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Top 5 Reasons to Adopt Trident’s Cloud Services – Highy Secured Cloud Services

One of the best ways to boost your business in the right direction is through cloud services. Whether you have encounter issues with productivity, access to data, or anything else, the answer can be found only in the cloud. If you are not confident as to whether you should be working in the cloud, there are five reasons to assure you. Trident’s cloud services meet today’s business and IT challenges, speed up development and transformation, and lower costs. It also mitigates business risks by providing secure, responsive, high-availability infrastructure which can respond to unexpected demand or market downturns. #1: Effortless Access to Data Plethora of businesses struggle with access to data. If you are carrying a thumb or USB drive around with data that you need, you might jump into problems. Not only may you be going with older data, there could be tons of versions floating around because everyone else is using a thumb drive with a version of the file as well. You may require data when you are not in the office, and therefore you need to simplify access and maintain one version. By transferring all files on the cloud, the access is there as long as you have an internet connection. Further, everyone in a required circle is using the same file with cloud services. #2: Mobilize your teammates If everyone can access their data from the cloud, it is possible to become more mobile. Field agent can have access to forms and databases. Employees that commute out of town will have access to files and spreadsheets. This means that everyone can work more planned without being tethered to a desk inside of the office where the server is. #3: Uplift Your Productivity When everyone has more access to data, the productivity is going to be raised as well. No one will have to look for the data that they need, spend time pulling out reports from their desk to a USB drive, or making a special trip into the office in order to get data. For employees that travel, they don’t have to spend time on phones requesting for documents to be sent to them because they can go into the cloud and get it on their own. As more cloud services are tapped into, more yield can be gained throughout all departments. #4: Get Reports in seconds Everyone will be able to get the reports that they need considerably quicker as well. For example, if you have to turn a report into the office and you are persuing in the field, it may have to be submitted by fax. This means you have to get a fax machine and then someone else in the office has to data enter the information to be pulled into a report for a manager. All of this can be diminished with cloud services because of the way that electronic transmissions are made. #5: Clean Up the Paper Trail When you begin to utilize cloud services to the best of your company’s ability, you are going to notice considerably less paper hassle across your desk. The reason for this is because everything will be digitalize and centric. There will be no more logic to print off forms, have them completed in the field, turned in, and then turned into a digital format. The employee in the field will fill them out electronically, keeping them in digital format. This eliminates paper and reduces bugs that can be made with data entry.

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How M-Pos outweigh old conventional customer experience

How Mpos outweigh old conventional customer experience mPOS is the gorilla of Indian payments industry. It is a revolution and has made it convenient for retailers and merchants to accept multiple payment modes in a matter of seconds. All they require is a smartphone and they accept all modes of payments. If you carry a smart phone, you can transfer payments through e-wallets, BHIM UPI etc. But is that all you have? There is a large horizon of payment modes preferred by Indian community. Its mPOS, it is just a mediocre device which helps you accept complex payment modes. And don’t miss the value-added services which can help you grow your business exponentially. It basically opens the opportunity to collect card payments, wallet and online payments, Cash withdrawal etc.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”7080″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]However, we present five reasons why you NEED an mPOS for your business: Grow your sales: Customers today keep varying preferences, with affinity for card payments, e-wallets, UPI transactions etc. unevenly spread across regions. Allowing customers, the freedom to pay the mode they want, not only improves the experience, but also positively influence their willingness and capacity to pay. Track your customer data: An mPOS lend you track your customer preferences (including mobile numbers which you can save for future references). This can further help you maintain your existing customers by promoting engagement and connecting with your customers with offers, discounts and whatever. Go digitalize: With digital invoice, you can always secure your payments as well as provide text/mail receipts to your customer’s real time. It is simple, automated and does not require your time and training. Fast and convenient to accept payments: Have you ever thought about the convenience that your customer experiences when he is not required to stand in a queue to pay? Or even approach your billing or payment counter? mPOS makes payments as convenient and superb as you want. You can accept any kind of money, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. A complete and hassle-free solution: Few companies do provide overall solution for payments acceptance along with the mPOS solution. But why does that matter? You need to assure that all your effort – to simplify the processes at your customer’s end – is not rendering those at your part increasingly complex.

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4 Reasons to choose Retail apps to reshaping customer experience & loyalty programs

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Smartphones are no more a luxury, and the convention means of shopping are not the only means. Research revealed that in the US, sales that occurred via smartphones swelled by 126 percent in 2018’s first quarter. The basis of any mobile app development company is to rebuild the traditional shopping exercise consequently improving the model of mobile marketing. A mobile app, for now, is not just the way to e-commerce but also for retail. For clients to satisfy their gratification as what they want, smartphone apps serve as a personal browsing and comparison tool in their hands. Mobile shopping is increasing its horizon for the convenience it provides. As an outcome, Trident Information Systems Pvt Ltd offer high-quality and cost-effective technology solutions[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”7071″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s m-commerce, not e-commerce. A recently conducted survey, e-commerce carries more of 30 percent of the entire e-commerce and will grow exponentially. Mobile utilization is increasing at a lightning-speed rate than any of Google’s internal forecasts. The most paramount benefit of m-commerce to users is that it takes few seconds in transacting. Also, users can do transactions from remote area and at any time of the day. Users prefer more in swiping the relevant curated images as retailers make several kinds of offers for the business promotion. This is all because mobile app developers recognize the end-user needs and create customized apps that fulfil user expectations. People spend more time on Mobiles Apps than PCs. The m-commerce is thriving at an escape velocity that provides a platform for this kind of technology shift. As per statistic, 90 percent of all buyers spent most of their time on mobile apps. Buyers get access to ample of information about the business products or services quickly. 63% of Americans today like to use a mobile app for the smooth convenience that it offers. More engaging user experience UI-UX are key element of retail app development. User’s value using apps as each of them has their unique features, which often follow industry standards. Research reveals that most of the buyers and customers give an app a chance once or twice. Creating a feature-rich retail app by the developers is growing increasingly successful as it delivers an instant contact on the first-time users. Plethora of apps are available in the play store, but only a few of them make a difference. Mobile App growth is flaming There is a regular switch from mobile web to mobile app-based buying, which means that apps are more accessible and acceptable. The growth is increasing day by day, inspired by a massive ballooning in the number of mobile devices. Buyers use their smartphones to analyse what is around them, and retailers today needs to be smarter on efficient application of mobile app and satisfying the needs of mobile-empowered buyers Conclusion Developing successful and high-traffic mobile apps is the end-purpose of the development companies like Trident Information Systems Pvt Ltd. Numerous buyers still relish the in-store experience as they consider touch, see, and try products that they can’t do online – but that’s a less number of users. Retail app development benefits buyers with up-to-date market era. Mobile retail is entirely replacing the traditional retail as the favoured shopping means.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Let’s find, is IoT the Future of Mobile Applications?

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]This is call of the hour, that people are showing enthusiasm for the technology and buying it to make their life effortless. On paramount side, adopting IoT in an organizations can also make themselves several steps ahead in terms of speed, precision, controllability, remote-operability, productivity, etc. In fact, IoT has begun to get the attention of people for both personal and business applications. Discussing IoT, talking about establishing a wireless network between devices, storing information from them and then taking decisions. The system encourages us in communicating with things and accessing them remotely, even from remote locations. This system can take over for home appliances, connected cars and many other things which can be controlled, and managed through embedded software, sensors, RFID’s, and the other type of connectivity[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”7062″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The IoT has built a positive digital disruption in the technology world and is ready to touch base every aspect of our life, including our business concern. Here are some practical uses of IoT in businesses: Agriculture: Its years now, there is no innovation in this sector, moreover, this segment, almost has no technology used to keep the strength of crop up. However, now number of organizations are thinking of the using IoT techniques purposely designed and created for agriculture practices. At the critical level, IoT can help farmers effectively set the soil moisture, limit, controlling water usage and choosing the best fertilizer solution.   Ecommerce: Shopping experience for customer is now fundamental necessity for the organisation who are in ecommerce sector. Need to earn more money, then IoT will help you. It enables customers to effortlessly differentiate them from competitors. Ecommerce businesses use IoT to get insights about products popular on social engagement. Merchants can also use IoT in inventory management, logistics management, etc.   Healthcare: There are countless use cases of IoT in the healthcare segment. It can serve boom for patients, families, doctors, and other staff. We can see a rapidly growing market of IoT based healthcare apps ranging from remote patient monitoring checking to Equipment Monitoring solutions.   Enterprises: IoT has provided enterprises with an approach to connect employees, systems and other things and get more insight of every operation. IoT based enterprises enable organizations to boost their efficiency and chop down operational expenses.   Transportation: The transportation industry has spotted IoT as a technology made for them only. They can track things remotely, monitor how goods are being transported, and keep an eye on drivers and vehicles, their speed, and a lot more.   Manufacturing: IoT is profitable in the fields where both faster development, as well as the quality of products, are the critical factors for a higher Return on Investment (ROI). One of such fields is the manufacturing industries, and IoT has transformed it with things like big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. As everything in the industry are running at great pace in order to be a part of competition and be best in this competitive world, therefore Trident Information Systems Pvt Ltd help to improve and resolve your pain points in your business routine,[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Close the gap between the retail experience you offer and the one your customers expect

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Close the gap between the retail experience you offer and the one your customers expect In the fight against the e-commerce giants, brick-and-mortar retailers have a winning card: customer experience. Many factors contribute to making an in-store experience unique and compelling. A curated product selection, an exciting and fresh atmosphere, and personal, one-on-one service are just some of the elements retailers can use to their advantage. Unfortunately, not all retailers seem to be playing their cards well. Last year alone, Accenture reports, 61% of customers stopped doing business with at least one company because of poor customer experience. Research by Omnico Retail Gap Barometer reveals an even darker figure: 72% of consumers actually see all shopping as a frustrating experience! Brick-and-mortar shopping was found to produce even more irritations than online, with over a quarter of respondents describing the average in-store shopping experience as poor. Going back to basics When talking about modern customer experiences, one of the most popular topics is in-store innovation. In the past few years, the availability of increasingly advanced, and affordable, technology has utterly transformed shopping. Today’s in-store experiences are a far cry from last decade’s weekly trips to the mall. However, the kind of tech some of the most innovative brands are experimenting with – from augmented reality, to holograms, to immersive multi-sensorial experiences – seem to be light years away from the bog-standard, uninspired customer journeys that too many retailers still offer. Most of the frustrating shopping experiences customers describe and report are attributable to one or more of the following factors: Unhelpful sales associates. Inconsistent cross-channel experiences. Poor personalization. Let’s take a closer look at each factor, and see what tools can help close the gap between what consumers expect and the current, disappointing experiences many retailers still offer. 1. Unhelpful sales associates The majority of retailers (61%) are confident that their store associates deliver great value and best-in-class assistance to customers, according to research by Forrester. Shoppers, however, disagree. Most (51%) consumers surveyed in the very same research believe that salespeople are not as knowledgeable about products as they should be. It is unsurprising, then, that very few consumers – less than one out of three – decide to rely on stores associates when they need to find a product. How can you fix this? Do you want your employees to deliver helpful, knowledgeable service? Then empower them to do so. This means giving them constant training, and the right technology. Training: Learning about products and excellent service should not be limited to the onboarding stage. Keep your staff up-to-date with what stock is coming in, and help them understand how each item can suit different customer needs. A shopper looking for new running shoes doesn’t want to hear “here is what we have” – or wait around while the sales associates tries to read the boxes to understand the difference between two pairs of sneakers. What the customer expects is solid, competent advice on what sole is better for rough terrains, or which model has the best arch support. The in-depth knowledge needed for this level of service does not come cheap: you need to invest time and resources in constant, thorough, focused training. Technology: Even with constant training, you can’t expect your employees to memorize your whole catalog and all your products’ features – especially in the days of endless aisles. A simple and affordable way to empower your employees to give more personal service is mobile Point of Sale. With a mobile POS in their hands, your employees can walk around the shop floor and give product information and one-on-one service to your customers where they are. On the POS, salespeople can quickly find all information on product details, variants, prices, and even real-time availability across all your locations. And it doesn’t end here. The best mobile POS systems also enable your employees to view, and show to customers, your whole product range, not just what you have in-store. A customer is looking for a specific type of paintbrush? Use the tablet to show the products available in your other locations and compare items side by side, with details and pictures. And to finish, you can close the sale on the spot. Yes – the best mobile POS take payments, too. 2. Inconsistent cross-channel experiences In today’s hyper-connected world, the points of interaction and purchase just keep on multiplying. People can buy the t-shirt their favorite rapper wears straight from the music video. They can purchase a necklace on the jewelry designer’s Facebook page. They can replenish their kitchen detergent by pushing the Amazon Dash button they keep next to the sink. They can buy a new pair of headphones on their mobile, and select to pick them up in their favorite store location, or at a delivery box close to their home. They can use voice recognition to ask Alexa about the best wine pairing with ossobuco – and get the bottle sent home. Across these increasingly diverse shopping moments, customers expect their experience with each retailer to be smooth and consistent – no glitches, no hitches, no disconnects. As consumer expectations keep on growing, the gap with what most retailers offer gets larger. According to BRP’s latest Customer Experience/Unified Commerce Survey, the majority of retailers still don’t offer basic cross-channel capabilities such as stock visibility, start-to-end order tracking, or cross-channel returns. A case in point: none of the retailers interviewed by BRP said they could offer effective “start anywhere, finish anywhere” (shared cart across channels) services. At the same time, almost 3 out of 4 (73%) consumers believe that this is a key capability. How can you bridge the gap? Unified commerce is the latest tendency in retail management systems. Unified commerce replaces all the separate, badly connected software solutions and databases retailers use across their business with just one, centralized, enterprise-wide software platform combining POS, mobile, Web, inventory management, customer information, and more. Within a unified commerce system, all information is maintained in one place, and shared and distributed instantly to all touchpoints. This means both your staff and customers can have access to the same, real-time data, including prices and offers, which and how much stock is available in each location, as well as customers’ shopping

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Visual Quality Inspection Proved as Gigantic Power in Manufacturing

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Focus on providing confidence on quality Quality assurance is paramount parts of the manufacturing process. It is the part which comes at the end of the production where the final product is inspect for defects and errors before selling it to the customers. This is important because not only it minimize the errors in production, but also prevents humans from items which can be potentially be perilous. Industries which are involved in producing end products such as Auto parts, mirrors, sanitary ware, Laminates, pharmaceuticals, consumer goods, beverages and foods etc. can immensely profit from visual quality inspection systems[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”7014″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”7015″ img_size=”medium”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] How Do Visual Inspection Systems Work? Visual Quality Inspection Systems take use of digital sensors, RFID Tags and QR Code which are protected inside the cameras. These cameras use the optical sensors for capturing images which are then processed by computers in order to measure specific characteristics and parameters for decision making[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text] Benefits of Visual Inspection Systems Save time for Inspection and more on production number: After Visual quality inspection systems have been planned and tuned in to the manufacturing process, they can do immense of production checking in a really short amount of time as compared to human inspection. Accurate Inspection without any human interference: In human inspection systems, there’s always a great chance of errors and no matter how experienced and focused the employees are, these errors can never brought down to a negligible level. Human capabilities have limitations which Visual Quality Inspection systems haven’t. And this is how they eliminate the chances of error in inspection to a great extent and deliver a higher quality of products. Compatible with every use-case: Another benefit of Visual Quality Inspections is that in case production method changes, these systems also alter accordingly with great ease. Increase in Accuracy: They also improve the production efficiency. They can identify errors at a faster rate. Analysis of these remark defects can be made quickly and necessary corrections can be made immediately. Remote Access: Unlike humans, these systems can work nonstop for twenty-four hours. They can also be operated and programmed from a remote place.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]By adopting the visual inspection system in the manufacturing process, companies can boost production and also prevent the wastage which is generated by defected and faulty products. This will save not only the revenues, but also ensure complete customer satisfaction. If your unit makes products at a mass level and you are looking for a modern and reliable inspection system, then buy Trident- Visual Quality Inspection platform which is trusted by numbers of industrial units for its accuracy and reliability.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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It’s all about connecting data to make smart decisions to improve manufacturing

The term IoT was first originated by Peter T. Lewis to narrate “the combination of people, processes, and technology with connectable devices and sensors to activate remote monitoring, status, manipulation, and evaluation of trends of such devices.” So the entitle has been around for a while now, but the idea still continues to develop and evolve as technology continues to facilitate through new hardware like sensors, and through the collection and analysis of data. So, how have the advancements in smart manufacturing affected the manufacturing business? Benefits of Smart Manufacturing Smart factories deploy smart manufacturing to gain production efficiencies, improve production quality and lower reaching to market. Machines can now address failure points and collect data that can be used to increase predictive and preventative maintenance, which in the long run improves uptime. Data analysis is used to predict and prevent failure; it indicates when intervention is required and suggest the necessary corrective actions. Troubleshooting is more systematic, which benefits both manufacturers and customers. Sensors, Connectivity and Data The entire concept of smart manufacturing plays around collecting and analysing the data. Sensors collect the data and networks transfer the data. If a device or piece of equipment on the floor is independent, it will not contribute to the collective understanding of the smart factory. Devices and machinery equipped with sensors have the ability to monitor, collect, exchange and analyse data – all without human interference. The sensors collect data, and communicate with correct information on the plant floor, as well as outside the plant (or from the outside in) faster, in order to make easier decisions. Every device that has the ability to collect intelligence needs to be on a backbone of some type that allows it to produce data or have data pulled out of it. New sensor with networks can be established, or sensors and data networking can be added to existing devices. As for the data itself, decisions need to be made that make the most sense for the manufacturing plant. How and where to house the data is one such decision – should it be kept in-house, or outside of the organisation walls? Data security is of important concern, so if data is stored off premises, remote connectivity and how to safely get into your system from the outside needs to be addressed. Auto component, in Particular Since automotive component manufacturing is the largest sector in the manufacturing industry, it permits special consideration in the IoT as it impacts manufacturers and their customers. In terms of complex components, the data gathered and analyzed can help ensure maximum replication in the process, consistent quality, and low defects. And again, the data also helps determine preventative machine maintenance which helps avoid unplanned break down. From the customer perspective, smart manufacturing provides various benefits for communication and visibility. Machine data collection and reporting provides the customer important timing information on project and production order status. And so it goes. The drive to glean more – and better – data from industrial equipment and systems will continue to improve productivity in all the sector as technology, sensors, and systems continue to evolve, to the benefit of the moulders and their customers.

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Top 5 outdated practices that should be eliminated in your Field Service Business

With 2020 on the horizon, it’s the utter time to think about new platform to improve your field service business. You’ve probably been discovering about new trends and visions for the future, and it’s probably a little overwhelming. A painless way to get started is by discarding some of the outdated practices you’ve been following. We’ve compiled a list of field service practices you might want to leave behind this year. Manual Scheduling: Field service scheduling requires making fast and calculated decisions. You need to take everything in account from travel time and routing, technicians’ schedules and skill sets, equipment tracking, and SLA compliance. It’s much easier to adopt on an automated scheduling solution to make optimized decisions for you at every new case, so you can focus on the bigger things—like your customers’ satisfaction. Paper based forms: 46% of field technicians reported paperwork and administrative tasks as the unexpected part of the day. That’s because they would much rather be doing their jobs and interpreting customer problems. Electronic and mobile forms can make this process much less painful and swifter. Go even further to simplify the process by allowing fields to be automatically populated with known information from the main system. Delaying service updates: It’s important that dispatchers and management have the most precise picture of the status of work being performed. Encourage technicians to update their status service orders in a timely manner from Field service application so you have more visibility into day-to-day execution. Difficult appointment booking: According to our Field Service Report, almost all cited “ease of booking” as a top priority. If service organizations wish to retain with customers, they must make the booking process uncomplicated, and available across a variety of channels. Everyone has a preference when it comes to communication, so mobile, web, and phone-based booking must be available. Using separate solution: The only way to gain true visibility into field service schedules is to manage everything in a single solution. This includes schedules, beat planning, long- and short-cycle work, technician allocations, and more. Limiting field service management to Mobile application also gives you the easiness to manage your workforce more efficiently and ensure that you’re equipped to handle urgent work. Want to see working application, Trident Field Serv solution provides similar solution with advanced activity scheduling, resource optimization and mobile enablement capabilities that enables the field services delivery teams to be able to track, monitor and report the services activities on the go. Contact us for more information on how we can help your firm identify, implement, measure and use yours key performance indicators for Workforce Monitoring.

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Dynamics 365 Business Central – Connect and Grow your Business

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Dynamics 365 Business Central Dynamics 365 Business Central Modernize your business operations across finance, manufacturing, and supply chain to drive new growth. Dynamics 365 Business Central is designed for businesses looking for an all-in-one business management solution that’s easy to use and adapt. Connect your finances, sales, service, and operations to streamline business processes, improve customer interactions, and enable growth. An all-in-one business management solution An evolution of Dynamics NAV An intelligent and unified solution A member of the Dynamics family An application and a platform [/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Financial Management Make Informed Decisions Connect data across accounting, sales, purchasing, inventory, and customer interactions to get an end-to-end view of your business. Chart financial performance in real time with built-in Power BI dashboards. Accelerate Financial Close and Reporting Streamline accounts receivables and payables, and automatically reconcile accounts to close and report on financials quickly and accurately, while maintaining compliance. Improve Forecast Accuracy Refine financial forecasts by modeling and analyzing data across multiple dimensions. Customize reports using seamless Microsoft Excel integration. Basic General Ledger Set up a company and start posting to the general ledger, chart of accounts, general journals, VAT facilities, recurring journals, and source codes. Budgets Work with budgets in general ledger accounts. Deferrals Set up deferral templates that automate the process of deferring revenues and expenses over a pre-defined schedule. Basic Fixed Assets Keep track of fixed assets and related transactions such as acquisitions, depreciations, write-downs, appreciations, and disposals. Basic Receivables Post sales transactions in journals and manage receivables; register customers and manage receivables using general journals. Dimensions Add unlimited dimensions to any ledger for advanced transaction analyses. Audit Trails The system automatically assigns audit trails and posting descriptions to every transaction. In addition, users can define reason codes to create complementary audit trails. Bank Account Management Create, operate, and manage multiple bank accounts for catering to your diverse business needs and across different currencies. Reconciliation Reconcile your bank statement data automatically to open bank account ledger entries end to keep track of all your bank statements. Currencies Manage multiple currencies throughout the system, including payables and receivables, general ledger reports, resource and inventory items, and bank accounts. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Human Resource Employees Group and track employee information and organize employee data according to different types of information, such as experience, skills, education, training, and union membership. Expense Management Post expenses against employee cards to track and reimburse their expenses.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Project Management Stay on Budget Create, manage, and track customer projects using timesheets along with advanced job costing and reporting capabilities. Develop, modify, and control budgets to ensure project profitability. Plan with Precision Manage resource levels by planning capacity and sales. Track invoicing for customers against planned costs on orders and quotes. Analyze Project Performance Make effective decisions with real-time insight on project status, profitability, and resource-usage metrics. Resources Register and sell resources, combine related resources into one resource group or track individual resources. Estimates Monitor resource usage and get a complete overview of your capacity for each resource with information about availability and planned costs on orders and quotes. Jobs Keep track of usage on jobs and data for invoicing the customer. Manage both fixed-price jobs and time-and-materials jobs. Timesheets Timesheets are a simple and flexible solution for time registration with manager approval and integrate with Service, Jobs, and Basic Resources. Multiple Languages Switch languages on the client in real time provided that the desired language is available. Reason Codes Define a set of reason codes that can be assigned to individual transactions throughout the system, providing user-defined audit trails. Extended Text Set up an unlimited number of lines to describe inventory items, resources, and general ledger accounts. Intrastat Reporting Automatically retrieve the necessary data to report Intrastat information to statistics authorities. Local customs authorities can inform you whether your company is obligated to file such a report. Outlook Integration Synchronize your to-do items and your contacts with your meetings, tasks, and contacts in Outlook. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Empower Everyone with Ictionable insight with Power BI Make Data Driven Decisions See all your data through a single pane of glass. Live Power BI dashboards and reports include visualizations and KPIs from your data in the cloud and on-premises, offering a consolidated view across your business, regardless of where your data lives. Build Intelligence into your Apps Make all your apps smarter when you collect and infuse all the data captured across your organization. Bring the power of the Business Application Platform, Power BI, and your apps together to deliver actionable insights. Use Common Data Service for Analytics Remove data silos to drive intelligence across your organization by connecting data from Dynamics 365 and your other business apps with Common Data Service for Analytics. Apps that Transform the Way you do Business Create An App for Every Task Build visually stunning apps that take advantage of device capabilities like cameras, GPS, and pen controls, run on any device, and are completely customized for your business requirements. Incorporate Powerful Workflow Automation Integrate Microsoft Flow workflows to automate virtually any process including notifications, data collection, and approval routing—all without writing a single line of code. Use Common Data Service for Apps Consolidate your data in Common Data Service for Apps. It’s the foundation for your apps and includes a set of over 200 standard business entities and relationships. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Customer Relationship Management Deliver Value at Every Touch Point Prioritize sales leads based on revenue potential. Keep track of all customer interactions and get guidance on best upsell, cross-sell, and renewal opportunities throughout your sales cycle. Boost Sales Productivity Accelerate the quote to cash process. Act quickly on sales-related inquiries, manage service requests, and process payments—all from within Outlook. Maximize Profitability Gain a comprehensive overview of your service tasks, workloads, and employee skills to effectively assign resources and accelerate case resolution. Contacts Maintain an overview of your contacts and record your contact information for all business relationships. Campaigns Organize campaigns based on segments of your contacts that you define. Opportunity Management Keep

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Trident’s Support – Do you Need Support for Microsoft Dynamics 365

[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” full_height=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1555328221364{background-image: url(https://tridentinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Translation-Technology-Banner.jpg?id=7091) !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}”][vc_column][vc_row_inner css=”.vc_custom_1520320872815{margin-top: 20px !important;margin-right: 20px !important;margin-left: 20px !important;border-bottom-width: 20px !important;}”][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1520320762533{padding-top: 20px !important;padding-right: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 20px !important;background-color: rgba(30,115,190,0.83) !important;*background-color: rgb(30,115,190) !important;}”][vc_column_text] Looking for Support, Training, Migration or Implementation? [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Trident offers various Support Plans to customers to choose from – based on the needs of the customer. Following are our standard plans for customers who are Indian organizations, for their Indian operations[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row”][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Plan A: Full Time Dedicated Resource A dedicated resource is allocated for the customer who remains available 100% to provide the needed support. The scope of this plan includes addressing both Support needs as well as handling Change Requests. If a certain change request requires more resources (over and above the 1 dedicated resource), prior approval is taken from the customer for the additional effort and cost. The customer will be invoiced for the additional effort spent immediately. Under this model a named resource is available to the customer. Minimum tenure for this plan is 1 month[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Plan B: Shared Resource Under this plan the customer commits to a minimum 5 days of support need per month. The need may come up at any time during the month, in one or more instances. In case the customer does not utilize all of 5 days during a particular month, the balance days are carried forward to the next month, but lapse at the end of every quarter (March, June, September and December). The scope of work in this case includes both support and change requests. If the work identified requires more than the balance number of days for that month/ quarter, Trident informs the customer and takes prior approval for the additional effort and cost. Minimum tenure for this plan is 3 months[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text] Plan C: Time Package In this model the Customer commits to 200 hrs of support need over a period of 12 months. Response time would be 1 business days after logging of the issue. The support resource will remain a shared resource. The contract period will fall due for renewal either at the end of 12 months period or utilization of hours budgeted. Tenure for this plan is 12 months Plan D: Incidence Based Priority Support 50 incidences – with a response time commitment of next business day. Package validity is 12 months and unused incidences cannot be carried forward. Scope of this plan is as described in section 3 below. Plan E: Incidence Based Normal Support 50 incidences – with a response time commitment of 2 business days. Package validity is 12 months and unused incidences cannot be carried forward. Scope of this plan is as described in section 3 below. Plan F: On-site Dedicated Resource This plan works together with one of the above plans (from A to E). Under this plan Trident will deploy a full time consultant at the client site that can do various activities like user hand-holding, simple reports creations through report designer, back-ups and coordination with the Trident consultants engaged with the other support plan. Kindly note that the person deployed here is not a specialist.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1517901463392{background-color: #1e73be !important;}”][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text] Scope of Support These Support Plans entitles the customer to avail support during normal business hours (Monday to Friday): 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM (excluding Trident/ public holidays). Support is predominantly from Trident offices and would be provided via e-mail/ Chat. Onsite support may be provided if the situation so demands – based on the merit of the issue – and on mutual agreement. Following is an explanation of the type of support provided: 1.1       Functional queries resolution This would cover queries pertaining to functionality available in the product or related to the customizations done by Trident. For example a user may need support to understand how a particular business case can be transacted in NAV/ AX/ CRM, or it could be a setup related query. The queries may also be related to seeking expert advice related to application integration or solution enhancements. 1.2       Error Reporting Errors reported by the users may be of two types: The error may be due to a bug in the system. Trident consultant will follow the replication steps provided by the users and then if the bug belongs to the standard product, the issue will be escalated to Microsoft and resolution will be obtained through them, however if the bug belongs to the customization done by Trident then the fix will be provided by us. The fix provided should be tested by the user. If the fix provided requires any re-work to correct the same issue then it will be considered as part of the same incidence. The error may also be due to incorrect data entry or missing or steps and in these situations Trident consultants would analyse the problem and the affected areas and recommend the solution approach. Such cases more often than not require reversal of entries and passing these entries would not be the scope of the support contract. Trident consultants will not perform any data entries on the product server.    Change Requests Support Plan A and B include servicing change requests, within the budgeted effort. For Plans C and D  User requests which pertain to new development or changes in the existing functionality will be taken up separately and will not be part of the support. If it is logged as a support incidence and upon analysis and fact finding it is decided that the issue is a change request then effort estimate for the change request will be provided separately and the incidence would be closed. The time and effort spent towards it (or incident) will be counted towards the support plan. If the user wants an effort estimate for a change request or new development then the query should be posted separately to the Trident engagement team and they will provide the necessary information  Support Kick-off With the exception of Plan A and B – provided they

Trident’s Support – Do you Need Support for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Read More »