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Case Study: How one of Leading Manufacturer Maximizing ROI with D365 Finance & Supply Chain Management

In today’s highly competitive business environment, manufacturers need to optimize their operations to stay ahead of the competition. A key component of this optimization is efficient financial management and streamlined supply chain operations. D365 Finance & Supply Chain Management is a software solution that offers businesses the tools they need to achieve these goals. This case study examines how one leading manufacturer, Our Client, has leveraged D365 Finance & Supply Chain Management to maximize their return on investment (ROI). Background Our customer is a leading manufacturer of steel & Metal products, serving customers around the world. Prior to implementing D365 Finance & Supply Chain Management, our client was using third part ERP and was facing several challenges in their financial and supply chain processes. They struggled with inefficient inventory management, a lack of visibility into their financial data, and slow order fulfillment times. The Solution After conducting a thorough evaluation of their needs and available solutions, our client decided to implement D365 Finance & Supply Chain Management with Trident Information Systems. They worked with us to tailor the Microsoft D365 Finance & Supply chain management to their specific business processes and train their staff on how to use it effectively. The Results The results of implementing D365 Finance & Supply Chain Management were impressive. Our client was able to achieve the following: Increased efficiency: By automating many of their financial and supply chain processes, client was able to achieve greater efficiency across their operations. They were able to reduce manual data entry and improve the accuracy of their data, resulting in a more streamlined and productive workflow. Improved inventory management: With D365 Finance & Supply Chain Management, customer was able to gain real-time visibility into their inventory levels and optimize their stock levels accordingly. They were able to reduce their inventory carrying costs by 25% and improve their order fulfillment times by 30%. Enhanced financial management: They were able to gain real-time visibility into their financial data, enabling them to make better-informed decisions and identify areas for improvement. Better customer service: With faster order fulfillment times and greater accuracy in their order processing, customer was able to provide better customer service to their clients. This, in turn, led to increased customer loyalty and repeat business. Increased ROI: By using D365 Finance & Supply Chain Management to optimize their operations, client was able to achieve a significant increase in ROI. Within the first year of implementing the software, they saw a 20% increase in ROI. This was due to a combination of factors, including increased efficiency, reduced costs, and increased revenue from improved customer service. Conclusion In conclusion, client’s experience demonstrates the potential benefits of D365 Finance & Supply Chain Management for manufacturers looking to optimize their operations. By tailoring the D365 F&O to their specific needs and using it effectively, organizations can achieve significant ROI and drive greater success in their operations. D365 Finance & Supply Chain Management offers a comprehensive set of tools for managing financial and supply chain processes, enabling businesses to streamline their operations and achieve greater efficiency, productivity, and profitability.

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Supply Chain Management Software

How Can D365 Help with Warehouse and Supply Chain Management

Warehouse and supply chain management are a set of complex processes and are further prone to errors. Therefore, many businesses now prefer to employ Supply Chain Management Software to automate their mundane as well as critical tasks. With Supply Chain ERP Systems like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain, businesses can cut costs on fixing errors.  In fact, mistakes and errors are the most money-sucking aspects of a supply chain. As per a report by Mckinsey & Company in 2019, approx. $385 billion was spent in a year on warehouse costs where the amount to fix errors isn’t even added.   Furthermore, warehouses and supply chains impact each other. The overall efficiency of the supply chain may be impacted due to warehouse issues, and vice versa. To streamline the process and keep things intact, many businesses that were once working on silos are now shifting to Supply Chain Management Software. Since such Supply Chain ERP System Implementation provides enough visibility to see through potential threats, you can make prevention plans.   The Risk of Unpredictability Those who cannot access visibility usually bear too many losses. Often, they are even irreversible. Imagine how wasteful it is to produce a particular set of items yesterday only to find out they are banned by the government now. Nevertheless, you have already used a day’s worth of your raw material. In such cases, D365 for Supply Chain Management Works well. With its advanced analytics tools, it becomes easier for manufacturers to know the current and future trends.   Further, with its power hosting Microsoft Azure Cloud, they can ensure no malware or virus can attack their system. With Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing they get easy backup and data restoration. MS Azure Hosting Provider also assures robust hosting for all the latest upgrades and updates so you can work on the latest technology. Neither viruses, nor any malware can harm your device. Why Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Software?   Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Software allows an organization to work on a single source of intelligence. Therefore, allowing them to run connected operations throughout the supply chain. Given below are some of the functions you can expect from Microsoft ERP for Supply Chain Management:  Evidently, with the above-mentioned capabilities, Dynamics 365 for Supply Chain Management provides exceptional features to your manufacturing plant. You can consider it as a blend of various D365 features such as Dynamics 365 Warehouse Management Software Solution and D365 Inventory management. In addition, you can access various financial capabilities of this Supply Chain Management Software and get accurate financial reporting.  It will obviously streamline your supply chain and cutting excess costs. How Does Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Help Your Operations?  Increasing operational effectiveness: To assist manage assets within the supply chain, Inventory Management syncs with Supply Chain Management 365 Finance module. It is a module for human resources that keeps tabs on employees, suppliers, and equipment. Despite having a chaotic environment, you can still get the most out of it easily. Extend Strategic Planning: The Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Software Master management module integrates smoothly with the Inventory management module. Furthermore, they work together to aid businesses in comprehending what’s happening in industries including manufacturing, warehousing, service, and logistics. Besides, executives may make better strategic decisions by converting data into meaningful insights using predictive analytics.  Maximum Worker Productivity: Organizations can increase productivity by making better use of their assets and resources by leveraging a single source of intelligence. Thus, managers can help employees support the strategic objectives of the business. Finally, they can give employees the capacity to respond in real-time to meet operational and consumer demands.  Enhanced Asset Management: With the asset management plugin in this Supply Chain Management Software, you can always stay updated about what is whatever goes on with your assets. Moreover, you can synchronize it with other D365 applications such as Field service to keep up with the asset lifecycle.  On the whole, having agile warehouse management is critical to maintaining a streamlined supply chain. Issues with your warehouse can lead to massive supply chain disruptions. For the same reason, you should implement Supply Chain Management Software like Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations to get real-time visibility and a complete suite of tools designed to handle your business requirements. If you are looking for a D365 Implementation Partner, you can Contact Trident Information Systems, a Microsoft Dynamics Gold Partner, and LS Retail Diamond Partner. 

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Five Tips to Get Efficient Supply Chain Management

Since the past few years, businesses have escalated and so have the complexities in their supply chains. So, they need to be prepared in advance while being quick. Many industry leaders are now employing Top Supply Chain Management Software to manage operations more efficiently from top to bottom.   Smart businesses avoid silos as they will add to the complexities of an already complex environment. With the right management tools, they can get a competitive edge. They can transfer commodities from one place to another and implement changes without a negative impact.   How to Form an Agile Supply Chain?  A supply chain is one of the biggest factors that decide how your business will be seen in the market. Because of this our team of researchers has combined a few tips to help you get an agile supply chain. This is to be noted that the tips will work great if you implement Top Supply Chain Management Software.  Form an Agile Supply Chain Team   Agility is a term derived by the development team. Agility is an alternative project management technique that involves strategies to improve processes aligned with customers by testing services during the development process. Likewise, building an agile supply chain management team will ensure more logical strategies that align with the output and with the customer.   Access more Accurate Data   Consumer goods industry leaders that are exposed to high uncertainties in the retail market are now investing in the Top Supply Chain Management Software providing excellent data management capabilities. One such example is Dynamics 365 for Supply chain which offers Business Intelligence Tools to help them understand and predict the market. This helps them make agile decisions, react appropriately, and plan strategies to tackle upcoming shortcomings. It further provides real-time visibility and product availability.   Do not Fear Innovation   Several businesses choose to implement tried and tested strategies as they are “safe.” However, little do they realize how important innovation is, especially in this competitive era. Allowing your team to create strategies will help you execute pilot programs. To create agile strategies, there should be free data flow. Supply Chain Management Software ensures your data is safe and secured in a single database while connecting all the points in the supply chain.   Connect with the Key People in Your Supply Chain   As much as it is crucial to connect with retailers, you should sync with manufacturers, suppliers, and co-packers too. This will help you gain the end-to-end picture of the related aspects like potential shortcomings and opportunities. Better communication will not only improve your relationships but also allow you to get special discounts.   Create Agile and Multiple Supplier Contracts  Supply Chain operations being extremely complex, you must avoid depending upon just one supplier. Keep a handful of them so you can arrange material/ service if anyone fails to deliver them. Likewise, businesses can make zero-volume contracts, buy-back contracts, and other contracts to achieve an agile supply chain.   All these strategies will go in vain if you do not have a suitable Supply Chain ERP System. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Supply Chain is the Top Supply Chain Management Software. Being hosted by and on Microsoft Cloud Azure, bank-grade security is ensured. It is designed specifically to ease SCM pains and foster operational optimization.  How can Top Supply Chain Management Software help You Achieve Agility?  Microsoft Dynamics for Finance and Supply chain reinforces supply chains with built-in tools. It is run on a single source for intelligence and connected tools. Some of the functions accomplished by the supply chain are as follows:   A mix of manufacturing tools to support the process from top to bottom.  Streamlining processes with real-time visibility into the resources via financial management capabilities.   Using advanced logistics management and warehouse management to streamline the flow of finished goods.   Optimizing real-time insights and intelligence to inspect, identify and resolve product issues.   Microsoft Dynamics 365b F&O is the Top Supply Chain Management Software for a reason. It has a lot more to offer than traditional supply chain management software. If you are looking for Supply Chain Management Providers, you can Contact Trident Information Systems. With years of experience and success in projects, Trident has become a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner and LS Retail Diamond Partner. 

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Fool-Proof Methods to Get an Agile Supply Chain in 2023?

Even after two years of pandemic-driven disruptions, supply chains haven’t reached “normality” yet. In a 2021 survey of the wall street journal, most of the economists surveyed predicted supply chains to go back to normal in the mid of 2022. We have reached the end and can’t seem to get things to normal. Businesses with different and siloed Supply Chain Management Software suffered a lot. With a sudden spike in online shopping trends, they couldn’t keep up with their needs. They could not predict the disruptions and some even collapsed.   In 2023, you cannot expect things to get better either. These situations have started to become “normal”. You can continue expecting infrastructural challenges where the warehouse storage is limited for the flooded online shopping demands. And to upgrade their infrastructure, companies will have to spend too much.   Furthermore, the pandemic caused suppliers to block their supplies and even labor shortages. Climate change isn’t helping either. Climatic conditions like rain and wind impact the supply chain severely. The most impacting factor that caused the collapse of several supply chains is the lack of visibility. Siloed systems cannot provide real-time visibility with delayed most important decisions at the right moment. Those with Supply Chain Management Software manage to cope with the changes fast.  How to Make Your Supply Chain More Agile with Supply Chain Management Software  If you wish to make your supply chain agile, you must employ the latest technology that’s specifically designed to handle modern challenges. One such example is Microsoft ERP for Supply Chain. Dynamics 365 for Supply Chain Management System is reinforced with all the robust tools and functionalities that will give you all-time visibility, finance management, Business Intelligence tools, and Microsoft Cloud Azure Security. So, how to use the Top Supply Chain Management Software?  Make Sure You Have Real-Time Visibility to Make Detailed Plans  Whether you are a manufacturer, distributor, or retailer, you should focus on controlling the most parts. Your Supply Chain ERP System must provide you with complete visibility into every operation taking place. Be it inventory management, warehouse information, logistics reports, etc. this part is crucial for making detailed plans and foreseeing upcoming threats. With D365 Finance and Supply Chain Management Software, you can tap into all the information needed to beat the competition and prepare for every upcoming challenge in advance.    Inform the Customer Beforehand about the Delay  With so many options available in the market, customers lose faith very quickly if there are constant delays in their orders. It becomes worse when they are not even clarified about the duration of the delay. Many times, products are delivered from far-away places using ships, planes, and trains. Earlier, it wasn’t so easy to track where exactly the item is and if the climate doesn’t favor it, the delivery date may extend to an indefinite time. However, today our cargo’s details are processed by the insurance company, delivery company, and other services. Often, they are delivered to us automatically.   With an automatic Supply Chain Management System like D365 F&O, you can register to agreed routes and get the details about the product’s location at every stage. This is very helpful for informing the customer about the delay in delivery. You can accurately calculate the date of arrival of the product and inform the customer likewise.   Control Costs   Imported goods will cost a lot more than the base price. The delivery insurance cost, processing, and intermediate points will add to the base price and raise it to 40% or more.   Dynamics 365 Supply Chain allows controlling additional costs at every step of your complete supply chain while forming the correct costs of goods. The calculation methods will be correctly calculated based on the cost allocation policies.   If you are looking for a Supply Chain Management Software Provider, you can contact Trident Information Systems. We provide D365 Supply Chain Management Software services and are a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner and LS Retail Diamond Partner. With decades of experience and a massive team of technical experts, we ensure excellent support services, so your business operates smoothly. Our 24/7 available experts are more than happy to serve you.  

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D365 Finance and Operations

Case Study – Trident Implemented D365 Finance & Supply Chain Management for NOC Ethiopia

Established in 2004, National Oil Ethiopia Plc (NOC) is excelling in the marketing of petroleum products in the country. It is the first indigenous oil marketer to have distinct service stations located throughout the country.  NOC markets one of the leading lubricant brands commonly known as Chevron-Caltex Lubricants, as well as contribute to a major share in Ethiopia Oil Industry. It supplies over 100 lubricant grades for Industrial and Automotive applications. Additionally, the organization delivers other petroleum products such as LPG, Chemicals, Bitumen, and Petcock.   The business delivers services to keep their customers going by delivering services in the most cost-efficient and effective manner. Their team is divided into retail and commercial units to profitably market their products and achieve effective customer services and market leadership in the gas sector of Ethiopia.   The business aims at consistently improving its product and service offerings while expanding its business operations in Ethiopia and other African Countries. However, their current system was unable to comply with their requirements. Hence, they decided to contact Trident Information Systems for a suitable solution. After conducting thorough research, Trident found its core challenges and requirements and believed Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations will be the most suitable solution.   Business Challenges  The business was struggling with financial management and supply chain issues which included:   Difficulty in figuring out the accurate volume of fuel transported in the truck.   Tough time allocating charges on import purchase orders and knowing the landed cost on the inventory.   Difficulty in allocating departmental costs and expenses.  The manual approach to the regular activities caused redundancy and similar issues.   Disparate systems and no real-time data availability hampered decision-making.   Uncontrolled operations and compliances throughout the organization and vendors.   Business Requirements  The business needed a unified approach in the financial management of the business and required the following:   To calculate the accurate fuel volume transported in trucks, know the losses and gains during the transit.   To allocate charges on the import purchase order and to know the actual landed cost on inventory.   Needed to identify departmental cost and expenses for actual cost allocations.   Configure and customize the automation process for regular activities.   Unified software solution for real-time data availability.   Robust support of operations and compliances throughout the organization and vendor.  Solutions Provided by Trident Information Systems  After digging out the organization’s core challenges and requirements, Trident implemented Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain. Other benefits the solution provided include:   DIP Measurement Process- as NOC uses Dip Measurement to calculate fuel volume transported in the truck to find out the losses and gains during the transit.   Insightful reports and dashboards on financial transactions with D365 Finance and Supply Chain.   Enhanced Process Automation.   Captured all landed costs while adding them to the Inventory.   A centralized view on operations, costing, compliances, and inventory.   A sophisticated vendor management system.   Benefits to Business  After implementing Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain, NOC noticed a considerable change in their financial management and supply chain. Trident’s solution delivered the following benefits:   The business could manage and schedule its resources in real-time and project costs accurately.   NOC could identify the actual fuel volume transported in the truck to know the gains and losses during the transit.   Their revenue was now managed more systematically and accurately.   A centralized system for planning and project analysis could better control operations and compliance across the organization.   Better vendor management and regulatory compliance.   Advantages of Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain  Microsoft Dynamics Finance and Supply Chain put flexibility and Scalability at the core of your business, allowing you to quickly grow, and adapt at your own pace. You can easily tailor and extend the application to meet your unique business or industry-specific needs. It can offer the benefits given below but not limited to:   Supports critical operations throughout the business.   Exceptional reporting functionality that allows businesses to collect data and assess situations right then and there.   Microsoft backed and developed functionality to enable seamless integration within the enterprise.   Enables in-depth accounting and financial functionality.   Reduces IT maintenance load.   It automates and streamlines the supply chain.   Endorses innovation with a modern and adaptable platform.   Streamlines asset management.   Bottom line   After struggling with successfully managing their expanding business’ finance and supply chain, NOC Ethiopia finally decided to contact Trident Information Systems for Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain solution. After the implementation, the business could witness benefits like optimum resource management and scheduling, systematic revenue management, centralized view of the entire supply chain, and so on. Trident is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation partner. Contact us for further information

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This Why You Need Supply Chain Management Cloud ERP ASAP! 

The world is facing supply chain disruptions. But what exactly is the reason? Technology has helped us enjoy instant gratification; be it instant delivery, or product tracking, everything is a piece of cake. However, over the past two years, these services have been witnessing disruption. Many businesses shifted their approach to Supply Chain ERP Systems to manage their business with full efficiency. Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain Management System is one of the best Supply Chain Management Software.   However, what is the reason behind this? Certainly, a lot of factors, but businesses pulling out their interest in China is the major reason. Even though it is not a new thing, it still seems to have caught pace in recent years (after the COVID-19 outbreak).   An Overview of the Current Situation  For over two decades, China has dominated the manufacturing industry, contributing to shipping lanes and affordable labor rates. Therefore, working in or with China-made economic sense. However, over the last two years, China was hit with massive ordeals including COVID-19, increased geopolitical tensions, and high traffic. These factors lead to the departure of large manufacturing organizations from across the globe.   Innovation in technology even for supply chains such as Supply Chain ERP Systems has promoted remote work. Anyone can work efficiently without having to move abroad. Credits to AI (Artificial Intelligence) advancements and robotic developments, for more manageable labor costs. COVID-19 has so far pushed Chinese manufacturing to the verge of shutting down. Upstream suppliers failed to get raw materials on time, which caused delays. When China opened again, US and Europe were now shut down leading to another out-of-sync scenario.   COVID-19 impacted everyone in the world, irrespective of their industry. From teachers to doctors, to waiters, to childcare takers, to baristas, nobody could escape from this. Manufacturing perhaps hit the hardest due to supply chain issues. However, many manufacturers still managed to survive. They embraced more advanced technology such as Manufacturing ERP Software, and CRM for Manufacturing Industry. Some adopted a unified platform that provides ERP and CRM on the same platform such as Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain.   Supply Chain ERP Systems for Your Rescue  Having an enterprise system that can cope with demand and supply variability has become a must-have in today’s scenario. Hence, Supply Chain ERP Systems like Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain, Cloud Supply Chain ERP Software can help you with this. With this Top Supply Chain Management Software, you can manage multiple suppliers. Furthermore, you can seamlessly manage data with automation, which is time-consuming, frustrating, and impossible using disparate systems in current scenarios. Flexibility and foresight are critical requirements to tackle uncertainties.   Cloud Supply Chain ERP Systems provides a digital supply chain network that enables a single source of truth. Followed by artificial intelligence to power prescriptive and predictive analysis. Companies can easily source inventory and raw materials to stay afloat and ahead of the competition. Using Dynamic technology helps with planning and execution.   Business owners need to tackle disturbances and stay ahead of troubleshooting solutions for new processes. New technology comes up with new challenges along with its solutions. D365 solutions are reinforced with Power BI tools which analyze the customer’s spending pattern, also how the product moves throughout the supply chain.   Logistics play a vital role in the supply chain. Without efficient logistic management, the supply chain is bound to face inconveniences. ERP for Transport and Logistics offers complete logistics management. The user can find the shortest route possible to save time and fuel. You can also track and trace your vehicle’s current location, as well as check your driver’s background. Track your vehicle’s mileage with Transport ERP Software.   How can cloud ERP Help in Successfully Forging Links in the Supply Chain?  Having a global supply chain is one of the biggest achievements over the past three decades. To think of it, just about a few decades ago, it was unbelievable to experience an organized and coordinated system of raw materials, fabrication shops, and component manufacturers across the globe.  However, this convenient and connected system was as well delicate. It withstood all the natural outrages; be it earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, closed ports, and so on. Supply Chain ERP Systems contribution to withstand the shocks and uncertainties. With robust and connected supply chain management, you can streamline this chain and overcome all the hurdles.   Tackle the Great Resignation Enforced by COVID   Firstly, the COVID-19 outbreak was detected and reported in China, the region where most of the world’s raw materials and finished goods come from. This outbreak led major manufacturing plants to shut down throughout the world. As the pandemic forced lockdowns everywhere, certain products became scarce. Therefore, producers raced to search for an alternative.   However, the pandemic continued, and what was once a problem in an isolated region became a global issue. Followed by more factories and mines being shut down, raw material became limited, and for some, unavailable. Even among producers with adequate raw material, laborers began falling sick. Agonized by the hard-working environment, entered what has been depicted as the great resignation.    Supply Chain ERP Systems assists in streamlining manufacturing processes by automating manual and monotonous tasks while relieving staff from too much hard labor. It can even tackle labor shortages as it automates a pretty good sum. Therefore, allowing you to engage your labor in other profit-generating activities. This Cloud ERP Solution needs less training, as it works on an intuitive interface. Hence adapting to this ERP in Supply Chain Management is easier than other software.   Win the Battle Against Uncertainty with Cloud ERP   Cloud Supply Chain ERP Systems help beat frequent uncertainties. ERP like Dynamics 365 has embedded Power BI which collects data from different touchpoints and brings them all into the center. Then, it created insightful and actionable reports on the business and customers. Further, allowing you to understand your strengths and weaknesses more in-depth. Leveraging this data defines how you quickly respond to perspective and sudden threats.   You can

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How Does Microsoft Dynamics 365 Help to Create an Intelligent and Adaptable Supply Chain Management? 

 Before the pandemic, flexibility in the supply chain was a luxury, a differentiator. Now we realize that it may be the key between survival and failure. While we are not anticipating another event of magnitude and speed with COVID, which impacted supply chains, it can be expected that our industries will continue to revolutionize. With the right technology such as Dynamics 365 for Supply Chain, you can present yourself as a new competitor or business model, the most important thing will be to have the flexibility to navigate unknown seas.   The pandemic has undoubtedly been an event that has transformed the world. Its drastic arrival, the uncertainty it generated, and the continued speculation about what a new normal will has had us guessing the direction in which we should continue as companies. More than anything, the crisis evidenced our ability to react quickly. Those businesses that were prepared and could adapt succeeded, those who did not face the harsh reality: they are not flexible. There are various challenges that the supply chain comes across such as:     Cost Management: Costing plays a vital role in supply chain management, especially in the current era where the cost of energy, raw material, and labor has increased due to economic constraints. If the cost is not properly done, it gets hard to keep up with continuous production and providing customers with excellent quality products at affordable rates.   Unforeseen Delays: It might be easier to procure materials and products than delivering them. As one of the major and most common issues in supply chain management, you are most likely to face delayed deliveries which are going to impact your business in one way or another. You may even deteriorate your market reputation or even worse, your customers might hop on to your competitors in search of better services.   Improper Forecasting Techniques: You cannot expect a calculator and speculation to be a comprehensive demand forecasting toolset. If you are still holding up to these stale and outdated methods, you are much likely to encounter losses. There is an urgent need to adopt a solution that offers smart and reliable tools to make demand forecasts.    Inventory Management: Lack of visibility of your inventory and being unaware of your inventory levels can cause serious obstacles. Even with the technology available, many businesses are still following outdated inventory management which often provides inaccurate data.   Beef Up Your Supply Chain with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Supply Chain   In current scenarios, the best way to upgrade your supply chain management is to adopt a unified Supply Chain ERP Software such as Dynamics 365 for Supply Chain, it has all the flexibility and agility you need to get rid of these issues within the same environment. It is recommended to upgrade your current ERP to the cloud and reap maximum benefits. You can upgrade your Supply chain with the help of the following measures:    Get Real-Time Visibility    Visibility is as important for your business as profit. Having a disrupted information flow from one of the supply chains to another can lead to chaotic outcomes such as poor customer services, excessive investment in inventory, revenue loss, and so on. This is also known as the “bullwhip effect.” Having better data matching the actual demand and supply can reduce the bullwhip effects to a great extent. This works for both internal and external company effects.   D365 for Supply Chain is a suitable supply chain software that can extract real-time data and present it in the shape of graphical dashboards for a better simple interpretation.   Adopt Smart Inventory Management   Managing inventory is one of the most crucial tasks of all time. Adopting advanced inventory management technology can eliminate the risk of storing excess inventory, obsolescence and enhance flexibility and responsiveness. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for the supply chain offers a set of tools and data for effective inventory management. You can have first-hand smooth and effective inventory control.   Make Replenishment Strategies    Inventory replenishment is also known as stock replenishment, which refers to moving the inventory from reserve storage to primary storage and then to picking sites. Keep in mind that replenishment might refer to both raw materials as well as the product. Adopt suitable inventory replenishment methods and keep up with the balanced inventory level which is crucial to provide customer satisfaction. Get an appropriate ERP for the supply chain to make replenishment strategies. Preferably pick a unified solution to save yourself from excessive costs and technical complications.    Plan and Forecast Demand    Consider real or projected customer requirements and distribution networks to plan and forecast demands. Adopt forecasting techniques suitable for each classified product. Associate sales and operational planning to assess future demands. Spot customer demand driving factors such as promotions, discounts, product mix, etc. to strengthen future demands. Compare the actual results with the forecast to make necessary adjustments. Also, share the statistics on demand with the supplier and customers.   Optimize Inventory Management    Upgrading to a smart technology such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Supply Chain to optimize inventory management, on ground level, inventory management seeks answers to three simple questions, what needs to be stocked, its quantity band, when does it needs to be ordered. Upgrading to such technology you can get better insights into your inventory using the actionable intelligence from the previous sales, supply chain, and purchasing data.   Improve Product Quality    With an increase in product complexity and the emergence of product variations, the supply chain is influenced globally. With Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Supply Chain you can get better control and visibility into the lifecycle and evolution of the product. Automate the product release and acceptance operations and make the right people at the right place to take orders and make modifications.   Conclusion   Being a massive operational task, supply chain management is prone to multiple challenges. However, there are suitable solutions available in the markets such as Dynamics 365 for  Supply Chain. We recommend choosing a well-experienced partner such as Trident Information Systems, one of the oldest and most renowned

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How does Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Help Planning and Raw Material Sourcing? 

Manufacturers can no longer rely on traditional methods to manage supply chains but a sophisticated Supply Chain ERP System. In this digital era where everyone is using technology to their benefit, it becomes mandatory to stay on the latest technology for optimizing supply chains.   A supply chain consists of planning, sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, delivery, and returns. Planning is the primary aspect of supply chain management and then comes raw material sourcing. Both contribute majorly to adding or cutting costs. Without a legit plan, raw material sourcing can cause issues like excessive costs, overstocking, and understocking. Furthermore, a lack of proper raw material sourcing, planning can be disturbed as well. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Supply Chain helps tackle challenges like:  Lack of demand forecasting leading to stocking problems: overstocking and understocking.   Poor business insights lead to poor strategies.   Sudden change in customer demands causes running out of a particular inventory.   Material scarcity fosters raw material sourcing.   Poor vendor management and insufficient documentation.  Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management for Planning and Raw Material Sourcing  Dynamics 365 Supply Chain ERP System enables businesses to get a centralized view on the warehouse, inventory, manufacturing, services, and logistics using predictive analysis which converts information into business insights while helping businesses to reach their goals via the most efficient routes.   Priority Based Planning   One of the greatest challenges that manufacturers have to come across is when multiple orders for the same item are in front of them, and they lack stocks on hand to fulfill every demand. Management plays a key role in this. However, it is often hard to decide which store or center should be filled and in what order? While guesswork can lead to adverse repercussions.    It might be easy to manually review and allot accordingly. However, it still lacks a systematic process to automate these decisions. Hence, a systematic and automated approach is required. Planning Optimization helps with master planning for manufacturers. The priority-based planning feature can ensure the configuration of optimal replenishment based on priority, not dates. This way businesses can boost their service levels, cut on-hand inventory and optimally prioritize replenishment orders in their supply chain. Therefore, enabling fulfilling more important demands first.   The Supply Chain ERP System calculates inventory levels for minimum, reorder, maximum, and projected on-hand which consists of planned receipts and distributions. The data is then utilized to compare more important orders throughout locations and products.   The organization can perform the following with Dynamics 365:  Calculate, default or edit manually on planning priorities.   Sets reorder point parameters and help check handle replenishment.   Uses planning ranges to spit and optimize allocation.   The firming group planned orders.   Apply planning priority capabilities to intercompany ordering.   Predictive Insights for Demand Forecasting   This Supply Chain ERP System uses Power BI to get demand forecasts. It calculates historical data from different points and generates a report on forthcoming demands. This is one of the crucial functions that support effective decision-making. The raw material is sourced in accordance with demands. It becomes a lot easier to allocate them according to the right store or center. Predictive insights prevent understocking and overstocking as well as spending on unnecessary items.   Cost Management   Dynamics 365 uses valuation methods of the user’s choice to evaluate and account for costs of raw material. It helps improve product costing by assessing the cost ramifications of your items. The user can handle manufacturing accounting and inventory accounting within a single application.   Quick and Easy Vendor Collaboration  The Vendor Collaboration Interface in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management facilitates vendors to confirm orders and request quotes. They can also view and modify typical company data with circumscribed exposure to information about orders, invoices, etc.   Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Software is a robust and assemblable ERP in Logistics and Supply Chain solutions that transform your company’s productivity. It facilitates retailers, manufacturers, and distributors to form an interconnected, digital, and resilient supply chain management with enhanced operational visibility, boosting planning agility and maximizing asset uptime. It extracts data from almost any source and creates real-time reports by leveraging AI and Machine Learning. It also detects opportunities. If you’re looking for a Supply Chain Management Service Provider, contact Trident Information Systems. We are a Gold Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation Partner.  

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