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Food and Beverage ERP

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Current Challenges and Trends Can You Expect in 2023

Are you overwhelmed by the rapid changes in the food and beverage industry? Just like you, many other manufacturers are deeply impacted by the sudden customer changes, bans, technological advancements, and health concerns in the market. The changes have caught on at a faster pace for a couple of years due to environmental and social changes. With the emergence of veganism, manufacturers now have to lay extra emphasis to produce separate non-animal-based products. Plastic ban around the world has also muscled manufacturers to practice eco-friendly measures. The key measure any food and beverage manufacturer can take today is to deploy a suitable Food and Beverage ERP into the business.    Working with different systems to run manufacturing operations can always add to your complexities. During these unpredictable times, it’s always smartest to pick a Cloud-based Food and Manufacturing Software Solution that stores and manages your data on a single server. One of the most renowned examples these days is Microsoft Dynamics 365. ERP for the Food and Beverages Industry is hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud, which ensures bank-level data security and a team of experts working on its development 24/7.   The food and beverage industry are seeing various challenges these days, and in this blog, we will discuss the prominent challenges and the most possible trends you can expect next year.   Current Challenges in the Food and Beverage Industry   Plastic Ban Reinforcement  Food and beverage manufacturers are now looking for the best conductive practices to complement the environment. To ensure sustainable growth, producers must implement eco-friendly practices right from the start to the end of the manufacturing process. You can even implement D365 Food and Beverage ERP that helps streamline every step of production.   Strict Regulations on Waste Management   Most food and beverage producers adhere to the laws. However, the constantly changing laws on surplus production, waste management, food quality, waste disposal, and so on cause more challenges for them. To overcome this challenge, manufacturers must focus on improving their overall business operating policies.   The e-Commerce Trend  No manufacturer can escape eCommerce these days. Customers around the world have witnessed the comfort of technology, the ease of getting what they want fast, without having to visit the store. This has opened doors to new opportunities for many businesses, but traditional manufacturers are still somehow struggling with the change. It’s high time they start promoting their services online.   Rise in Non-Animal Product Demands   With the rise in veganism, the demand for meat and animal-based products has seen a significant decline. Manufacturers are too transitioning to adopt these new trends in the market. Many of them have already started vegan food and beverage production to maintain their goodwill. However, many are still on their way.   Trends You Can Expect to Witness in 2023 and How You Can Cope with Them  The major trend change you can see in 2023 is the technological advancements in manufacturing plants. Only the brands that implement Food and Beverage ERP will thrive in the market, the rest may barely survive. Given below is the list of upcoming trends:   Optimized Supply Chain with Food and Beverage ERP  There will be massive competition among the Food and beverages producers hence optimizing the supply chain to turn the business more agile, resilient, robust, and advanced will become a necessity rather than a choice. You can look for agile Food and Beverage ERP Solutions in the market. Make sure your technology handles your business and customers together with the least/ no complexities. Choose your Food Manufacturing Production Software Wisely.   Use of Advanced Technologies   As mentioned above, the latest technologies like AI and ML will be in trend next year. They are excellent at cutting unnecessary costs, reducing human errors, reducing time, enhancing services, etc. These technologies will not only provide a competitive edge to the users but also leave them enough time to strategize new ideas for the business.   Product Transparency to the Customer   Gone are the days when customers didn’t mind you not being transparent with them. Today, they demand transparency on how humane and sustainable your production process is, and this is most likely to become one of the most important aspects for manufacturers in 2023. Using a Food and Beverage ERP like Dynamics 365 for Food Manufacturing can ensure your customers are informed about the ingredients and processes you use in your plant. You do not need separate software as everything is done on the same platform.   Waste Cutting   With the advanced technology in hand, manufacturers will focus on cutting waste like unnecessary costs, food waste, production surplus, and so on. With technology incorporating Business Intelligence technology like Microsoft Power BI, you can easily predict customer demand which significantly aids waste-cutting measures. It is recommended to implement Food and Beverage ERP that incorporates features promoting waste cutting.  Veganism   For better health, fitness, and preventing animal cruelty, many people are shifting to veganism every year, and the same trend can be seen in 2023. Manufacturers need to add vegetable-based products to get into the vegan market.  Processed food items do not have a long shelf life, they need to be sold off before getting perished. Due to sudden customer changes, food items go wasted. With a Food and Beverage ERP like Microsoft ERP for Food and Beverages, producers can forecast demands, be transparent with customers, understand changing market dynamics beforehand, and a lot more. If you wish to implement ERP for Food Industry, Microsoft Dynamics 365 would be the most suitable. Contact Trident Information Systems, one of the top Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner, and LS Central Diamond Partner for further information.  

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Restaurant Management System

5 Magical Tricks to Keep Your Restaurant Staff Happy  

High worker turnover is one of the main problems faced by the hospitality sector right now. The National Restaurant Association’s most recent State of the Restaurant Industry Report found that 78% of restaurant owners claimed they didn’t have enough workers to meet customer demand and 75% indicated they were more than 10% understaffed. In addition to lowering the restaurant’s average quality of service, a high staff turnover rate increases the expenses associated with finding, employing, and training new workers. Although there are many other factors contributing to this issue, including a high proportion of students employed in the sector and high levels of seasonality, and inappropriate Restaurant Management System.  It is also true that many business owners in the sector might be doing more to retain talent.  Here are five suggestions to assist you keep your restaurant’s personnel motivated to work there.  Build Team Spirit   In a restaurant, cooperation is essential to maintain efficient services. When there is disunity within the team, blunders, bottlenecks, and blame-games can happen rapidly. The outcome? Customers become annoyed, the service worsens, and staff members depart for settings with a more laid-back, upbeat vibe. Focus on encouraging teamwork within your organization to stop this disastrous, though extremely often, chain of events. You may, for instance:  Set up a day each year for team-building events, which will assist staff members get to know one another better and foster good connections. Also, with a Restaurant Management System like LS Retail ERP, you can bring employees together on a common platform i.e., Teams.  Show that everyone works hard in your restaurant by having supervisors consistently do various tasks, such as cleaning tables and making beverages. A fair job distribution enhances workplace relationships, and a manager who has firsthand knowledge of what each duty entails will treat employees more fairly.  Celebrate achievements. When one of your workers celebrates a birthday, graduates, receives a promotion, or marks a work anniversary, plans a trip for the entire team, or at the least, has a cake and some refreshments delivered and set out for an hour to relax together. Celebrating occasions as a group demonstrates your concern for your employees, raises morale, and strengthens your bonds.  Reinforce Employees with Restaurant Management System  If you believe that not upgrading obsolete equipment would save you money, you are gravely incorrect. Upgrade to a unified Restaurant Management System as nothing is more annoying than the pressure to do a task quickly and to a high standard while using broken instruments. An antiquated Point of Sale System that gets stuck or creates tickets slowly may reduce table turns while also irritating customers who are in a rush. An ancient fryer that the kitchen crew can’t rely on may wreck the lunch rush. Make an investment in the newest technology like Restaurant Management System, and constantly check with your staff to see if any of the tools they are using, both in the back and in the front of the house, are insufficient or outdated. Remember this: Consider the technology you put in to help your personnel as an investment in enhancing customer service, such as a Mobile Point of Sale that swiftly accepts orders at the table.  Appreciate Your Employees for a Well-done Job  Studies have shown that people are more driven at work when they feel valued and appreciated. Teams with the highest levels of engagement saw 59% less turnover, according to a recent study from an organization that has earned the Great Place to Work certification. Positive reinforcement makes employees happier, more motivated, and more willing to put in extra effort. Many workers genuinely believe that having a sense of value at work is more essential than having money! There are several methods to express your appreciation to your staff:  Consistently express your appreciation to your team for a job well done, such as when a hectic shift has gone very well, when sales targets have been met, or when a worker has handled a challenging issue with professionalism. You must implement a Hospitality ERP Software to ease their work and bring out the best in each of them.  Constantly Train Them to Match Current Market Needs   A clear understanding of what is expected of them, and a feeling of purpose may be given to your personnel through thorough training. In addition to everything they require to effectively service your clients, be sure to instruct new employees on your company’s values, regulations, and policies. There should be no end to training. Even while the onboarding process is crucial, you shouldn’t let your workers’ education end there. Give your employees access to professional development opportunities; they’ll feel appreciated as part of the team, understand that you care about their development, and, as a bonus, they’ll bring new skills to your company.  Use a Restaurant Management System like LS Retail Software Solution as it is easy to learn and your workers are most probably familiar with the interface.  Provide a Channel for Official Communication  Unclear communication and misunderstandings may swiftly undermine business relationships and spoil the environment in the company. Why is it that he always receives all the overtime? “Wait, I requested a vacation two weeks in advance and was denied; how come she was granted time off when she only requested it yesterday? By putting in place tools that make it possible for employees and management to communicate clearly and openly, you can reduce the likelihood of grudges and claims of preferential treatment. Our Unified Restaurant Management System, LS Central, has a staff management feature that may help you simplify staff scheduling and provide you with an Employee Portal for direct contact.  When your employees are satisfied, they work more, stay longer in the job, and take fewer sick days. Additionally, if your team enjoys coming to work for you, you’ll spend less on recruiting and training new hires and be able to provide consistently excellent service across all of your locations. If you need assistance identifying the appropriate technology to raise the

5 Magical Tricks to Keep Your Restaurant Staff Happy   Read More »

D365 Finance and Operations

Case Study – Trident Implemented D365 Finance & Supply Chain Management for NOC Ethiopia

Established in 2004, National Oil Ethiopia Plc (NOC) is excelling in the marketing of petroleum products in the country. It is the first indigenous oil marketer to have distinct service stations located throughout the country.  NOC markets one of the leading lubricant brands commonly known as Chevron-Caltex Lubricants, as well as contribute to a major share in Ethiopia Oil Industry. It supplies over 100 lubricant grades for Industrial and Automotive applications. Additionally, the organization delivers other petroleum products such as LPG, Chemicals, Bitumen, and Petcock.   The business delivers services to keep their customers going by delivering services in the most cost-efficient and effective manner. Their team is divided into retail and commercial units to profitably market their products and achieve effective customer services and market leadership in the gas sector of Ethiopia.   The business aims at consistently improving its product and service offerings while expanding its business operations in Ethiopia and other African Countries. However, their current system was unable to comply with their requirements. Hence, they decided to contact Trident Information Systems for a suitable solution. After conducting thorough research, Trident found its core challenges and requirements and believed Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations will be the most suitable solution.   Business Challenges  The business was struggling with financial management and supply chain issues which included:   Difficulty in figuring out the accurate volume of fuel transported in the truck.   Tough time allocating charges on import purchase orders and knowing the landed cost on the inventory.   Difficulty in allocating departmental costs and expenses.  The manual approach to the regular activities caused redundancy and similar issues.   Disparate systems and no real-time data availability hampered decision-making.   Uncontrolled operations and compliances throughout the organization and vendors.   Business Requirements  The business needed a unified approach in the financial management of the business and required the following:   To calculate the accurate fuel volume transported in trucks, know the losses and gains during the transit.   To allocate charges on the import purchase order and to know the actual landed cost on inventory.   Needed to identify departmental cost and expenses for actual cost allocations.   Configure and customize the automation process for regular activities.   Unified software solution for real-time data availability.   Robust support of operations and compliances throughout the organization and vendor.  Solutions Provided by Trident Information Systems  After digging out the organization’s core challenges and requirements, Trident implemented Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain. Other benefits the solution provided include:   DIP Measurement Process- as NOC uses Dip Measurement to calculate fuel volume transported in the truck to find out the losses and gains during the transit.   Insightful reports and dashboards on financial transactions with D365 Finance and Supply Chain.   Enhanced Process Automation.   Captured all landed costs while adding them to the Inventory.   A centralized view on operations, costing, compliances, and inventory.   A sophisticated vendor management system.   Benefits to Business  After implementing Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain, NOC noticed a considerable change in their financial management and supply chain. Trident’s solution delivered the following benefits:   The business could manage and schedule its resources in real-time and project costs accurately.   NOC could identify the actual fuel volume transported in the truck to know the gains and losses during the transit.   Their revenue was now managed more systematically and accurately.   A centralized system for planning and project analysis could better control operations and compliance across the organization.   Better vendor management and regulatory compliance.   Advantages of Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain  Microsoft Dynamics Finance and Supply Chain put flexibility and Scalability at the core of your business, allowing you to quickly grow, and adapt at your own pace. You can easily tailor and extend the application to meet your unique business or industry-specific needs. It can offer the benefits given below but not limited to:   Supports critical operations throughout the business.   Exceptional reporting functionality that allows businesses to collect data and assess situations right then and there.   Microsoft backed and developed functionality to enable seamless integration within the enterprise.   Enables in-depth accounting and financial functionality.   Reduces IT maintenance load.   It automates and streamlines the supply chain.   Endorses innovation with a modern and adaptable platform.   Streamlines asset management.   Bottom line   After struggling with successfully managing their expanding business’ finance and supply chain, NOC Ethiopia finally decided to contact Trident Information Systems for Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain solution. After the implementation, the business could witness benefits like optimum resource management and scheduling, systematic revenue management, centralized view of the entire supply chain, and so on. Trident is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation partner. Contact us for further information

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Restaurant Management System

5 Guaranteed Strategies to Keep Customers Happy in Your Restaurant!

While dealing with bottleneck competition in the Hospitality Industry, you have to maintain an equilibrium between staying sane and reducing the churn. It is essential to look for dynamic methods to engage more customers in your business and retain the existing ones. For that, you first have to implement an agile Restaurant Management System to support it.   Being a restaurant/ food chain owner, you may as well relate to the frequent challenges popping up such as:   Changes in marketing trends and dynamics.   Changes in customer’s experience.   Losing loyal customers.   Growth of your restaurants and increasing competition.   Our team of experts carried out thorough research, encompassed common issues, and accumulated top five strategies to retain existing customers and draw new ones.   Widen-up custom experience  Introduce quick and convenient payment methods  Deliver a wealth of information  Allow order customization  Smoothen-up their journey  #1 Widen-Up the Customer Experience  It is a good idea to engage your customers before, during, and after their dining experience, as it ultimately draws more customers to your business. In this digital era, where everyone wants a quick and smooth experience while dining, make sure they can get in touch with you via applications, mobile devices, social media, and the internet. Get a Restaurant Management System to accumulate every function on the same platform.   Some studies have shown that 70% of customers are most likely to hop back to quick service, casual restaurants, and fast casuals if they have an app that gratifies them with acknowledgment, or in other words, makes them feel “known.”  It is a magnificent opportunity to develop a robust, personalized bond, driving customers back to your business. The essence is, get in touch with the customers via their preferred channels. It can be as simple as asking them to share their favorite photos on social media or suggest new menu ideas. Also, you can offer them customized offers, promotional rewards, hold surveys to understand their taste, and implement the most demanded recipe. If you have a Restaurant Management System like LS Central, you can easily get these features at your fingertips.   #2 Introduce Quick and Convenient Payment Methods  Nothing is better than introducing a quick and convenient payment method to customers as a churn reduction method. Remove all obstructions and ensure a smooth path to your restaurant. Using Point of Sale Systems is recommended due to its flexible capacities. LS Retail ERP is an Online Food Ordering Software which helps you manage all your online ordering platforms in one place.  Even if you serve excellent food, your diners/ customers might note your service inefficiency. It can even drive them to shift their preference to your competition. Hence, ensure seamless services and avoid any vacuum formation between you and your customers.   Research by Deloitte revealed that there is an increase in customer visits of 6% and a rise in spending of 20% when customers have the flexibility to place orders and pay quickly using technology.   #3 Deliver a Wealth of Information   Diners appreciate honesty and transparency, sharing values is a great deal to them. It is one of the easiest mediums to convey that you are on the same page as them. Sharing details of your food quality, healthy eating, and sustainability ensure your restaurant will be their first preference. Thanks to the available Restaurant Management System – from websites or applications on their mobile phones to the POS System (Point of Sale) in your restaurant, data sharing has never been easier.   Customers can tap into your restaurant food detail in the blink of an eye and finalize if they want to give your restaurant a try. If you use a Restaurant Management System, all you have to do is input the data in the back-office and the system will distribute it to all the touchpoints (including loyalty apps, POS, and website). So, embrace this moment, and inform your customers   How you source your ingredients?  How you treat your staff? How your services are sustainable and eco-friendly?   Nutritional values of dishes.   #4 Allow Order Customization  While serving customers you have to make sure you offer what they want, not what you want to offer. If you want more customers to engage with your business, allow order customization. Enable enough flexibility to make changes in their order and get it delivered as per their unique taste.   Flexibility is directly proportional to scalability. A Restaurant Management System like LS Retail Software Solution can give you the flexibility you need. It has been researched that 85% of customers tend to check out the menu before finalizing a restaurant to visit. Since it is one of the top demands to be seen among customers, offering food customization facilities enhances the chances of your selection. Sanctioning food customization to their unique taste is an effective way to add value to their dining experience. Use a Restaurant Management System like LS Retail Software Solution   The success of your business relies on effective engagement between you and your customers. Also, front office coordination is something you need to focus on here. Make sure the orders are transmitted properly from the front to the back office. In this case, technology like LS Retail POS can help. It guarantees correct order transmission from the table to the accurate kitchen counter, eliminating the risk of the kitchen staff misreading the waiter’s handwritten orders.   #5 Smoothen-Up Their Journey  Your customer’s journey to your restaurant is much more than crossing the threshold. It starts right from the moment they browse through the menu via your website, mobile application, or any other medium. It is significant to integrate all the processes to assure seamless services. Think of the mediums you can use to connect with the customers and the kitchen.   How can your staff get the information they need to deliver personalized information and recommendations? How can you change your restaurant’s layout to suit your customers better and reduce waiting times? To top it off, ensure all the elements coordinate well with one another. To achieve the ultimate agility, you need

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Steel Structure Design Software

5 Tips to Conquer Overcapacity Issues, Over-pricing, and Price Volatility in Your Steel Manufacturing Plant

Steel manufacturers often come across unique challenges in their production units with routes, BOMs, and engineer functions deciding product design. The world crude production in 2020, amounted to more than 1.86 billion metric tons. It was a more stable value as compared to 2019’s production. Due to the steel price drop, global leaders such as ArcelorMittal and Nucor faced adverse consequences. Due to international policies, manufacturing plants face overcapacity. Manufacturers need efficient Steel Structure Design Software to help them through similar situations  The key to succeeding in the steel industry and service is to deploy Advance Steel Software. Technology providing real-time updates and transparency through every stage of your supply chain helps in efficient planning, and material scheduling streamlines the supply chain and provides transparency. To ensure consistent and smooth operations, make sure your Metal Fabrication Software comes with after-sales support services.  Ideal Steel Manufacturing Software will provide:   Quality management  Financial management  Shop floor data capture  Attendance and time   Product Configurator  purchase, sales, and order processing  Timesheet management  Purchase requisition  How to Use Steel Structure Design Software to Optimize Manufacturing?  The only way to achieve manufacturing optimization is to complement the latest technology. First, you have to find the most suitable Steel Structure Design Software. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations is one of the best examples. Renowned by every business, D365 has an impression of a robust, agile, flexible, and value-for-money platform. Suitable for SMEs and Enterprises, it allows the development and customization of tools for specific requirements. Given below are five tips to streamline your manufacturing processes.   #1 Thoroughly Analyze and Identify Long Term and Short-Term Solutions  To streamline operations, you must first identify the problems. Thoroughly analyze and spot what your long-term and short-term analysis are. You can pull out your current KPI stats and check out your previous non-conformances. Look at the solutions and how they performed last time. What improvisations can be made? Bring out previous data and analyze the effectiveness of your previous measures. These steps are necessary to control quality. Also, you can identify the areas where you are investing in vain. It is best if your Steel Structure Design Software generates an ultimate product quality certificate so you can ensure the best quality product for your customers.   #2 Try to Get Transparency on the Shop-floor to Manage Costs   The production process involves various steps. Getting transparency on each step helps you identify what exactly is going on and how your staff is performing. Check how much time and resources you can save in the process. With the latest ERP for Steel Industry like Microsoft D365, you can track, schedule, and report progress in production. Make sure you check what each employee does, and how much time he takes in completing a production order, followed by his duties. These steps are crucial to saving investments.   #3 Pay Attention to the Scheduling Process  Scheduling is one of the most painstaking processes in the steel manufacturing industry. Getting visibility into this particular task improves overall production capability. The best way to get visibility in scheduling is to deploy advanced Steel Structure Design Software that allows real-time visibility into the process. MSD 365 provides visibility with material optimization, max OD/ coil breakpoint, interactive graphic planning, cut, slit and melt planning workbenches, etc.   #4 Make Informed plans and Decisions   Data is the foundation of every business. Make sure the source of your foundation provides quick and updated information. It is recommended to use a single Metal Fabrication Software to manage all your business operations instead of hopping back and forth from one software to another. Make sure the data you use is fresh, and no updates are made thereafter. This way you can make better production-boosting strategies. Moreover, you can make effective replenishment decisions to avoid overstocking and understocking.   #5 Keep Up with the Legislation Updates   Overcapacity is one of the global issues in the world. It involves changes in international policies where the government intervenes in your trade. Make sure you keep up with such updates and produce accordingly. Regressive policies and low demands cause a drop in steel prices. The best way to prevent overcapacity is to install unified software that helps you comply with the legislation of a specific area.   You need to deploy the latest technology to deal with the latest problems. MSD 365, renowned by millions of businesses across the globe, allows you to access every functionality your steel manufacturing plant needs to run smoothly. If you wish for implementation or a demonstration, you can contact Trident Information Systems, a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner.  

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Upgrade NAV to Business Central

How Sticking with Dynamics NAV Can Bring Your Business Down? 

The major reason for your business to suffer if you choose to stick to Dynamics NAV is its end of support which will eventually leave you on your own. Dynamics NAV 2017 version met its end-of-life-cycle support in Jan 2022, whereas Dynamics NAV 2018’s support is still viable till Jan 2023 leaving you a noticeably short time to optimize it further. It is best to Upgrade NAV to Business Central.  Some businesses still use Dynamics NAV to support their production environment. The decision to stick to the older version could be derived from its perceived stability: it can resolve all the issues and does exactly what it is expected to do.   Alternatively, a business may decide to delay its NAV to BC Upgrade to save IT capital cost while “sweating” its resources to extract maximum return on investment. However, this approach will eventually lead to the business’s downfall as it can collapse anytime.  What Would Happen If You Still Glued with Dynamics Nav Without Support?  You are welcoming a huge security risk, limited disaster recovery options, no more updates and patches, and a lack of functionality if you still expect Dynamics NAV to facilitate core functionalities to your business. Hence Upgrade NAV to Business Central.  A Massive Security Threat   Once your vendor ends the support for Dynamics NAV, you are no longer entitled to the relevant upgrades or patches. You will no longer receive any support for issues occurring in the application. Since you cannot resolve them on your own, the application starts posing a risk to your overall business rather than a medium for its growth.   Limited Disaster Recovery   Not having NAV to Business Central Upgrade means no more support from Microsoft leaves businesses to struggle on their own. Suppose if something wrong happens to the application and the entire environment demands a rebuild, the user is liable to source the correct version (which is not so easy). In this scenario, businesses will have to track aged operating system and SQL Server versions. This can even jeopardize your security and lead to data loss or data theft by hackers.   In the worst-case scenario, you may not even get to access the older version and require an urgent NAV to Dynamics 365 Business Central upgrade. An upgrade project can take a good sum of time. Even if the upgrade is planned, it can take up to months to complete. Leaving you with months of downtime and eventually, making your production suffer.   Functionality Deficiency  Many businesses who have been paying for maintenance licensing are entitled to access the latest NAV versions. However, delaying the upgrade is not useful either. Upgrade NAV to Business Central as Microsoft Dynamics 365 has a pedigree of ongoing developments and upgrades. For more than three decades, NAV has been redefined to provide greater functionalities. No doubt, it provided great services to its users, but the end of support will reverse the situation. The user can no longer access the new upgrades and functionalities while declining productivity.   So, what is the Solution?  The only solution is to Upgrade NAV to Business Central. Microsoft introduced Business Central on April 2nd, 2018. The newer technology delivers more robust features, tailored functionalities, and a more agile interface. It did not take too long to conquer a special place among SMBs as one of the most reliable, flexible, and scalable ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning). The NAV to Business Central Upgrade Enables – advanced mobile access, application integration, custom adaptability, seamless upgrades, affordability, and reporting capabilities.   However, besides worrying about training employees for a newer version, heavy historical data transition brings chills down the user’s spine. Little do they realize that the data structure of NAV and BC is the same. Thus, if your data is organized and corruption-free, you are good to go.   Dynamics 365 Business Central automatically upgrades your application frequently without disturbing your business’s ecosystem, and twice a year with major upgrades, for which the user is notified a couple of days prior.   Dynamics 365 BC is a cloud-based application that enables remote control, which means it is accessible anytime, anywhere, from any device. Thus, leaving you no scope for investing in hardware, server, and maintenance agreements.   The data is completely secured as 3,500 cyber-security experts are protecting, responding, and detecting cyber threats.  Business Central endorses faster and more flexible financial reporting via Jet Reports and Power BI (Business Intelligence). Machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) (Artificial Intelligence) support tools monitor and forecast more precise data.   Its flexible licensing fees enable the user to manage cash flow. Instead of an annual enhancement, you only pay per user every month.  Bottom Line   No matter how efficient you perceive your Dynamics NAV to be, the fact remains that it is on the verge of its life. It is recommended to Upgrade NAV to Business Central as soon as possible as it will define your business’s future. If you are planning for a NAV to BC Upgrade, contact Trident Information Systems. We are Dynamics 365 Business Central Gold Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. 

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Cloud Kitchen Software

Recipes of Success for Your Cloud Kitchen! 

 Imagine not having to spend extra just to fit in a better location or worrying about parking space and a better ambiance. All you have to focus on is making awesome dishes and quickly delivering them. Cloud kitchens are becoming the top business choice due to low investments, low setup requirements, high productivity, quicker services, competitive prices, low competition, and happier customers. However, you will still receive digital assistance to keep your business going. Even if you run a small cloud kitchen business, you will still need Cloud Kitchen Software to manage operations.   This seemingly simple business type can become complex if you choose the wrong digital assistance. For instance, instead of running on different systems, choose ERP for Cloud Kitchen. It is best to segregate all your activities on a single platform. Therefore, make sure you choose a Cloud Kitchen Management Solution which supports ERP and CRM on the same platform. LS Central is the most renowned example of such. It is a unified ERP and CRM that allows flexible tools, and agile features to help you boost productivity and increase profit margin.   How Can You Decide on a Cloud Kitchen Business Model?  Cloud kitchens bring new categories and innovative menus to the market. No need to establish a full-fledged traditional restaurant, you only have to focus on the quality of food and services you provide. Decide a particular theme/ model like:  Healthy Food  Since people are now becoming more health conscious, they want to eat healthy meals even when they don’t have time to cook, or they don’t know how to cook. You can put up with healthy recipes on your menu disclosing all the ingredients and calorie counts. There are working professionals who fail to manage healthy food for themselves and are forced to grab unhealthy food. With a healthy food cloud kitchen model, you can ensure you have their back.    Regional Cuisines   Regional cuisines like Punjabi, south Indian, or Rajasthani cuisines are also popular choices for ghost kitchens. People look for a change now and then, and these cuisines are no less than a breath of fresh air. Focusing on a particular dish like Biriyani can also work well.   Indulgent Food   We cannot miss indulgent food such as waffles or crepes. These too are a great theme for a cloud kitchen that you can optimize for quicker delivery. Demand for such food is booming these days, as they are quickly digested and make the consumer crave them even more.   Meals   Meal boxes are excellent for people always on the move and require a variety of food options every day. In these busy times, customers need a full-course meal to stay energetic and productive. You can be as creative as you want to be; design meals based on region, calorie count, or just a fun box with burgers, wontons, noodles, etc.   Boost Customer Engagement with Cloud Kitchen Software  No matter how good you are with food, if you do not invest in viable Cloud Kitchen Software, you will never be optimally productive. Having ERP for Cloud Kitchen Technology manages and streamlines all your operations and customers. Use CRM for Cloud Kitchen for:  Connecting and Understanding Customers on Online Ordering Platforms   Since you do not have a physical place where customers can contact you, your website will be the first place where they will visit, check it out, and drop their queries. Make sure you upload enticing pictures or new launches. Also, ensure your Cloud Kitchen Software helps you track customer movements, which dish is attracting them the most, and what are they ordering primarily. With this data, you can innovate menus that match their taste.   Embrace Speed, Automation, and Optimization   When running a cloud kitchen, automation, speed, and optimization are the key factors that impact your success. Install a Cloud Kitchen POS that runs on the cloud and allows integration with other tools; this will make your life way easier. Another thing you can have been an order management system to bring your orders from different third-party apps to one place. Cloud Kitchen Software like LS Central provides all these features in one place.   Get Feedback from Customers  Getting feedback from your customers can be a little tricky when you do not have direct contact with one another. It is important to establish an engagement chain via different mediums such as SMS or email. This is where receiving orders from your website plays a major role, you can see their details and provide meaningful communication.   Menus, Raw Material, and Cooks    Craft an impressive menu based on customer data and feedback. You can replenish raw materials accordingly. Make sure your Cloud Kitchen Software enables automatic replenishment to help you streamline the process. Moreover, stocking-based demand prevents overstocking and understocking, hence cutting waste.   Cloud kitchens are flourishing in today’s market where labor shortages and several restrictions are prevalent. Good Cloud Kitchen Software is as important as the quality of food and delivery services. Make sure you get a Cloud Kitchen Software Solution that supports both ERP and CRM. If you are looking for Cloud Kitchen Software Implementation, LS Central is currently the most renowned solution in the market. Being a unified Cloud Kitchen Platform, it manages and stores data in a single database while allowing easy and updated data access.  Trident Information Systems is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. Allow our robust team of 200+ specialists with unbeatable skills to help you thrive in the market. Leverage our 20+ years of experience and make your customers happier than ever. If you wish to boost your productivity four times more, Contact us.  

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Software for Retail Shop

Pop-up Stores: An Excellent Medium to Grow Customer Engagements

Big retail brands like French fashion Sézane are including pop-up stores in their strategies. They understand the need to physically connect with customers. With the help of Software for Retail Shop, they can easily get insights into their customers and create strategies to connect with them on a physical level. This is what Sézane did.   How did Sézane’s Pop-up Store Become a Hit?  They attracted a massive crowd in Los Angeles and asked them to check out their new launches in a pop-up store called Residence. The store displayed Sezen’s stylish collection, along with other French brands such as Bien Aimé perfumes, Ysé Paris swimsuits, and a children’s collection made in collaboration with Bobo Choses.   They also invited customers to special events like shirt embroidery and bag personalization workshops. The aim was to bring Paris’s retail store experience to the US market. For Sézane, it was a great opportunity to grab customers’ interest before establishing a permanent store.   Pop-ups for eCommerce Stores and Future Eco-conscious Shops  Pop-ups have also helped retailers to try out new locations. It is also benefiting online retail stores. With the help of Software for Retail Store, it gets easy for them to find the most suitable locations for their pop-ups. Many use the Best eCommerce Platform 2022: LS Central. Pop-up stores are a great medium for retailers with no physical store, to connect with customers physically and allow them to experience the touch and feel of the product.   Another interesting use of pop-up stores includes trying out new items and generating a buzz. In the UK, Selfridges pop-up retail gave customers a vision of what future eco-conscious shops may look like. It displayed 3D printing robots and real-time tailoring and introduced a new ownership concept  How to Use Pop-ups to Enhance Sales?  At times when customers expect great experiences in-store, but with pop-ups it’s much easier. Moreover, you can attract more customers to visit your physical or online store. We have designed a few strategies to enhance your retail business with pop-ups:   Boost Marketing and Brand Awareness   In the era of unlimited content and social media scrolling, how can you stand out in the market? Pop-up stores are a great way to grab customers’ attention and generate excitement. Since they are only for a short time, customers go out of their way to visit these pop-ups. In a survey conducted by Business Insider Intelligence, more than 50% of retailers admitted they could increase their market visibility by 46%. Software for Retail Shop like LS Central helps track customer interactions and use it for further promotions.  Finding New Partnerships   Some retailers prefer to work solo, however, some unlikely partnerships in the market could get a massive advantage from the alliance. One such example is Taco Bell and T-Mobile. They created a pop-up store to draw more customers. Those who visited T-MoBell could get their hands on surprising goodies, free drinks, and limited-edition T-Mobile giveaways.  This was just one example of a unique partnership. Such strategies allow one’s business to have a larger customer base and pull off campaigns that they would not be able to manage on their own. Software for Retail Shop also helped them organize these events. With customer insights, both partners could find a common area to set up the pop-up and offer interesting deals.   Offer Innovative Customer Experience Pop-up stores are designed to be experimental, which means you do not have to stay behind confined brick-and-mortar walls. For instance, IKEA tried augmented reality at its pop-up store and encouraged visitors to create their personalized space using touchscreens. They incorporated storage, lighting, and furniture of their choice. They were thrilled to see their dream space coming to life in front of their eyes.   Another innovative step was taken by adidas, who prompted sustainable shopping. They launched a one-day-only pop-up and encouraged alternative currency. They asked their visitors to buy a unique piece in exchange for their old clothes. They accepted clothes by their weight in exchange for a unique, one-of-a-kind, and upcycled piece.   Test New Locations Using Software for Retail Shop  Before committing to a location, you can try out different areas and see where the crowd shows the most interest. You can use Software for Retail Shop to track customer interactions and identify their interests. Also, you can use your previous interactions to find out customers from which area showed the most interest. This will help you shortlist the location you want to open your next pop-up store. A pop-up is a very cost-effective method to find and test an ideal location for your store. According to a report by Business Insider, 44% of respondents opened their pop-ups within $5,000.   Pop-up stores are catching pace among SMBs too due to their low-cost investment, temporary nature, and interaction with a wider range of customers without setting a permanent base. They are ideal to increase customer engagement. Retailers must use Software for Retail Shop to track and optimize those interactions.   LS Central is the best Retail ERP that offers CRM on the same platform. It has been rated as the Best eCommerce Platform 2022. If you are looking for a Retail ERP Implementation Partner, you can Contact Trident Information Systems, a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner, and LS Central Diamond Partner.  

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Upgrade NAV to BC

Upgrade NAV to Business Central for NAV-Like and More Advanced Features!

If you are on NAV, you would have probably planned to Upgrade NAV to BC in the near future. However, for some, NAV to Dynamics 365 Business Central Upgrade may seem uncomfortable, but it is interesting to note that Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central supports the same features as Dynamics NAV. D365 Business Central offers way more advanced tools to the users. From an easy-to-use interface to cloud-driven features, to flexible customization, D365 BC offers everything a business needs. Microsoft constantly improves and upgrades its ERP and CRM to provide the best possible services to the user. There is a specific category of NAV users who must Upgrade NAV to Dynamics Business Central.   Who Must Upgrade NAV to Dynamics 365 ASAP  The user of Dynamics NAV 2015 and lower versions as their mainstream support ended a while ago.   NAV 2016 users as their mainstream support ended in April 2021.   Businesses working on NAV 2017. Their mainstream support expired in Jan 2022.   Even Though NAV 2018 versions still have extended mainstream support till 2023, it’s still safe to Upgrade NAV to BC.   How Has Navision Become Outdated?  One of the major disadvantages of having NAV is its limited mainstream support, which leaves its users on their own after it ends. However, there are other reasons it is becoming outdated, and users need an instant shift.   NAV is user-friendly software. However, it still doesn’t support consumer technology. Moreover, Enterprise 2.0 and business tools are limited, and mobile access is also restricted to cross-browser support.   The total cost of ownership is way higher in this management system than in the packaging of business essentials.   Dynamics NAV too can be extended to get a Customized ERP Solution, however, at a higher maintenance cost, ownership cost, and software upgradation costs. Not to mention, the process consumes more time as well.   There are different third-party add-ons available for D365 NAV. However, they overlap, and it gets hard, tiring, and time-consuming to differentiate one from another.  Even though D365 NAV offers advanced features to support the manufacturing process, it does not support automation easily. It is very time-consuming and challenging for the entire ERP System.   This system does not come with automation tools or integrated business management tools. However, using .NET is possible to get a different platform for development but the entire process is still difficult.   Upgrade NAV to BC to Get More Pace, Agility, and Robust Features  Dynamics NAV is extensive and provides a variety of services, including financial management, accounting, marketing, supply chain, services, BI, sales, reporting, and project management. Apart from training employees for the new solution, the users also fear losing historic data. However, the NAV to Dynamics 365 Business Central move ensures your data is safely transferred.   Here are other reasons why you should Upgrade NAV to Business Central:   You never have to worry about updating your software, as Microsoft updates the software automatically for you. It launches new minor updates regularly without disrupting your operations. For major updates, it happens twice a year, and you will be notified two days prior.   Dynamics Business Central is hosted on Azure Cloud, which means it is accessible on any device, anywhere, anytime. The best part is that you do not have to invest further in hardware, servers, and maintenance agreements.   Upgrade NAV to BC for high-end security. Microsoft engages 3,500 IT experts’ day and night to detect, protect, and respond to cyber threats.  D365 BC integrates with other Microsoft tools such as Office 365, Azure, and other D365 suites.  Business Central produces fast, flexible, and accurate business reports with Jet Reports and Power BI, Excel add-ins. AI and machine learning support equipment monitoring, forecasting, and more accurate data on time ensuring decision making.   Improved search capabilities with cleaner and more organized data in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.   The users can manage costs better with pay per use and pay-per-month model in D365 BC instead of annual enhancements.    How can Sticking with Dynamics NAV Push you Back in the Competition?  Upgrade NAV to BC to implement better flexibility and agility into your business. NAV doesn’t support automation, and customization can also become time-consuming. However, another main reason behind NAV to BC Upgrade is that Microsoft will stop upgrading it and the users will have to manage with outdated products. Not to mention, without any mainstream support, the users are on their own when there is a bug or an error. This will push them 10 steps back into the competition.   If you are looking ahead to Upgrade NAV to BC, you can contact Trident Information Systems. We are a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner, and LS Central Diamond Partner. We have upgraded NAV to BC in various SMBs and enterprises. Our dedicated team of professionals is happy to help you anytime, any day. Contact Us Today.  

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Restaurant Management System

LS Central Helps Optimizing Your Restaurant Operations   

Are you running a flourishing restaurant where your current Restaurant Management System fails to support your growth? LS Central can help you in this case. It assists you in polishing your customer services with its robust features and tools. LS Central is a unified Hospitality ERP Software that helps you optimize your restaurant services by integrating your floor staff with the kitchen to bring what your customers ordered without delay. It provides a transparent view of your business with dashboards and real-time reports to help you create logical and data-driven decisions.   With actionable customer insights, you can create successful loyalty programs. Also, with real-time inventory reports, you will always have balanced stocks with minimum wastage. Predictive analysis will never let you go out of stock. And with automation, you will hand over monotonous tasks to the machine.   There are more features, tools, and benefits of LS Central than you can count. In this blog, we will explain how LS Central can get your restaurant at a rapid pace.   LS Central Restaurant Management System Works Wonders for Your Business   LS Central is one of the most renowned Restaurant Management Systems designed for SMBs and enterprises. It will help you:   Get Centralized Control Over your Restaurant Business  LS Central collects and stores data centrally and gives decision makers a centralized view over their business. You can access details on all your restaurant chains located in different locations from the headquarters. With real-time reports, you can decide menus, prices, and recipes according to their popularity in a certain location. Purchase mindfully while cutting wastage, look through your exhausted stocks and order the right amount. Also, you can order according to demand prediction and simply automate your replenishment. The best part of this Restaurant Management System is that it helps you manage your staff more efficiently. You can assign your staff duties that fit their talents.   No Errors with LS Central   Those restaurants that prefer to work on different software for different purposes, facing errors now and then are pretty common for them. Not to mention, the time and resources they lose on their maintenance are huge. However, this is not the case with LS Retail ERP, it is a unified Restaurant Management Software that helps manage your entire restaurant on the same platform. You can easily store and access data in one place. Easily accessible data leads to more accurate operations in less time.   Attract More Customer Loyalty and Grow your Business   LS Central Restaurant Management System stores customer data and presents it in actionable and insightful reports. Customer insights are the strongest tool to cater to your customers; when you understand your customers, their spending patterns, and preferences, you can create successful loyalty programs to attract more customers. Moreover, with a POS System, customers can place easy orders and pay easily at the table and can customize the menu. With the right knowledge, you can personalize discounts, promotions, and other offers for individuals or groups. It is essentially important if you aspire to deliver faster and more precise services.   Connect Your Kitchen Floor Staff with LS Central   With LS Central, you can link your staff to the kitchen by showing the status of each table’s orders and establishing delay-warnings. Staff members can correctly serve consumers thanks to this user-friendly graphical interface Restaurant Management System. Having a faultless atmosphere can help your management, even if your restaurant has the biggest floor. Keep track of your clients and reservations so you can handle them flawlessly and professionally. Furthermore, connecting the kitchen with staff also saves the bulk of their time. The server doesn’t have to travel from the front to the kitchen and find the right kitchen counter to transfer orders. Instead, they can simply take orders at the table and share the details with the KDS (Kitchen Display System) via Point of Sale Systems.   LS Central is one of the most renowned Restaurant Management Systems across the globe and has been serving SMBs and enterprises for a while. If you wish to implement it, you can contact Trident Information Systems, a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner, and LS Central Diamond Partner. With a robust track of accomplishment, we have managed to acquire a massive team of technical resources, strong clientage, and various awards every year. Contact us for further information or a demonstration.  

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