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Food and Beverage ERP

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Current Challenges and Trends Can You Expect in 2023

Are you overwhelmed by the rapid changes in the food and beverage industry? Just like you, many other manufacturers are deeply impacted by the sudden customer changes, bans, technological advancements, and health concerns in the market. The changes have caught on at a faster pace for a couple of years due to environmental and social changes. With the emergence of veganism, manufacturers now have to lay extra emphasis to produce separate non-animal-based products. Plastic ban around the world has also muscled manufacturers to practice eco-friendly measures. The key measure any food and beverage manufacturer can take today is to deploy a suitable Food and Beverage ERP into the business.    Working with different systems to run manufacturing operations can always add to your complexities. During these unpredictable times, it’s always smartest to pick a Cloud-based Food and Manufacturing Software Solution that stores and manages your data on a single server. One of the most renowned examples these days is Microsoft Dynamics 365. ERP for the Food and Beverages Industry is hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud, which ensures bank-level data security and a team of experts working on its development 24/7.   The food and beverage industry are seeing various challenges these days, and in this blog, we will discuss the prominent challenges and the most possible trends you can expect next year.   Current Challenges in the Food and Beverage Industry   Plastic Ban Reinforcement  Food and beverage manufacturers are now looking for the best conductive practices to complement the environment. To ensure sustainable growth, producers must implement eco-friendly practices right from the start to the end of the manufacturing process. You can even implement D365 Food and Beverage ERP that helps streamline every step of production.   Strict Regulations on Waste Management   Most food and beverage producers adhere to the laws. However, the constantly changing laws on surplus production, waste management, food quality, waste disposal, and so on cause more challenges for them. To overcome this challenge, manufacturers must focus on improving their overall business operating policies.   The e-Commerce Trend  No manufacturer can escape eCommerce these days. Customers around the world have witnessed the comfort of technology, the ease of getting what they want fast, without having to visit the store. This has opened doors to new opportunities for many businesses, but traditional manufacturers are still somehow struggling with the change. It’s high time they start promoting their services online.   Rise in Non-Animal Product Demands   With the rise in veganism, the demand for meat and animal-based products has seen a significant decline. Manufacturers are too transitioning to adopt these new trends in the market. Many of them have already started vegan food and beverage production to maintain their goodwill. However, many are still on their way.   Trends You Can Expect to Witness in 2023 and How You Can Cope with Them  The major trend change you can see in 2023 is the technological advancements in manufacturing plants. Only the brands that implement Food and Beverage ERP will thrive in the market, the rest may barely survive. Given below is the list of upcoming trends:   Optimized Supply Chain with Food and Beverage ERP  There will be massive competition among the Food and beverages producers hence optimizing the supply chain to turn the business more agile, resilient, robust, and advanced will become a necessity rather than a choice. You can look for agile Food and Beverage ERP Solutions in the market. Make sure your technology handles your business and customers together with the least/ no complexities. Choose your Food Manufacturing Production Software Wisely.   Use of Advanced Technologies   As mentioned above, the latest technologies like AI and ML will be in trend next year. They are excellent at cutting unnecessary costs, reducing human errors, reducing time, enhancing services, etc. These technologies will not only provide a competitive edge to the users but also leave them enough time to strategize new ideas for the business.   Product Transparency to the Customer   Gone are the days when customers didn’t mind you not being transparent with them. Today, they demand transparency on how humane and sustainable your production process is, and this is most likely to become one of the most important aspects for manufacturers in 2023. Using a Food and Beverage ERP like Dynamics 365 for Food Manufacturing can ensure your customers are informed about the ingredients and processes you use in your plant. You do not need separate software as everything is done on the same platform.   Waste Cutting   With the advanced technology in hand, manufacturers will focus on cutting waste like unnecessary costs, food waste, production surplus, and so on. With technology incorporating Business Intelligence technology like Microsoft Power BI, you can easily predict customer demand which significantly aids waste-cutting measures. It is recommended to implement Food and Beverage ERP that incorporates features promoting waste cutting.  Veganism   For better health, fitness, and preventing animal cruelty, many people are shifting to veganism every year, and the same trend can be seen in 2023. Manufacturers need to add vegetable-based products to get into the vegan market.  Processed food items do not have a long shelf life, they need to be sold off before getting perished. Due to sudden customer changes, food items go wasted. With a Food and Beverage ERP like Microsoft ERP for Food and Beverages, producers can forecast demands, be transparent with customers, understand changing market dynamics beforehand, and a lot more. If you wish to implement ERP for Food Industry, Microsoft Dynamics 365 would be the most suitable. Contact Trident Information Systems, one of the top Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner, and LS Central Diamond Partner for further information.  

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Dynamics GP to Business Central Upgrade

Upgrade From GP to Business Central to Get Faster and Streamlined Business Operations!

Your company is determined for Dynamics GP to Business Central Upgrade, correct? GP’s end of support is ending in January 2023 anyway. If you are bothered about the inconveniences that this migration will bring you, don’t worry. Every Migration is not complicated. Moreover, most companies must progress toward digital transformation since it will enable you to boost your company efficiency.  Microsoft puts a lot of effort into enhancing the functionality and features of its products. Most of the time, you’re on-premises GP to Dynamics 365 Business Central Upgrade may increase productivity throughout your whole company. You will also be able to improve the efficiency of your business operations, services, and procedures.  Why Would You Upgrade from D365 GP to Business Central?  Dynamics Business Central is a cloud-based solution that offers more flexible features and agile tools. You can get more speedy operations while streamlining every process. It is suitable for businesses of all sizes. It provides other benefits such as:   Business Intelligence Fosters More Logical Decisions  After Dynamics GP to Business Central Upgrade, it supports business intelligence tools. You can use them to get insights into your business. You can also understand customers better as it stores, scans, filters, and presents customer data into dashboards allowing you to see how each customer spends in your business. You can then provide customized offers and services, deals, offers, and discounts. It becomes easier to segregate them into groups and individually. Moreover, Business Intelligence helps you spot your business’s KPIs, potential threats, gaps, and hidden earning opportunities.   Helps You Save Costs   After Dynamics GP to Business Central Upgrade, you will shift to cloud-based software which helps you save costs on maintenance and upgrading. You do not have to engage your entire IT team in maintaining and upgrading your software. You can instead use them to develop more useful tools to streamline your operations. D365 is an Saas as a Service Platform that helps you develop new software as per your need easily.   You Are Always on the Latest Version   Once you decide on the Dynamics GP to Business Central Upgrade, you will be hosted by and on Azure, you can always be on the latest version. Microsoft provides minor updates now and then without disturbing your business ecosystem. And twice a year, Microsoft provides major updates about which you are notified in advance. You can even reschedule these updates if you feel like it. D365 provides sandboxing allowing you to test changes and patch upgrades, even for those that Microsoft itself upgrades.   Get a suite of Cloud-based Software   With Business Central, you can access the complete set of applications provided by Microsoft such as SharePoint, Outlook, Teams, Power BI (Business Intelligence), and a lot more. These tools help you collaborate freely with one another and streamline operations more easily within the business.   Remote Access   One of the best qualities of Microsoft Dynamics Business Central is its remote access facility. You can access it from any device. In this period where everyone demands remote work, you need technology to support the same. Due to COVID-19, businesses were forced to shut down and demanded remote work. Businesses that couldn’t comply with the same either shut down or implemented technology to support remote work. This technology ensures work is done even if you are not available at the office.  High-end Security   With Dynamics GP to Business Central Upgrade, businesses especially SMEs don’t have to worry about their security as Microsoft Dynamics 365 ensures bank-level security. Microsoft has assigned more than 3000 experts to detect and defeat threats. There are thousands of other experts working day and night on the well-being of your software and data safety. Teams are assigned to create possible threats and other teams find ways to defeat them. Microsoft can be the most secure data you can have. Your data is stored and backed up on a single server. Therefore, you will get everything on a single server.   If you are looking forward to Dynamics GP to Business Central Upgrade, you can contact Trident Information Systems. We are a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner and LS Central Diamond Implementation Partner. Our team of 200+ experts’ workday and night to ensure seamless and consistent operations in the organization. Contact us for further details.  

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devops engineer tools

This is How DevOps Engineer Tools Can Transform your Business Environment  

DevOps Engineer Tools have swiftly attracted the attention of the IT sector, and for good reason. Faster delivery and quicker turnaround times in software development have become essential to an organization’s success given the always evolving and fast-paced work environment. DevOps was thus born out of the need to provide high-quality output with few post-production faults. Let’s explore DevOps Software in further detail, including its advantages, disadvantages of the conventional software development lifecycle, and ways to adopt the DevOps culture.  Why Would You Choose DevOps Engineer Tools?  The classic waterfall model was used for the delivery of software before DevOps Engineer Tools were introduced. The result of one phase becomes the input of the following phase in this process paradigm, which involves a sequential flow of a series of predetermined phases. All of the phases are therefore interdependent, and the conclusion of one phase ushers in the start of the next.  The Software Delivery Life Cycle (SDLC) model has been proven to have several flaws despite how straightforward it seems. It has been noted that a firm encounters complex issues in the rapidly evolving modern environment that need speedy responses.  Siloed structure: The classical SDLC method grouped software developers, maintenance teams, and test engineers into three different segments to perform functions one after another. There they would fail to communicate empathetically; those in charge of coding are unable to communicate with the test team or operation team.   Not enough tests and greater possibilities of errors: in the SDLC method, tests are conducted individually. However, these tests are insufficient for greater functionalities, accurate detection, and standard quality outputs (In contradiction to DevOps Model).  Delayed feedback and no transparency: Each stage is isolated and hence brings in a major gap between delivered and expected product which demands rework. Furthermore, the lack of collaboration makes employees work overtime because of which they fail to respond to customer queries.   Delayed updates and fixes: having no connection between test engineers and developers leads to a delay in fixing bugs. Updating changes can even take months. This can even become a reason for many businesses to fail. DevOps Testing Tools on the other hand, automates software development and deployment processes.  How Can DevOps Benefit You?  DevOps helps businesses to move ahead in the competition and deliver the best features to the end users. Given below are some of the key benefits of using DevOps:   Faster deployment: you can get faster and more frequent updates with DevOps Engineer Tools, which will not only satisfy your customers but will also help you excel in the market.  Stable corporate ecosystem: Are you aware that the stress brought on by the introduction of new features, repairs, or upgrades has the potential to undermine the stability of your workplace and reduce overall productivity? With the help of Best DevOps Tools, enhance your working environment with a stable and balanced approach to operation.  Significant product quality improvement: having collaboration among operational and development teams involving feedback results in better quality products and consistent improvement.   Automate monotonous tasks: DevOps Engineer Tools offers more advantages than the conventional paradigm since it makes it easier to identify and address issues fast. The team has more time to frame novel ideas since the defects are automated and tested frequently.   Brings more agility to your business: you can get the needed scalability to stay ahead in the market. DevOps can bring more agility with its flexible features.   Consistent delivery of software: With DevOps Power Platform Built Tools, it is up to all departments to keep things stable and provide new features. As a result, unlike the conventional way, software distribution happens quickly and without interruption.  Robust problem-solving features: DevOps Engineer Tools offers quick and stable solutions to technical issues in software management.   Greater productivity with enhanced transparency: The team members may easily communicate with one another thanks to the process’ removal of the silo(ing) and encouragement of cooperation, which helps them become more concentrated in their area of expertise. DevOps practices have therefore been included, which has also increased staff productivity and efficiency.   Transforming your business to include DevOps Engineer Tools is a big decision. There is a shift in your employee’s mindset from “I have finished my job” to “the feature is now ready to deploy”. If you want to use Top DevOps Tools, you can contact Trident Information Systems. With our dedicated team and immense hard work, we have benefited various SMBs and enterprises. Contact us for further details. 

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Upgrade NAV to Business Central

How Sticking with Dynamics NAV Can Bring Your Business Down? 

The major reason for your business to suffer if you choose to stick to Dynamics NAV is its end of support which will eventually leave you on your own. Dynamics NAV 2017 version met its end-of-life-cycle support in Jan 2022, whereas Dynamics NAV 2018’s support is still viable till Jan 2023 leaving you a noticeably short time to optimize it further. It is best to Upgrade NAV to Business Central.  Some businesses still use Dynamics NAV to support their production environment. The decision to stick to the older version could be derived from its perceived stability: it can resolve all the issues and does exactly what it is expected to do.   Alternatively, a business may decide to delay its NAV to BC Upgrade to save IT capital cost while “sweating” its resources to extract maximum return on investment. However, this approach will eventually lead to the business’s downfall as it can collapse anytime.  What Would Happen If You Still Glued with Dynamics Nav Without Support?  You are welcoming a huge security risk, limited disaster recovery options, no more updates and patches, and a lack of functionality if you still expect Dynamics NAV to facilitate core functionalities to your business. Hence Upgrade NAV to Business Central.  A Massive Security Threat   Once your vendor ends the support for Dynamics NAV, you are no longer entitled to the relevant upgrades or patches. You will no longer receive any support for issues occurring in the application. Since you cannot resolve them on your own, the application starts posing a risk to your overall business rather than a medium for its growth.   Limited Disaster Recovery   Not having NAV to Business Central Upgrade means no more support from Microsoft leaves businesses to struggle on their own. Suppose if something wrong happens to the application and the entire environment demands a rebuild, the user is liable to source the correct version (which is not so easy). In this scenario, businesses will have to track aged operating system and SQL Server versions. This can even jeopardize your security and lead to data loss or data theft by hackers.   In the worst-case scenario, you may not even get to access the older version and require an urgent NAV to Dynamics 365 Business Central upgrade. An upgrade project can take a good sum of time. Even if the upgrade is planned, it can take up to months to complete. Leaving you with months of downtime and eventually, making your production suffer.   Functionality Deficiency  Many businesses who have been paying for maintenance licensing are entitled to access the latest NAV versions. However, delaying the upgrade is not useful either. Upgrade NAV to Business Central as Microsoft Dynamics 365 has a pedigree of ongoing developments and upgrades. For more than three decades, NAV has been redefined to provide greater functionalities. No doubt, it provided great services to its users, but the end of support will reverse the situation. The user can no longer access the new upgrades and functionalities while declining productivity.   So, what is the Solution?  The only solution is to Upgrade NAV to Business Central. Microsoft introduced Business Central on April 2nd, 2018. The newer technology delivers more robust features, tailored functionalities, and a more agile interface. It did not take too long to conquer a special place among SMBs as one of the most reliable, flexible, and scalable ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning). The NAV to Business Central Upgrade Enables – advanced mobile access, application integration, custom adaptability, seamless upgrades, affordability, and reporting capabilities.   However, besides worrying about training employees for a newer version, heavy historical data transition brings chills down the user’s spine. Little do they realize that the data structure of NAV and BC is the same. Thus, if your data is organized and corruption-free, you are good to go.   Dynamics 365 Business Central automatically upgrades your application frequently without disturbing your business’s ecosystem, and twice a year with major upgrades, for which the user is notified a couple of days prior.   Dynamics 365 BC is a cloud-based application that enables remote control, which means it is accessible anytime, anywhere, from any device. Thus, leaving you no scope for investing in hardware, server, and maintenance agreements.   The data is completely secured as 3,500 cyber-security experts are protecting, responding, and detecting cyber threats.  Business Central endorses faster and more flexible financial reporting via Jet Reports and Power BI (Business Intelligence). Machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) (Artificial Intelligence) support tools monitor and forecast more precise data.   Its flexible licensing fees enable the user to manage cash flow. Instead of an annual enhancement, you only pay per user every month.  Bottom Line   No matter how efficient you perceive your Dynamics NAV to be, the fact remains that it is on the verge of its life. It is recommended to Upgrade NAV to Business Central as soon as possible as it will define your business’s future. If you are planning for a NAV to BC Upgrade, contact Trident Information Systems. We are Dynamics 365 Business Central Gold Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. 

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ERP Software for eCommerce

How can Charity Retailers Select the Right POS and Unified Software Solution? 

Making the move or upgrading to a new version of Retail POS System or ERP Software for eCommerce affects every area of a retailer’s company. It can be much worse for charity merchants, who must account to their patrons for their running expenses. They must be able to justify any additional investments made to meet the increasing administrative load they currently confront, even if it is one of their largest expense centers.  But there is no longer a choice to do nothing. Charity merchants cannot afford to cling to antiquated procedures and outdated technology as they struggle to stay viable and deal with issues like multi-channel stock management, retaining supporters, and obtaining the largest gifts from frugal customers. The most discerning understand that the proper Retail POS Systems and Retail ERP software may relieve their pain. Several well-known charities, like Sue Ryder, Ten Thousand Villages, and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), have made the switch.  Ralph Larcombe, the manager of Sue Ryder’s EPOS systems in the United Kingdom, stated that the organization’s sole purpose in being there was to make money to fund its healthcare department and do good deeds. Therefore, getting value for their money was crucial to them when choosing a new IT system.  Sue Ryder chose to upgrade to the most recent version of LS Retail Software Solution. Their trustees reviewed the business case to ensure that the initiative would produce the anticipated return on investment (ROI). The organization is now benefiting from automated replenishment, improved data administration, intelligent reporting, and a simplified till that requires less training for new volunteers in terms of saving money and time.  How can ERP Software for eCommerce Manage Every Aspect of Your Charity Retail Store?  You will eventually lose sight of which parts of your business are doing well and which aren’t if your data is stored in silos across many databases and your channels don’t connect. Because of this, charity retailers want ERP Software for eCommerce that gives them a clear picture of their data, complete control over their business, and real-time data on goods, sales, and customers for all of their physical and online stores.  LS Retail Management Software is now used by the UK charity RHS to power several retail sites. The software is used by the corporation to handle its supply chain, sales orders, order fulfillment, and finance for its retail and sales operations. RHS is equipped with all the tools necessary to manage:  Retail Activities throughout the garden centers.   Finances, except charitable finances.   Inventory, e-commerce sales, gifts, and books.   Events.   Data on products, customers, and sales.  How Does it Help You Manage Volunteers and Employees?  Charity shops by definition have a high worker turnover rate. The majority of retailers often use volunteers of various ages, who must be recruited, employed, instructed, and managed. Therefore, having cutting-edge Retail Point of Sale Systems that is simple to use, need little training, and can simply organize employee schedules is a priceless tool for your nonprofit organization.  A straightforward and easy-to-use Point of Sale System was important to Sue Ryder when choosing a new retail system.  EPOS Systems Manager Larcombe remarked, “Having a till that is straightforward, transparent, clean, and easy to use, is of enormous importance to us. After a brief 45-minute training session, the volunteers at the Sue Ryder stores—some of whom are seniors without any prior retail experience—can use the till with ease. Our volunteers may practice without actually doing transactions in the training mode on the LS Retail till, and they often pick it up pretty fast.”  How Strong Business Analytics and Embedded Power BI can Provide Better Visibility?  Do you fully comprehend what is occurring throughout your network of charity shops? Data analytics may be useful, especially for the price and assortment optimization, if you want to quickly identify the goods and places that are generating the most money and where you should take action. Although you may add these sophisticated features to your Retail Management System, it is more cost-effective to have them integrated into the ERP Software for eCommerce as opposed to using a separate software solution that you’ll need to operate, pay for, and keep up to date.  Managers at Ten Thousand Villages now have far better visibility into what is happening thanks to clever ERP Software for eCommerce and a centralized source of data. They can act on opportunities and fix problems in real-time, even on the busiest retail days, thanks to a Power BI dashboard that pulls data straight from the Retail ERP. Hence improving sales performance.  Today, a lot of charity retailers work with ERP Software for eCommerce such as LS Retail Software Solution. If you want to implement this solution, you can Contact Trident Information Systems. We are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. With a strong track of accomplishments of 22+ years, we have partnered with various renowned businesses across the world.  

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AX to D365 Upgrade

Why Should You Upgrade from Dynamics AX to Cloud? 

Relying on outdated technology pushes you back in the race. You become incompetent and your rivals make money out of it. Many businesses postpone upgrades as they feel uncomfortable shifting to modern technology. However, little do they realize that they are pushing themselves back. Businesses working with AX fear the same discomfort and tend to postpone the AX to D365 Upgrade.  One of the major reasons why it is recommended to Upgrade AX to D365 Finance and Operation is the end of its lift support. Many of the AX versions are already out of support and a few have extended support till January 2023. Hence, it is best to hurry up and Upgrade AX to D365.  Other Reasons for AX to D365 Upgrade   Lack of suitability for large-size businesses. It may not even be a good match for small-sized businesses either.   Despite being comprehensive, its dependency on partner channels and ISV may add time to the deployment, hence increasing the total cost of ownership.  Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud ERP options have a limited reach which can increase costs if partners are hosting the software.  Hence, it is clear that AX is not suitable for every business size, unlike Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. It is not as scalable as a growing business may need and may even become expensive at times.   Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations is both cloud-based and on-premises. Hence, you can choose the solution you prefer. However, cloud-based solutions are more convenient, flexible, and agile. For instance, in an on-premises solution, your data is backed up in a local server, when you feel like increasing your storage, you will have to install a new server from scratch. But in the cloud, all you have to do is push command and your storage shall increase. Furthermore, it is easier to manage cloud storage than a local server.   Other benefits you can experience with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain include:   High-end Security: D365 ensures high-end security from hacking, malware, viruses, and other threats. Contrary to the old beliefs, the cloud has now become more secure than ever as its credentials are continuously monitored and attacked by Microsoft 24/7. With over 3000 security experts by Microsoft, you can assure bank-level security.   Low Cost of Ownership: When you no longer have to invest in hardware, maintenance, service management, staff training, and upgrades, imagine how much you are saving. With AX to D365 Upgrade, your cost of upgrade with a limit to testing and validation, hence removing every other IT-centric work. You do not even have to re-train your staff after an upgrade except for new features if any.   Remote Accessibility: one of the major benefits of AX to D365 Upgrade is its remote accessibility. Upgrading to a cloud-based platform allows accessibility on any device. Since your business apps are standardized by Microsoft, they can function seamlessly with a single sign-on and are integrated out of the box.  Effortless Latest Version Installation: As soon as you leap to the cloud, any subsequent platform will be automatically updated every three months. The application on the other hand will update every six months. Dynamics 365 provides update reminders from 7, 15, 30, and 90 days before the upgrade. You can even postpone upgrades by 12 months from the release date. Minor upgrades take place without disrupting your business operations, and for major updates, you will be updated prior.   No/Low Training Required: Since Microsoft uses the same functionalities, you do not have to spend much time learning the software. You can start working right away and boost efficiency at the same time. The core business logic you use has been transferred to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, but the interface is updated.   Adaptability: AX to D365 Upgrade gives you enough flexibility to mix match apps and personalize your experience while increasing profitability. The best part is that the user experience of these apps is equally intuitive. For instance, you can leverage sales and field service along with Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations providing the ultimate growth platform.   Upgrade Dynamics AX to D365 and ensure the most agile, flexible, and secured features. If you wish to for an upgrade, you can Contact Trident Information Systems, a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. 

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Manufacturing ERP Software

Magicrete Used Microsoft Solutions to Successfully Optimize Operations Across the Departments  

Founded in 2008, Magicrete building solutions had the vision to help builders build better, cheaper, and faster with their revolutionary construction technology and they required a suitable technology, so they chose Manufacturing ERP Software. They manufacture lightweight concrete (AAC) blocks, and so far, provide an impressive range of construction solutions such as AAC wall panels, construction chemicals, as well as precast solutions. Millions of homes have been constructed using Magicrete products.   Dynamics 365 Manufacturing ERP Software Helped Streamlining Business Processes and Driving Optimum Productivity  Magicrete is one of the biggest examples of leveraging technology to optimize its business at all levels. They have been using Dynamics 365 Manufacturing ERP Software since their founding years. Since 2011, they have been using Dynamics NAV. In 2021, they upgraded from Dynamics NAV to Business Central.   Furthermore, they have also been using Dynamics 365 Manufacturing CRM software to manage customers and streamline sales. In addition to it, they use Power BI to get real-time business insights for more logical and data-driven decision-making. Their implementation partner has been providing the needed support for these solutions across different processes.   Dynamics 365 Business Central Helps Managing Operations Across Different Departments   Magicrete always struggled with financial management. As soon as they adopted Dynamics NAV, they witnessed fluency like never before. And after Dynamics NAV to BC Upgrade, the services were now unmatched. This enterprise-wide ERP Solution turned their scenario upside down.   With Business Central, Magicrete enjoyed embedded workflow charts, a friendly user interface, live business reports, and self-service reporting. Not to mention, these features serve as a critical Dynamics NAV Upgrade which helps managers make more informed financial decisions.   Magicrete had a strong faith in the power of seamless data flow. They believed a business must have a smooth flow of data to scale and succeed. Further with this Manufacturing ERP Software, the automated manual tasks resulted in faster progress, low error risks, and optimum staff management. After automating workflow, they engaged their staff in more critical operations rather than just routine work.  The business further linked its SCADA system with Business Central. It helped provide the team with better analytics and eventually led to faster decision-making and better production monitoring.   The job module allowed the project team to check up on project schedules and stay on track with the deadlines.   Dynamics 365 CRM Optimized Sales Operations   Magicrete leveraged Dynamics 365 CRM as an enterprise-wide solution and believed they couldn’t find a better solution. With just a few clicks, the entire team could access accounts, contact, and opportunity pipelines. Furthermore, this Manufacturing ERP Software solution aggregated information on emails, calls, and meetings to track customer interactions history and suggest the next most viable step. Therefore, it helped them boost their workforce productivity.   Magicrete Successfully Got a Unified View of the Entire Business   Before using Power BI, workers at Magicrete would use 5-10% of their time creating monthly data MIS sheets for different departments. Further, they worked in siloes so it was even more complex. As soon as they shift to Power BI, they can view the integrated business data at any given point in time. Having data stored in a source and no manual intervention means having easy data access and no human error.   Power BI helped Magicrete create interactive dashboards, view data, and map real-time information in a format that’s intuitive and highly visual. These dashboards help them identify business opportunities and potential/ upcoming threats. With Power BI, they identified their hidden impacting areas.   Moving Forward  With Dynamics 365 Manufacturing ERP Software, Magicrete could scale up as many times as they want. Thanks to Microsoft Dynamics 365’s agility and flexibility, they can leverage many business tools that help them scale.   With each data unit that Magicrete adds to its 14-year-old database, it enhances the quality of overall data. It further helps them calculate the cost of its products automatically. This has been proven to be a vital use case that even gave them a competitive edge in the competition.   Magicrete finds great potential in connecting teams with other business systems. They are also experimenting with bots that can provide essential data from CRM or ERP for faster approval.   If you are looking forward to implementing Dynamics 365 Manufacturing ERP Software, you must choose a suitable partner with a solid track record. Trident Information Systems have been in the field for more than two decades and became Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. If interested, Contact Us now.  

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Comply with Quality Standard & Food Safety Regulations with Food Manufacturing ERP 

The established food services are subjugated to maintain safe food handling practices and behavior, otherwise, they can be subjected to food-borne illnesses and outbreaks. The best way to tackle this issue is to adopt a Food Manufacturing ERP. Since the quality standards and food safety regulations are elevating with time, the CEOs need advanced technological assistance to cope with it.  Maintaining food safety in food service businesses can get on your nerves. Related issues can pop up at any stage like storage, food receipts, services, or preparations. Food Manufacturing ERP Software can be a great help for you to demonstrate consistency in implementation, enforce and monitor food safety-oriented functions and operations.  What Are the Challenges Faced by the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Business?  An outbreak like COVID-19 enforces the evolution of current food safety and quality standards. Therefore, most food and beverages manufacturing businesses are adopting the latest Food Manufacturing ERP. The following challenges have played a great role in the process:  COVID-19 Pandemic   Due to COVID-19 outbreak, issues leading to supply chain disruptions, hiked food prices, increased ingredients, and workforce restriction in the plant that hamper production are perceived to continue. You can opt for the latest Food Manufacturing Protection Software as it can be a total game-changer, especially in current scenarios.  Coping With Safety Standards   Unfortunately, food manufacturing is one of those industries which cannot operate from homes – you cannot price and pack meat on Microsoft Outlook. It is the owner’s responsibility to keep their workforce safe and provide them with a secure work environment.  Keeping Sustainability at The Front   Having vaccinations finally available to the masses, it seems like Covid-19 times may come under control. However, the climate crisis is not leaving our side so easily. Since food sustainability issues have been behind the scenes for obvious reasons, now it is necessary to bring them back to the front as soon as possible. Food manufacturing ERP can be an immense help in the process.  Information Circulation  Foodservice establishments are responsible for declaring allergens in their ingredients. Businesses must keep updating their customers about the allergens irrespective of their location, whether they are at home or at a restaurant.  Waste Management Practices   It is essential for a food manufacturing business to introduce and implement a suitable waste management system to check food security risks and facilitate environmental hygiene. A suitable food manufacturing ERP can do wonders in resolving this issue.  How Can Trident’s Food Manufacturing ERP Help You Combat Food Quality and Safety Challenges?  Trident’s Food Manufacturing ERP is the Best Software for Food and Beverage Industry. You can have all the exact ingredients to beat any quality standards and food safety regulation challenge. You can get our industry rich services delivered at cloud or on-premises and claim agile business growth with the following benefits:   Optimally Utilize Your Inventory   With First Expire, First Out (FEFO) solution, track your raw material shelf life and expiration, so you could utilize your inventory to the fullest. In addition, you can also minimize wastage and avoid unwanted situations like understocking and overstocking. Quality of inventory is met by standards with little to no extra effort.  Two Way Lot Tracking  track your lot from the grocery store to your factory within seconds. Having a transparent supply chain, you can access real-time data on your raw material purchasing and recall identification. With this Food Manufacturing ERP, real-time stock transportation data is in your hand. You can acknowledge where exactly your stock is on its way and when exactly it will reach the store. You can be aware of any damage being done in its way.  Keep Up with The Quality Standards with iOS and Six Sigma:   Manage your food quality with IOS and generate methodologies to improve the process with Six Sigma. It is an excellent platform to keep up with the quality standards. Keeping up with quality standards increases chances of customer retention and attracting new business.  Grants Ultimate Inventory Control  You can have the ultimate control over your inventory with our Food Manufacturing ERP, its batch, and lot. Also, trace them via serial number. Serial Number Tracking ensures a more systematic lot tracking approach, minimizes risks while enabling centralized control over all your stocks.  Helps in Better Decision Making With real-time inventory data and current food quality standards compliance, you can make better decisions and adopt advanced strategies. You can decide what innovation you can make in your current inventory or how you can raise your quality standards.  Balancing operating a Food services establishment and complying with food quality and safety regulations can be quite exhausting. You need a food and beverages software system to keep up with the current market scenario. Trident serves excellent Food Manufacturing ERP across the globe. For one of the finest ERP solutions contact us now. 

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Bind Customers to your Retail Business with LS Retail  

Have you ever wondered how some retailers manage to bind customers to their business and some do not? Suitable ERP Software for Retailers and a hint of creativity are the secret ingredients. They optimize its tools and complement them with innovative strategies. However, if you are not creative enough, it is no issue at all. LS Retail ERP alone can provide a robust platform holding a plethora of customer-compelling tools and functionalities.   Retail businesses run on low-profit margins, face massive competition, and are in desperate need of ERP Software for Retailers. Those who run disparate systems like separate Customer Management System, billing software, Inventory Management Software, etc. are prone to face more downtimes than those who prefer a unified Retail Management Software like LS Retail Software Solution.   Having a disconnected CRM Software for Retail is not very effective during a cutthroat competitive era, where your competition is upgrading their technological approach. Such retailers commonly come across some general issues such as:   Overstocking and understocking.   Redundancy issues.   Imbalanced balance sheet.   Inability to cope with a sudden customer preference change.   Poor strategies and rigidity.   Lack of enough data while creating loyalty programs.   LS Retail ERP abolishes most of the factors hindering a successful customer relationship, it uses Power BI (Business Intelligence) to collect data and creates real-time reports which help understand customers better. Create successful loyalty programs, deals, offers, and coupons based on the information given.   How does ERP Software for Retailers Help Connecting with Your Customers?  ERP, like LS Retail Software Solutions, extracts customer data from every touchpoint, compiles data, and generates insightful and visually appealing customer reports.  In addition, you can:   Offer secure and contactless payment options.  Align replenishment to the actual demand and trends.   Allow customers to check real-time product availability.   Enable self-service shopping and checkout options.   Customized Deals and Offers   Having deals and offers customized for your customers helps form a special bond with them. With Power BI you can get reports on just the information you need, through which you can segregate customers into different segments according to their preferences. You can either create individual offers or group-oriented loyalty programs. It usually compels customers to think it over and form an emotional bond with a particular company or a brand.   Display Relevant Item Suggestions on E-commerce Platforms  This CRM for Ecommerce, using artificial intelligence, looks through the customer’s history and understands their pattern, then it customizes a list of products for your customers   Which might grab their interest. Besides increasing cross-selling and upselling, it can make some customers subconsciously feel cared for and drive them to visit your site more often.   Self-Check-out Services  With more and more dependency on technology, customers are becoming increasingly impatient. No customer likes waiting in long queues with a bunch of items. Offering self-service and self-checkout options busts frustrating queues and clears up the floor space. Customers hop back to stores with more convenience than those who lack it.  Easy Product Purchase or Return Either Online or Offline   To gain customers’ trust it is mandatory to ensure an easy return policy, either online or offline. A customer will feel confident enough to purchase a product from your shop if they are provided with a convenient return facility. With this ERP Software for Retailers, you can easily provide easy purchase returns either online or offline.   Word of Mouth Attracts and Binds New Customers   Keeping your customers satisfied helps attract new customers into your business through one of the most effective promotional techniques i.e., word of mouth (WOM). When a customer is happy with your services, he is most likely to refer your store to his friends and family. It does not take too long for new customers to build trust in your brand too.   How to Pick the Right Vendor?  LS Retail Software Solution is indeed one of the best ERP Software for Retailers. However, it is crucial to choose the right LS Retail ERP Implementation Partner from the pool of LS Retail ERP Vendors. Make sure the vendor you select has a robust track record and enough resources to support you during downtime. Make sure the partner provides 24/7 LS Central Support.   Trident Information Systems is a Gold Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation partner with 20+ years of experience and a robust track of accomplishments. Our team of experts delivers 24/7 support. Contact us for further information or a demonstration. 

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Why Should Large Scale Businesses opt for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central SaaS?  

Back in the day, businesspeople perceived cloud-based software implementation to be well suited for only small to medium-sized businesses. It had an image of reducing the upfront and implementation costs for SMBs while large-scale businesses still preferred to stick to the traditional on-premises software. However, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation has shunned this perception. Greater control, more functionality, and complete customization are some of many Dynamics 365 Business Central Features.   Large-scale businesses have begun to accept Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation to manage their complex requirements. It is one of the most popular enterprises resource planning which is now considered well suited for large enterprises. At the recent Annual Directions Conference, Rayner Vas (software engineer), and Christian Heide Damm (architect) elaborated on Microsoft’s investments and enhanced performance. Now, Business Central refrains from any limitations on the number of users, transactions, sessions, or size of the database, making it a suitable option for businesses of varied sizes. Business Central Licensing is also very flexible.   The Forrester research also backs up this claim; they state the total impact of Business Central on a business’s economy. They found out that businesses who opted for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation successfully attained operational efficiency, cut costs, and easily scaled their deployments. This growth is a result of the support that the cloud offered.   However, if you are still unsure about Microsoft Business Central, we have compiled the top three reasons to convince you to choose it for your large-scale business.   Steady Scalability   Microsoft Business Central allows as many users as your business needs. There is no limitation to your growth. Each Business Central instance comes with data storage of 80 GB. According to Microsoft, this is more than enough space for different organizations. Even if a company needs expansion in their data storage, they can add it.   Business Central keeps adding regular performance enhancements to ensure enough scalability for even the largest organizations. Latest features like SQL Compression – a technique that is also employed throughout other Microsoft Dynamics 365 cloud services. It helps reduce database volume and enhance performance. Its service functionality also tracks unanticipated database growth while aiding users to catch issues in the earlier stages and prevent unexpected database use. In addition, the Business Central Admin Dashboard also helps the users to manage their database costs continuously. Having complete visibility of your data and being able to see exactly what you are using; you can calculate the total costs and plan the budget accordingly.   According to further reports by Forster, almost all the Business Central users state the benefits of being able to scale users and enjoy license types. Also, during turbulent times like pandemics, they could keep their ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) resources on provision and cut costs.   On the Go Productivity  Being a cloud-first solution, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation enables its user’s freedom of action. In the past couple of years, some large-scale businesses faced shortcomings when it came to making rapid changes. For instance, large-scale businesses working on premises could not fulfil the requirement of remote work overnight. Those who were already running in Cloud could successfully adapt to it.   Reports also suggest that firms who invest in technologies which enable remote work will eventually enjoy a competitive edge through a more engaged workforce. Furthermore, it was also reported that business central users noted that being on SaaS allows their transition to remote work a lot easier than it would have been with their previous on-premises ERP software.   Best In-class Security for Your Business   It is not hidden from anyone how robust Microsoft security is. Microsoft takes its security very seriously. It costs about USD 1 billion a year. It has shown its security’s continuous enhancement in multiple ways: from data encryption to identity isolation to automated threat detection, and just-in-time access.  A few years ago, some customers were hesitant about using cloud services because they thought it was not safe enough. Nowadays, however, the situation has reversed. Business owners are more inclined toward the concept of the cloud due to its unparalleled security. With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation, users can take complete advantage of the full security infrastructure provided by Microsoft cloud to its users.   Overall, because of the above-mentioned reasons and more, numerous retailers chose Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation. For Microsoft Business Central Demo, contact Trident Information Systems. We are a gold Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner and have served various business ventures.  

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