
It’s Time to Build a Mobile Strategy for Your Retail Chain

How many of your consumers use their mobile devices to shop? According to eMarketer estimates, worldwide mobile commerce sales are worth more than US$3.5 trillion yearly, it’s probably more than you think. According to Oberlo, around three out of every four internet sales are made using a mobile device. So, are you making an effort to secure a share of the mobile market? You can use the latest eCommerce Website Software to help you create foolproof strategies   The numbers truly speak for themselves when it comes to determining the return on investment of a mobile retail strategy. McKinsey estimates that multichannel shoppers make purchases 70% more frequently and spend one-third more than those who only shop in physical locations. Did you guess why? Convenience! You can provide this convenience to your customers only if you employ the latest Software for eCommerce Website.   How can you ensure that your mobile strategy benefits both your company and your clients? When we think about mobile nowadays, we don’t just mean having a mobile app or a website that is optimized for mobile devices. Ensure that your consumers can get whatever they require from any location by making the experience as connected and convenient as you can. This would include:   Your online store’s website must be mobile-friendly to enable customers to shop whenever it’s convenient for them and access their shopping basket from any device.   To help users locate the nearest store and verify the availability of local inventory, the perfect eCommerce site must also contain geolocation which certain eCommerce Website Software provide.  Loyalty: Customers need access to their points so they may accumulate and spend them anywhere they like, using their digital card at a real store or online, whether it is through an app or a website.  Mobile in-store shopping allows customers to scan products and pay using a mobile device. Solutions like ScanPayGo, which provides Point of Sale (POS) capabilities on the customer’s smartphone, are widespread in the supermarket industry and are increasingly spreading to new sectors.  New smartphone features like augmented reality and beacons will make shopping more immersive and fun. LS Retail eCommerce Website Software allows AI and machine learning and all the required features to keep you ahead of the competition.   In this article, we’ve outlined five ways that merchants can create a mobile retail strategy that connects customers at every stage of the purchasing process and scales with their business:  Understand Your Customer’s Habits   Many IT initiatives fall short because the demands and expectations of the customers are overlooked or lost on the way. With so many options for tactics and technology, it’s shockingly simple for merchants to make the incorrect investment and pay the price. Consider where the value is, what your customers’ priorities are, and how the new technology fits into your omnichannel strategy before rushing to create an overnight mobile service. You can easily get accurate insights with Business Intelligence technology. LS Retail eCommerce Website Software provides one of the most robust BI technologies, known as Power BI.   Keep up with the industry and customer trends and determine the most relevant ones for your business.   Figure out the most preferred services and channels for your customers. Do they prefer self-checkout options and kiosks? Do they need a separate customer loyalty application?  Respond to customer details on time and take note of their grievances. Find out ways to improve their services in the future.   Pay Attention to the Customer Experience  In terms of mobile retail, a positive user experience entails a website loading instantly upon touch, simple access to all the needed information, and a completely linked and personalized buying experience. Getting it corrected is worthwhile. According to Think with Google, shoppers are 62% less likely to make a purchase from you in the future if they have a bad experience with your mobile app. You can ensure this with ERP Software for Retail like LS Central eCommerce Website Software.   The finest website and app designs are basic and clear.  Make sure all platforms and material, including your website and flyers, can be readily seen on a mobile device.  Streamline the checkout process so that clients don’t need to continuously fill out various areas and go through several phases to make a purchase.  Ensure that customers receive personalized service based on their unique tastes and habits.  Connect the mobile and in-store experiences so that your consumers feel understood and appreciated when they switch between the virtual and real worlds.  Keep a Keen Eye on Your Competition   Making a mistake here is simple. When you observe another retailer launching a brand-new service on social media, you scramble to provide a comparable service. However, copying your rivals doesn’t necessarily translate into success. Research is essential before doing anything new, and thorough research includes looking at your clients as well as your business and competition. What are they seeking? What do they plan to value? Make sure you are backed up by eCommerce Website Software to not just give you the insights you need but to reinforce you with all the necessary features to beat your competition.  Use tried-and-true, data-driven planning techniques, such as SWOT analysis, to determine exactly what your company needs, from all perspectives, and how your mobile strategy can help.  Take this as a chance to reflect on various possibilities and viewpoints and to identify any resources you may have at your disposal.  Look at what’s working effectively for your rivals, and for inspiration, consider other company leaders in various industries.  Consult with your clients to see what benefits they would derive from your mobile approach.  If you are looking forward to implementing eCommerce Website Software in your retail store, we recommend LS Central. It is an extension to Microsoft Dynamics 365. Hence, it is hosted by and on Microsoft Azure Cloud. Therefore, guaranteeing bank-level security. Contact Trident Information Systems for further information. We are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner.  

It’s Time to Build a Mobile Strategy for Your Retail Chain Read More »

eCommerce Website Software

9 Hacks to Ensure Your Customers Get the Best Online Shopping Experience

Online shopping is booming now. For a couple of years, when lockdowns were prevalent, people solely relied on online shopping, which as a result, made them succumb to the ease of it. If you, as a retailer, are still not on any eCommerce platform, you should consider getting into one. Due to this elevated trend, retailers are finding innovative ways to provide the best online shopping experience. Being entirely based on technology, you must employ suitable software. It would preferably be a Unified eCommerce Website Software.   To stand out in the market, you must ensure the maximum comfort possible for your customers on your part. Provide exciting offers, deals, and discounts. Make them feel special. Show how much you care for them. Don’t let them hover around scrolling through irrelevant products. instead, suggest products they are most likely to purchase.   Keep customers happy with a smooth online experience. This is only possible if you apply robust eCommerce Website Software. A solution that manages the entire process on the same platform because using different systems will only cause delays, and people these days are the most impatient. Our research team has found the top 9 hacks ensuring your customers get the best online shopping experience ever!   #1 Make Sure Your Customers See the Relevant Products Only (an eCommerce Website Software can Help)  Customers have the shortest span of patience now. Make sure they see relevant products fast. Don’t let them waste their time scrolling through things they may never buy. In this case, using Software for eCommerce Website helps. You can even encourage them to buy combination products (cross-selling). This is what Amazon does, it suggests shoppers a combination of products that go hand in hand at the bottom of the page. You can also create a separate section on the screen suggesting the best combinations people are frequently buying. This trend becomes even more prevalent during a sale.   #2 Your Site Should Load Fast in Both Mobiles and Computers   Nothing is worse than frustrated customers. Imagine them having every item at the best price in their cart. However, the site is filled with various glitches, and your customers often get stuck during the checkout. When your competitor’s website loads fast, and it takes double their time to shop on your site, you have an increased risk of losing customers to them. Employ a suitable eCommerce Website Software that hardly needs to be looked after, like LS Retail. It requires no-low maintenance, automatic updates itself, and no specific team of experts to take care of the software. This way, you can free your IT team, and engage them in developing a faster and better-quality website.   #3 Show How Much You Value Your Customers   Your customers would want to come back again-and-again to your site if you treat them like a king. Carefully observe their previous transactions and understand their patterns. See how they prefer to spend and what their habits are. Also, notice what they didn’t purchase, why so? and how to improve the situation. You can either engage your team to do it manually with some tools if you have a small client base. Those with a massive client base must deploy Business Intelligence Services. For example, LS Retail eCommerce Website Software supports a robust tool called Power BI, that collects historical data, scans it, understands customer’s actions, and provides insightful reports. You can use these reports to:   Categorize Your Customers  You can categorize them into levels, e.g., Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Each of them should be entitled to certain services where they can get cashback, discounts, free shipping, etc. You can also flexibly change the services in each segment time-to-time, for example, suppose gold customers are entitled to 10% off on a tank top, seeing 20% off if they buy a tank top with a shirt and pant in the next month, will encourage them to purchase more. This will keep them excited about new upcoming offers. Furthermore, this will also encourage other customers to try getting into one of the categories and enjoy the benefits.   Offer Reward Points   You can also provide reward points to valuable customers and allow them in their next shopping. This will work as equivalent to a cashback for them.   #4 Allow Them to Easily Contact You   Nobody has enough time to google your contact details, Display your number at the center of your eCommerce site. Sometimes your customer service executives are way too busy to handle all the queries. So, you can also allow AI-based or human-based live chat options, or an amalgamation of both. Make sure you use an eCommerce Website Software that provides live chatbot options within the same platform. For example, LS Retail offers an AI-based live-chat-bot option, so your customers never go unattended at any time of the day.   #5 Let Customers See if the Inventory is Available or Not  If you are selling a tangible product, make sure your customers can see its availability in the early stages. There is nothing more frustrating than finally finding the right sized dress/ shoe and finding it backordered or having “the item is not eligible for delivery in your area” notification. Having an eCommerce Website Software managing everything on the same platform helps.  #6 Use Color Psychology   Carefully design the color scheme of your site. Many big brands use triggering color schemes in their eCommerce sites. For example, brands color the “check-out payment” button in green. Green usually signals “let’s do it” or “positive”. It also stands for the green signal in traffic lights.     #7 Upload Good Quality Photos/ Videos with Thorough Descriptions   Make sure your customers get the right vibe of the product they are about to purchase. Upload HD-quality pictures of the item. You must also include a video description of the product and directions to use it. In addition to it, ensure you give a thorough description of the product so the customers can get a fair picture of the item.   #8 Connect all Your eCommerce Platforms  Most online retailers these days don’t limit themselves to

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