything that needs collaboration will work. For those working remotely, you can create spaces for collaboration, followed by some informal moments where your staff could chat and share common interests.   #3 Problem: Lack of Official Channel of Communication   How many times did you have to call your employees frantically to find out about the last-minute update? Have you witnessed employee(s) gathering in front of your cabin to find out if their time-off requests have been accepted, or probably you have lost them? There will be many instances where communication plays a massive role. Inefficient communication will only lead to chaos. Hence you need to implement a technology that supports a strong communication medium.   Solution: The best ERP Software for Retailers includes tools that support effective communication. A space where employees could connect and share information in real-time is a must-have these days. One such Software for Retail Shop is LS Central. This Retail Software is Microsoft-driven and provides tools such as Teams and outlook where employees can communicate with one another via quick chats and emails.   #4: Inability to Optimize Your Workforce  Your employees have to fulfil a task even if they feel bored. At some point, all employees are guilty of not being able to optimize their staff efficiency. For instance: Linda is good with kids, maybe she should manage the kid’s section. And John is very organized, he must be assigned the responsibility to arrange the items received. Another issue can be time: you may need more than two staff at a POS station. You can save your efforts and resources with the right ERP Software for Retailers.    Moreover, your staff can do a lot more with the right technology in hand. For instance, empowering your employees with a Retail POS enhances their customer service twofold. Further, you can take some time to understand your staff’s skills to assign the perfect task to them. You can store your staff detailers in your ERP Software for Retailers and use them for the best situation.   One of the key solutions is to implement ERP Software for Retailers which helps you optimize your staff, provides tools for adequate communication, and sets and manages rules for consistent conduct of workflow.   LS Retail is a unified Store Management Software. Driven by Microsoft, it provides all the tools necessary to run a smooth retail business followed by Azure security. If you are looking for LS Retail Implementation, you can contact Trident Information Systems. We are a Gold Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation Partner and LS Retail Diamond Partner. Many famous retail businesses have leveraged our ERP Software for Retailers and thrived in the industry. Contact us for further information.  

Is your Retail staff unhappy? Here is How to Fix it.   Read More »

ERP Software for eCommerce

How can Charity Retailers Select the Right POS and Unified Software Solution? 

Making the move or upgrading to a new version of Retail POS System or ERP Software for eCommerce affects every area of a retailer’s company. It can be much worse for charity merchants, who must account to their patrons for their running expenses. They must be able to justify any additional investments made to meet the increasing administrative load they currently confront, even if it is one of their largest expense centers.  But there is no longer a choice to do nothing. Charity merchants cannot afford to cling to antiquated procedures and outdated technology as they struggle to stay viable and deal with issues like multi-channel stock management, retaining supporters, and obtaining the largest gifts from frugal customers. The most discerning understand that the proper Retail POS Systems and Retail ERP software may relieve their pain. Several well-known charities, like Sue Ryder, Ten Thousand Villages, and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), have made the switch.  Ralph Larcombe, the manager of Sue Ryder’s EPOS systems in the United Kingdom, stated that the organization’s sole purpose in being there was to make money to fund its healthcare department and do good deeds. Therefore, getting value for their money was crucial to them when choosing a new IT system.  Sue Ryder chose to upgrade to the most recent version of LS Retail Software Solution. Their trustees reviewed the business case to ensure that the initiative would produce the anticipated return on investment (ROI). The organization is now benefiting from automated replenishment, improved data administration, intelligent reporting, and a simplified till that requires less training for new volunteers in terms of saving money and time.  How can ERP Software for eCommerce Manage Every Aspect of Your Charity Retail Store?  You will eventually lose sight of which parts of your business are doing well and which aren’t if your data is stored in silos across many databases and your channels don’t connect. Because of this, charity retailers want ERP Software for eCommerce that gives them a clear picture of their data, complete control over their business, and real-time data on goods, sales, and customers for all of their physical and online stores.  LS Retail Management Software is now used by the UK charity RHS to power several retail sites. The software is used by the corporation to handle its supply chain, sales orders, order fulfillment, and finance for its retail and sales operations. RHS is equipped with all the tools necessary to manage:  Retail Activities throughout the garden centers.   Finances, except charitable finances.   Inventory, e-commerce sales, gifts, and books.   Events.   Data on products, customers, and sales.  How Does it Help You Manage Volunteers and Employees?  Charity shops by definition have a high worker turnover rate. The majority of retailers often use volunteers of various ages, who must be recruited, employed, instructed, and managed. Therefore, having cutting-edge Retail Point of Sale Systems that is simple to use, need little training, and can simply organize employee schedules is a priceless tool for your nonprofit organization.  A straightforward and easy-to-use Point of Sale System was important to Sue Ryder when choosing a new retail system.  EPOS Systems Manager Larcombe remarked, “Having a till that is straightforward, transparent, clean, and easy to use, is of enormous importance to us. After a brief 45-minute training session, the volunteers at the Sue Ryder stores—some of whom are seniors without any prior retail experience—can use the till with ease. Our volunteers may practice without actually doing transactions in the training mode on the LS Retail till, and they often pick it up pretty fast.”  How Strong Business Analytics and Embedded Power BI can Provide Better Visibility?  Do you fully comprehend what is occurring throughout your network of charity shops? Data analytics may be useful, especially for the price and assortment optimization, if you want to quickly identify the goods and places that are generating the most money and where you should take action. Although you may add these sophisticated features to your Retail Management System, it is more cost-effective to have them integrated into the ERP Software for eCommerce as opposed to using a separate software solution that you’ll need to operate, pay for, and keep up to date.  Managers at Ten Thousand Villages now have far better visibility into what is happening thanks to clever ERP Software for eCommerce and a centralized source of data. They can act on opportunities and fix problems in real-time, even on the busiest retail days, thanks to a Power BI dashboard that pulls data straight from the Retail ERP. Hence improving sales performance.  Today, a lot of charity retailers work with ERP Software for eCommerce such as LS Retail Software Solution. If you want to implement this solution, you can Contact Trident Information Systems. We are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. With a strong track of accomplishments of 22+ years, we have partnered with various renowned businesses across the world.  

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Cloud Kitchen Software

Recipes of Success for Your Cloud Kitchen! 

 Imagine not having to spend extra just to fit in a better location or worrying about parking space and a better ambiance. All you have to focus on is making awesome dishes and quickly delivering them. Cloud kitchens are becoming the top business choice due to low investments, low setup requirements, high productivity, quicker services, competitive prices, low competition, and happier customers. However, you will still receive digital assistance to keep your business going. Even if you run a small cloud kitchen business, you will still need Cloud Kitchen Software to manage operations.   This seemingly simple business type can become complex if you choose the wrong digital assistance. For instance, instead of running on different systems, choose ERP for Cloud Kitchen. It is best to segregate all your activities on a single platform. Therefore, make sure you choose a Cloud Kitchen Management Solution which supports ERP and CRM on the same platform. LS Central is the most renowned example of such. It is a unified ERP and CRM that allows flexible tools, and agile features to help you boost productivity and increase profit margin.   How Can You Decide on a Cloud Kitchen Business Model?  Cloud kitchens bring new categories and innovative menus to the market. No need to establish a full-fledged traditional restaurant, you only have to focus on the quality of food and services you provide. Decide a particular theme/ model like:  Healthy Food  Since people are now becoming more health conscious, they want to eat healthy meals even when they don’t have time to cook, or they don’t know how to cook. You can put up with healthy recipes on your menu disclosing all the ingredients and calorie counts. There are working professionals who fail to manage healthy food for themselves and are forced to grab unhealthy food. With a healthy food cloud kitchen model, you can ensure you have their back.    Regional Cuisines   Regional cuisines like Punjabi, south Indian, or Rajasthani cuisines are also popular choices for ghost kitchens. People look for a change now and then, and these cuisines are no less than a breath of fresh air. Focusing on a particular dish like Biriyani can also work well.   Indulgent Food   We cannot miss indulgent food such as waffles or crepes. These too are a great theme for a cloud kitchen that you can optimize for quicker delivery. Demand for such food is booming these days, as they are quickly digested and make the consumer crave them even more.   Meals   Meal boxes are excellent for people always on the move and require a variety of food options every day. In these busy times, customers need a full-course meal to stay energetic and productive. You can be as creative as you want to be; design meals based on region, calorie count, or just a fun box with burgers, wontons, noodles, etc.   Boost Customer Engagement with Cloud Kitchen Software  No matter how good you are with food, if you do not invest in viable Cloud Kitchen Software, you will never be optimally productive. Having ERP for Cloud Kitchen Technology manages and streamlines all your operations and customers. Use CRM for Cloud Kitchen for:  Connecting and Understanding Customers on Online Ordering Platforms   Since you do not have a physical place where customers can contact you, your website will be the first place where they will visit, check it out, and drop their queries. Make sure you upload enticing pictures or new launches. Also, ensure your Cloud Kitchen Software helps you track customer movements, which dish is attracting them the most, and what are they ordering primarily. With this data, you can innovate menus that match their taste.   Embrace Speed, Automation, and Optimization   When running a cloud kitchen, automation, speed, and optimization are the key factors that impact your success. Install a Cloud Kitchen POS that runs on the cloud and allows integration with other tools; this will make your life way easier. Another thing you can have been an order management system to bring your orders from different third-party apps to one place. Cloud Kitchen Software like LS Central provides all these features in one place.   Get Feedback from Customers  Getting feedback from your customers can be a little tricky when you do not have direct contact with one another. It is important to establish an engagement chain via different mediums such as SMS or email. This is where receiving orders from your website plays a major role, you can see their details and provide meaningful communication.   Menus, Raw Material, and Cooks    Craft an impressive menu based on customer data and feedback. You can replenish raw materials accordingly. Make sure your Cloud Kitchen Software enables automatic replenishment to help you streamline the process. Moreover, stocking-based demand prevents overstocking and understocking, hence cutting waste.   Cloud kitchens are flourishing in today’s market where labor shortages and several restrictions are prevalent. Good Cloud Kitchen Software is as important as the quality of food and delivery services. Make sure you get a Cloud Kitchen Software Solution that supports both ERP and CRM. If you are looking for Cloud Kitchen Software Implementation, LS Central is currently the most renowned solution in the market. Being a unified Cloud Kitchen Platform, it manages and stores data in a single database while allowing easy and updated data access.  Trident Information Systems is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. Allow our robust team of 200+ specialists with unbeatable skills to help you thrive in the market. Leverage our 20+ years of experience and make your customers happier than ever. If you wish to boost your productivity four times more, Contact us.  

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Restaurant Management Systems

Facing Labor Shortages? Use This Technology to Overcome It! 

In the past couple of years, the hospitality industry witnessed a brutal time where they faced labor shortages and their current Restaurant Management Systems failed to comply with their sudden needs.   According to a survey by UK Hospitality, in the UK alone, a quarter of pubs, restaurants, and hotels were forced to shut down due to a lack of workforce. A similar picture can be seen in Asia. Labor shortages overpowered economic growth in Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, etc. In Canada, about 80% of food service business owners face a hard time hiring kitchen staff, and 67% can barely fill bartending, serving, and hosting profiles, as per a report by Restaurants Canada.   A New York restaurant owner Phillippe Massoud believes that if it doesn’t rectify immediately, it may end up damaging the entire industry. He further elaborates that they are not fully operating their business due to labor shortages, and if this continues, this will hurt them in the near future.   While some businesses have no other choice but to shut their business, there are food service operators who deploy Restaurant Management Systems to fill labor gaps. They connected their Hospitality Management System Software with the front and the back office to speed up operations with less workforce. The results were impressive and many of them could get back on track with the help of Hospitality ERP Software.   How to Use Restaurant Management Systems to Fill Labor Shortages?  In emergencies like this, technology feels God sent. Given below are some tips to get the most out of Restaurant Management Systems while filling labor shortages.   Connect Front House and Kitchen   When your staff can access the data, they need in just a second, it increases their efficiency multiple times. For instance, you can install a Restaurant Management System that connects POS with the kitchen, and the servers no longer have to run back and forth from the table to the kitchen. Instead, they can simply send the order right from the table, using POS, to the relevant kitchen counter. They can further check if the steak is ready or being prepared in real-time. Since everything is connected in real time servers can also check if the fish of the day is still available.   Results? If you may wonder? Your staff becomes more efficient and gets work done in 10 times less duration.  Release Staff Stress with Real-Time Accurate Information.  Waiting tables are often hard to manage. It’s a series of running back and forth from the kitchen, relaying data between the chef and the customer, and most probably dealing with mistakes and angry customers. Everything adds to stress.   With Restaurant Management Systems like LS Central, staff can access real-time information about available dishes, their ingredients, and the preparation status of a certain order using a POS System. Therefore, your staff will spend a lot less time providing details to the customers. This type of visibility helps reduce stress and boosts job satisfaction among staff.   Ease Training with Unified Hospitality Software  Training becomes a headache for those using multiple Restaurant Management Systems. They will have to train different members on specific systems, and sometimes have to train different people on multiple Hospitality Software. This way, the entire process becomes time-consuming, costly, and complex for staff.   Instead, if you use a single platform that connects all your business operations, the training will no longer be costly, tedious, or complex. If your Hospitality ERP allows you to design your Point of Sale Systems, you can make training even faster. This will especially become easier for employees who are already familiar with your brand.   Let Customers Serve Themselves  A survey from Tillster reveals two out of three people (about 65%) customers say they would prefer a restaurant that allows self-serve options.   This is good news for restaurants. Self-services such as kiosks, tablets, and online ordering means you require fewer people on the floor. These solutions are ideal queue busters – an infamous cause of customer interest fallouts and even walkouts. Studies have also revealed that customers spend more at a kiosk than when they order with a human server.   Optimize Labor Usage and Scheduling   Planning shifts can be laborious and time-consuming. If done manually, you are more likely to end up with too many or too few staff in a shift and finish above a month’s budget. This is not the case with smart staff management software like LS Retail Restaurant Management System. The Restaurant Management ERP helps you, schedule staff that works for you and your team, considering multiple factors such as sick days, number of guests, employee vacations, cost, etc.   Restaurant Management Systems play a huge role in managing your food service business during the labor shortage. Technology like LS Central offers a unified platform to manage all your business operations on the same platform. If you wish to implement LS Retail Hospitality Solution, you can Contact Trident Information Systems, LS Central Diamond Implementation Partner, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner. 

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LS Retail ERP

How Can Supermarkets Reduce Food Waste?

Have you ever realized how much food your business is wasting every year? Probably more than you realize! It contributes to the waste management burdens on a significant level globally. According to The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, wasted food costs add up to US$936 billion a year. It is burdening the food management system and causing major threats to global issues like climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. The UN is urging countries across the globe to cut the waste in half by 2030. ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning) like LS Retail ERP have proven itself to be effective in tackling this situation. It is recommended to contact LS Retail Gold Partners as they are backed up with a strong track record.   It is shocking to note that the United Kingdom alone is throwing away food that makes up to 190 million meals a year. The edible surplus is going into animal feeds, landfills, or plants.   Food wastage is a global issue that needs to be tackled as quickly as possible, but it also needs a balancing strategy as well. By their very nature, supermarkets tend to stock up varied materials with different shelf lives and end up throwing up food that is no longer considered fresh. They need to find a suitable solution to guide them in buying relevant items in relevant amounts while fulfilling customer demands and providing fresh material at all costs.  We have compiled a list of solutions for you to minimize waste as much as possible.  #1 Manage Expiry Dates Properly   One of the major factors leading to food waste is expiry dates. It has been estimated that 87% of food that is wasted from grocery stores is because of them having to dispose of expired products.   The first thing that the stores can do is to educate their customers about what exactly the expiry date means. Many consumers do know the difference between sell-by, used-by, and best before dates. However, there are still people who are confused between them. Thus, supermarkets can assist buyers by standardizing this information while addressing it to their customers in clear and simple formats.   Supermarkets are also inclining towards software such as LS Retail ERP that can track expiry dates and help them create discounts and exclusive offers on individual items that are about to expire, so they can be sold while reducing food wastage. Tools like Dynamics Pricing grab customer attention and encourage them to purchase near-to-expire items over fresh products.   #2 Analyze Waste Patterns with LS Retail ERP  LS Retail ERP specialized in collecting and analyzing waste. Even Grocery stores these days are realizing the importance of collecting data from different touchpoints like their eCommerce site, vendor data, smart shelves, and loyalty programs. However, there are still some who prefer to operate on spreadsheets or paper printouts. By doing so, they miss capturing essential data which could deliver special insight to boost their efficiency and profit at the same time.   By optimizing demand planning and advanced data analytics solutions, they can use the collected and big data to predict demand, identify waste patterns, and order exactly the amount they need.   #3 Shift to Modern Appliances   According to a study conducted by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the grocery retail sector sucks up to 2% of the globally used energy, which is even more than what data centers across the world consume. Energy and asset monitoring solutions throughout the stores play a key role for engineering solutions worldwide food system (which is under massive pressure)  The key challenge is to maintain food quality and safety while using the least amount of energy. Modern refrigerators can help significantly with this as they are reliable and keep food at the current temperature. LS Retail ERP can take this a step ahead with its essential and actionable insights on how to enhance energy performance.   FAO declares that over the past 5 years alone, ERP Solutions have managed to save up to US$37 million (about $0.11 per person in the US) by reducing food waste.   #4Train Your Staff to Cut Food Waste   The food and packaging damage is most likely to occur during the transition phase. One of the most common mistakes that staff members make is to place heavy objects right over the easily breakable or easily bruised produce such as eggs and fresh fruits. This can end the writing of the entire box of fresh produce. This affair is very costly.   Food retailers can avoid scenarios like this by professionally training their staff. Getting staff on board and introducing methods to curb food waste can bring a meaningful change.   For Instance, in Germany, Metro Cash and Carry staff is trained in all aspects of food safety and hygiene while storing, processing, and storing. Thus, reducing loss of food and a greater volume of marketable products.   #5 Donate the Surplus   One of the best things supermarkets can do to reduce food waste is to donate their surplus for human consumption. In the UK, the top ten supermarket chains are donating less than 6% of their surplus for human consumption.   A representative of Tesco, the UK supermarket that gives away the highest surplus of its surplus food quotes “We first published our food waste data in 2013 and believe that only by understanding the hotspots can we reduce waste” then he also mentioned “Our priority is to reduce this surplus through optimizing our forecasting, ordering and ‘reduce to clear’ processes. Our target is that no food safe for human consumption will be wasted and [if you deduct 16,497 tons sent to animal feed and 9,661 tons given to colleagues] we are now 77% of the way there.” To achieve this, they used LS Retail ERP.   Conclusion   The world’s food issues need a radical solution throughout the supply chain. Using technology like LS Retail ERP can track inventory and its expiry date as well as provide meaningful insight to help you reduce waste could bring a significant difference. This Retail Management Software is one

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Software for Retail Shop

Pop-up Stores: An Excellent Medium to Grow Customer Engagements

Big retail brands like French fashion Sézane are including pop-up stores in their strategies. They understand the need to physically connect with customers. With the help of Software for Retail Shop, they can easily get insights into their customers and create strategies to connect with them on a physical level. This is what Sézane did.   How did Sézane’s Pop-up Store Become a Hit?  They attracted a massive crowd in Los Angeles and asked them to check out their new launches in a pop-up store called Residence. The store displayed Sezen’s stylish collection, along with other French brands such as Bien Aimé perfumes, Ysé Paris swimsuits, and a children’s collection made in collaboration with Bobo Choses.   They also invited customers to special events like shirt embroidery and bag personalization workshops. The aim was to bring Paris’s retail store experience to the US market. For Sézane, it was a great opportunity to grab customers’ interest before establishing a permanent store.   Pop-ups for eCommerce Stores and Future Eco-conscious Shops  Pop-ups have also helped retailers to try out new locations. It is also benefiting online retail stores. With the help of Software for Retail Store, it gets easy for them to find the most suitable locations for their pop-ups. Many use the Best eCommerce Platform 2022: LS Central. Pop-up stores are a great medium for retailers with no physical store, to connect with customers physically and allow them to experience the touch and feel of the product.   Another interesting use of pop-up stores includes trying out new items and generating a buzz. In the UK, Selfridges pop-up retail gave customers a vision of what future eco-conscious shops may look like. It displayed 3D printing robots and real-time tailoring and introduced a new ownership concept  How to Use Pop-ups to Enhance Sales?  At times when customers expect great experiences in-store, but with pop-ups it’s much easier. Moreover, you can attract more customers to visit your physical or online store. We have designed a few strategies to enhance your retail business with pop-ups:   Boost Marketing and Brand Awareness   In the era of unlimited content and social media scrolling, how can you stand out in the market? Pop-up stores are a great way to grab customers’ attention and generate excitement. Since they are only for a short time, customers go out of their way to visit these pop-ups. In a survey conducted by Business Insider Intelligence, more than 50% of retailers admitted they could increase their market visibility by 46%. Software for Retail Shop like LS Central helps track customer interactions and use it for further promotions.  Finding New Partnerships   Some retailers prefer to work solo, however, some unlikely partnerships in the market could get a massive advantage from the alliance. One such example is Taco Bell and T-Mobile. They created a pop-up store to draw more customers. Those who visited T-MoBell could get their hands on surprising goodies, free drinks, and limited-edition T-Mobile giveaways.  This was just one example of a unique partnership. Such strategies allow one’s business to have a larger customer base and pull off campaigns that they would not be able to manage on their own. Software for Retail Shop also helped them organize these events. With customer insights, both partners could find a common area to set up the pop-up and offer interesting deals.   Offer Innovative Customer Experience Pop-up stores are designed to be experimental, which means you do not have to stay behind confined brick-and-mortar walls. For instance, IKEA tried augmented reality at its pop-up store and encouraged visitors to create their personalized space using touchscreens. They incorporated storage, lighting, and furniture of their choice. They were thrilled to see their dream space coming to life in front of their eyes.   Another innovative step was taken by adidas, who prompted sustainable shopping. They launched a one-day-only pop-up and encouraged alternative currency. They asked their visitors to buy a unique piece in exchange for their old clothes. They accepted clothes by their weight in exchange for a unique, one-of-a-kind, and upcycled piece.   Test New Locations Using Software for Retail Shop  Before committing to a location, you can try out different areas and see where the crowd shows the most interest. You can use Software for Retail Shop to track customer interactions and identify their interests. Also, you can use your previous interactions to find out customers from which area showed the most interest. This will help you shortlist the location you want to open your next pop-up store. A pop-up is a very cost-effective method to find and test an ideal location for your store. According to a report by Business Insider, 44% of respondents opened their pop-ups within $5,000.   Pop-up stores are catching pace among SMBs too due to their low-cost investment, temporary nature, and interaction with a wider range of customers without setting a permanent base. They are ideal to increase customer engagement. Retailers must use Software for Retail Shop to track and optimize those interactions.   LS Central is the best Retail ERP that offers CRM on the same platform. It has been rated as the Best eCommerce Platform 2022. If you are looking for a Retail ERP Implementation Partner, you can Contact Trident Information Systems, a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner, and LS Central Diamond Partner.  

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Restaurant Management Software

How to Enhance Customer Experience at a Restaurant 

Customer service is the core focus of any hospitality business: Be it a dine-in restaurant, or a cloud kitchen, customers are a core center. Your services decide the success or failure of your restaurant, in which technology plays a vital role. Because of this many restaurant owners prefer Restaurant Management System to help them enhance their customer services.   According to Denny Meyer, the famous restaurateur, we are living in a service economy. We don’t pay $5 for a cup of coffee at Starbucks, but for the customer service that comes along.   Industry Leaders are aware of the importance of customer service. According to a survey by Catalyst, all the 200-person panels disclosed that enhancing their customer service by the end of this year is their goal.   Enhancing customer services effectively is possible if you point out the hurdles and work on them such as:   Difficulty in Understanding Customers  Success doesn’t come easy. Out of 200-person panels, about 46% revealed that it is hard for them to understand market trends and their customers as a whole. They can not segregate their customers into groups to target the right strategy. The rest said they do not have relevant customer data to form strategies and those who don’t know how to use that data to their advantage.   It is crucial to understand your customers well or you cannot cross-sell and upsell products. How will you deliver the service your customers expect if you don’t know when, what, and where an item was purchased and what possible factors driving those sales. It’s smart to implement a Restaurant Management System which gathers customer data and shares meaningful insights. One such CRM Software for Hospitality Industry is LS Retail Hospitality Software.   Is Your Current Restaurant Management System Enough?  One of the most common reasons for lack of visibility is the inefficiency of the technology a restaurant uses. Most of them prefer to have disparate systems for different purposes; separate software to manage finances, different software for taking orders, and a separate Restaurant Management System for loyalty programs too probably.   This approach not only is time-consuming, but it is very complex too. When you have so many applications working separately, it gets hard to achieve real-time visibility.   The only solution is to implement a unified Restaurant Management Software such as LS Retail ERP. It ensures real-time visibility into your business.   Get a Unified Restaurant Management Software for your Business   When you use the same platform to manage all your KPIs, you also get all your data managed within the same space. You don’t need to waste your time collecting and arranging data to extract meaningful details. However, this is not the case with a unified Hospitality Management System Software. All your online and in-store data is present on the same platform that you can access without any hassle.   With accurate data, you can easily identify your customers according to their last visit history, what they purchased, how much they rated your restaurant, or through which channel they tend to eat more. Overall, it provides a 360-degree view of your different customers.    This type of information helps develop excellent strategies based on current trends and your customers’ purchase history. For instance, you can track your customer’s order history and offer personalized menus as per their preference. Or you can create an offer they cannot resist. You can make them feel special with white glove services. For example, you can check if it’s your customer’s birthday and offer a special dessert to make them feel special. Or you can offer them a promotion you know they can’t refuse because it has been crafted just for them.   Not just that, with a Restaurant Management System like LS Retail Software Solution, you can optimize AI-powered analytics and reporting to find patterns throughout the vast data available. You can even make exact predictions about consumption and automate replenishment to save time. The best part is that this technology helps cut waste; you avoid overstocking and understocking.   Many restaurant Businesses are opting for Restaurant Management systems like LS Retail Software Solution due to their many benefits. This CRM Software for Hospitality Industry   Ensures all your data is stored, managed, and protected in one place i.e, Azure Cloud. It is suitable for every restaurant type. If you run a cloud kitchen, it will be the best Cloud Kitchen Management Solution.   For LS Retail Implementation, you can contact Trident Information Systems. With 20+ years of providing restaurant management services, we are now a Gold Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. Our dedicated team of professionals is at your service 24/7.  

How to Enhance Customer Experience at a Restaurant  Read More »

This One Solution is Enough to End all Your Cyber Security Concerns! 

In the previous year, a large UK supermarket experienced a security breach that kept mobile apps and websites down for two days. Due to the incapability of their Retail Software Solution, the business had to turn down deliveries and order processing which not only caused financial losses but also threw them in front of furious and frustrated customers. A piled-up complaint list waited ahead for them on the third day. Therefore, this majorly impacted the processing and goodwill of the company.   Furthermore, being stressed about your security all the time hampers your business potential; you may not even make sensible decisions. You need to focus on other important aspects too such as managing your staff and helping customers at the store. Taking necessary breaks in between is a booster, but what is the point when you can’t even relax?  Cyber security has become one of the major concerns today. Retail businesses especially are at substantial risk because breachers lurk for customer information such as credit card details, customer login credentials, and the list goes on. The security breach comes at an inflated cost; you may end up losing customers’ trust, and sometimes you may also become obligated for a penalty.  As soon as retail business shifts to the cloud approach, they become vulnerable to such attacks instantly. However, being on the cloud is also necessary to stay intact in the competition, so what to do?   Being on the cloud can attract unwanted attention, but there are solutions to it. Opting for high-end cyber security providing services that support retail businesses such as Microsoft Azure Services can provide bank-level security. According to the corporate vice president of Microsoft Azure and Security, Julia White, a few years ago customers refused to shift to the cloud due to security concerns, but now they wish for this because of security concerns.  This blog further elaborates on how retailers can ensure end-to-end security by bringing Retail Software Solution to the Cloud, and which is the most viable option that’s ruling the industry.   Invest in Retail Software Solution with a Secure Cloud Infrastructure  If you are using a Software for Retail Shop hosted on a cloud that is incapable of tackling modern security breachers, you should make a quick shift. The security of any IT infrastructure is dependent on the cloud they are hosting on. Many businesses prefer to host their Retail Software Solution on servers physically located on their premises. But little do they realize that they do not have enough funds and knowledge to beat the ever-evolving security threats.   Cloud business models provide round-the-clock security monitoring, and they also have enough resources to handle cyber security more than the user. Microsoft spends over USD1 billion on cyber security each year which makes them one of the ruling brands in the market. They thwart 1.5 billion overwhelming attempts in a day to make their system dexterously capable of beating 24/7 evolving cyber threats.   Improve Business Visibility   Having your business visibility improved gives you a better sense of security as you can then monitor every aspect of your business and spot potential threats. With Retail ERP Software such as LS Central, you can get a 360-degree view of your business in real-time. Furthermore, it has Power BI, which delivers actionable insightful dashboards. Therefore, you can immediately notice any abnormality happening around you and take necessary actions.   Make Sure You Are on The Latest IT Version   Running an outdated IT version is useless because hackers are getting smarter every day, you need to keep your IT version up to date. Retailers running their business on-premises struggle with updating their system as it is time-consuming and demands costs. However, with a cloud business model like Microsoft Azure, you are always on the latest version. Microsoft updates your entire Retail Software Solution without disrupting the process every other day and launches two updates twice a year for which the user is notified in advance.   Furthermore, according to Gartner, public cloud workloads will face about 60% fewer security incidents than those in traditional data centers. Therefore, whether you are a small or a large retail enterprise, moving to the cloud can be your best decision in cyber security matters.   Choose the Industry Leading Intelligence   Retailers can tap into a wealth of threat security intelligence with Cloud. With the shared knowledge, not only can they prepare themselves for the possible threats, but also let them create tools to tackle the issue better for all.   No matter how advanced a Retail Software Solution you use, you need to back it up with a secured cloud model. LS Central is rated as one of the best Retail Software Solution in the industry and is indeed leading it. Being hosted on Azure Cloud, it becomes entitled to automatic updates, the latest versions, high-end security, and a massive team of IT professionals having their back. If you are looking for LS Central Implementation, you can contact Trident Information Systems, a Gold Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partner, and LS Retail Diamond Partner. Contact Us for further information or a demonstration.  

This One Solution is Enough to End all Your Cyber Security Concerns!  Read More »

4 Tips to Order the Right Quantity of Ingredients for your Restaurant Today! 

Running a restaurant is an extremely dynamic and spontaneous affair. It demands a robust management approach and a suitable Restaurant ERP Software Solution. One of the biggest challenges that restaurant businesses come across is waste management. There could be many aspects leading to waste but the most common one is the waste of ingredients.   Having perishable properties, food ingredients need to be stored and used on time. Once it exceeds its time limit, it is better to throw them off. ERP for Restaurant Management like LS Retail can effectively help to cope with the issue. With its robust tools, live inventory tracking, recipe management, meal planning, etc. restaurant owners can control waste and cut costs effectively.   Food waste adds a major proportion to costs. Therefore, restaurant businesses need to adopt a Restaurant Management ERP. It fosters many advantages that are not limited to cutting down waste:   Live tracking and exact inventory management  Error-free finance and administration with ERP for Restaurants.   Reduced response time.   Better customer relationships.   Human resource optimization with automation.   Order the Right Ingredient Quality for Your Restaurant with a Restaurant ERP Software Solution   It is essential to control and check your food costs. Restaurants often struggle with rising prices of ingredients and bottleneck competition. Thus, they should be mindful about what they are ordering and in what quantity. LS Central Software Solution is the ideal Restaurant ERP Software Solution in this case. There are a few other tips you can follow:   Automate Inventory Monitoring   Food costs stand for one-third of total business expenses in the food and beverage industry. A Restaurant ERP Software Solution will connect sales, kitchen, and inventory altogether. This way the user can claim absolute visibility on the usage of their ingredients. A truly unified solution like LS Central Software Solution will help you link your purchase to your receipt management and actual sales. Hence, when you receive inventory from the distributor, it will automatically be added to as new inventory while the preset amount for the inventor will also be automatically deducted.   Track Ingredient Use in Real-Time   When you manage to track real-time ingredient use, you can better judge when and where, and for what purposes a specific ingredient is used. You can manage your ingredient ordering accordingly. If you opt for a Restaurant ERP Software Solution like LS Central, you can easily set up recipes in the back office. Managing recipes gets simpler and easier. For instance, a mushroom omelet’s recipe ingredients will be saved on the Restaurant POS Solution (2 eggs, 75 grams of mushrooms, 7 grams of parmesan) and Will be automatically deducted from your available stock. You can also automate ingredient reordering, and track ingredient usage and available stock in real-time. Additionally, you can also track what recipes are produced and identify the most popular dishes.    Analyze Waste Patterns   As per a report by waste reduction group ReFED, In the US alone, the restaurant industry wastes more than USD 25 billion worth of food in a year. This is an overwhelming amount of money they are throwing off. The very first step in managing food waste is to track what you are wasting and why. Also, pay attention to the quantities you are wasting your ingredients. Use Restaurant ERP Software Solution to update a food waste log. Find troubled dishes and set attainable food wastage goals for your employees.   Forecast Customer Demand Using Artificial Intelligence   Cut waste and planning errors with Artificial intelligence-driven technology. With LS Central ERP Solution, you can use LS Forecast, a cloud based. It is a cloud-based forecasting suite that perfects the advanced Microsoft Cortana Intelligence Suite algorithm to forecast what ingredients you will have to buy for every location. It analyzes your earlier trends, correlations, and patterns. It also picks the algorithm that matches your sales pattern the best.   A suitable Restaurant ERP Software Solution like LS Retail can help you tremendously reduce waste and manage ingredients. If you are looking for LS Retail implementation, you can Contact Trident Information Systems. We have been Gold Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Diamond LS Retail partners for more than a decade. With a team of experts and robust resources, we have been serving different industries without fail.  

4 Tips to Order the Right Quantity of Ingredients for your Restaurant Today!  Read More »