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ERP Software for eCommerce

How can Charity Retailers Select the Right POS and Unified Software Solution? 

Making the move or upgrading to a new version of Retail POS System or ERP Software for eCommerce affects every area of a retailer’s company. It can be much worse for charity merchants, who must account to their patrons for their running expenses. They must be able to justify any additional investments made to meet the increasing administrative load they currently confront, even if it is one of their largest expense centers.  But there is no longer a choice to do nothing. Charity merchants cannot afford to cling to antiquated procedures and outdated technology as they struggle to stay viable and deal with issues like multi-channel stock management, retaining supporters, and obtaining the largest gifts from frugal customers. The most discerning understand that the proper Retail POS Systems and Retail ERP software may relieve their pain. Several well-known charities, like Sue Ryder, Ten Thousand Villages, and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), have made the switch.  Ralph Larcombe, the manager of Sue Ryder’s EPOS systems in the United Kingdom, stated that the organization’s sole purpose in being there was to make money to fund its healthcare department and do good deeds. Therefore, getting value for their money was crucial to them when choosing a new IT system.  Sue Ryder chose to upgrade to the most recent version of LS Retail Software Solution. Their trustees reviewed the business case to ensure that the initiative would produce the anticipated return on investment (ROI). The organization is now benefiting from automated replenishment, improved data administration, intelligent reporting, and a simplified till that requires less training for new volunteers in terms of saving money and time.  How can ERP Software for eCommerce Manage Every Aspect of Your Charity Retail Store?  You will eventually lose sight of which parts of your business are doing well and which aren’t if your data is stored in silos across many databases and your channels don’t connect. Because of this, charity retailers want ERP Software for eCommerce that gives them a clear picture of their data, complete control over their business, and real-time data on goods, sales, and customers for all of their physical and online stores.  LS Retail Management Software is now used by the UK charity RHS to power several retail sites. The software is used by the corporation to handle its supply chain, sales orders, order fulfillment, and finance for its retail and sales operations. RHS is equipped with all the tools necessary to manage:  Retail Activities throughout the garden centers.   Finances, except charitable finances.   Inventory, e-commerce sales, gifts, and books.   Events.   Data on products, customers, and sales.  How Does it Help You Manage Volunteers and Employees?  Charity shops by definition have a high worker turnover rate. The majority of retailers often use volunteers of various ages, who must be recruited, employed, instructed, and managed. Therefore, having cutting-edge Retail Point of Sale Systems that is simple to use, need little training, and can simply organize employee schedules is a priceless tool for your nonprofit organization.  A straightforward and easy-to-use Point of Sale System was important to Sue Ryder when choosing a new retail system.  EPOS Systems Manager Larcombe remarked, “Having a till that is straightforward, transparent, clean, and easy to use, is of enormous importance to us. After a brief 45-minute training session, the volunteers at the Sue Ryder stores—some of whom are seniors without any prior retail experience—can use the till with ease. Our volunteers may practice without actually doing transactions in the training mode on the LS Retail till, and they often pick it up pretty fast.”  How Strong Business Analytics and Embedded Power BI can Provide Better Visibility?  Do you fully comprehend what is occurring throughout your network of charity shops? Data analytics may be useful, especially for the price and assortment optimization, if you want to quickly identify the goods and places that are generating the most money and where you should take action. Although you may add these sophisticated features to your Retail Management System, it is more cost-effective to have them integrated into the ERP Software for eCommerce as opposed to using a separate software solution that you’ll need to operate, pay for, and keep up to date.  Managers at Ten Thousand Villages now have far better visibility into what is happening thanks to clever ERP Software for eCommerce and a centralized source of data. They can act on opportunities and fix problems in real-time, even on the busiest retail days, thanks to a Power BI dashboard that pulls data straight from the Retail ERP. Hence improving sales performance.  Today, a lot of charity retailers work with ERP Software for eCommerce such as LS Retail Software Solution. If you want to implement this solution, you can Contact Trident Information Systems. We are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. With a strong track of accomplishments of 22+ years, we have partnered with various renowned businesses across the world.  

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AX to D365 Upgrade

Why Should You Upgrade from Dynamics AX to Cloud? 

Relying on outdated technology pushes you back in the race. You become incompetent and your rivals make money out of it. Many businesses postpone upgrades as they feel uncomfortable shifting to modern technology. However, little do they realize that they are pushing themselves back. Businesses working with AX fear the same discomfort and tend to postpone the AX to D365 Upgrade.  One of the major reasons why it is recommended to Upgrade AX to D365 Finance and Operation is the end of its lift support. Many of the AX versions are already out of support and a few have extended support till January 2023. Hence, it is best to hurry up and Upgrade AX to D365.  Other Reasons for AX to D365 Upgrade   Lack of suitability for large-size businesses. It may not even be a good match for small-sized businesses either.   Despite being comprehensive, its dependency on partner channels and ISV may add time to the deployment, hence increasing the total cost of ownership.  Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud ERP options have a limited reach which can increase costs if partners are hosting the software.  Hence, it is clear that AX is not suitable for every business size, unlike Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. It is not as scalable as a growing business may need and may even become expensive at times.   Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations is both cloud-based and on-premises. Hence, you can choose the solution you prefer. However, cloud-based solutions are more convenient, flexible, and agile. For instance, in an on-premises solution, your data is backed up in a local server, when you feel like increasing your storage, you will have to install a new server from scratch. But in the cloud, all you have to do is push command and your storage shall increase. Furthermore, it is easier to manage cloud storage than a local server.   Other benefits you can experience with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain include:   High-end Security: D365 ensures high-end security from hacking, malware, viruses, and other threats. Contrary to the old beliefs, the cloud has now become more secure than ever as its credentials are continuously monitored and attacked by Microsoft 24/7. With over 3000 security experts by Microsoft, you can assure bank-level security.   Low Cost of Ownership: When you no longer have to invest in hardware, maintenance, service management, staff training, and upgrades, imagine how much you are saving. With AX to D365 Upgrade, your cost of upgrade with a limit to testing and validation, hence removing every other IT-centric work. You do not even have to re-train your staff after an upgrade except for new features if any.   Remote Accessibility: one of the major benefits of AX to D365 Upgrade is its remote accessibility. Upgrading to a cloud-based platform allows accessibility on any device. Since your business apps are standardized by Microsoft, they can function seamlessly with a single sign-on and are integrated out of the box.  Effortless Latest Version Installation: As soon as you leap to the cloud, any subsequent platform will be automatically updated every three months. The application on the other hand will update every six months. Dynamics 365 provides update reminders from 7, 15, 30, and 90 days before the upgrade. You can even postpone upgrades by 12 months from the release date. Minor upgrades take place without disrupting your business operations, and for major updates, you will be updated prior.   No/Low Training Required: Since Microsoft uses the same functionalities, you do not have to spend much time learning the software. You can start working right away and boost efficiency at the same time. The core business logic you use has been transferred to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, but the interface is updated.   Adaptability: AX to D365 Upgrade gives you enough flexibility to mix match apps and personalize your experience while increasing profitability. The best part is that the user experience of these apps is equally intuitive. For instance, you can leverage sales and field service along with Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations providing the ultimate growth platform.   Upgrade Dynamics AX to D365 and ensure the most agile, flexible, and secured features. If you wish to for an upgrade, you can Contact Trident Information Systems, a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. 

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Manufacturing ERP Software

Magicrete Used Microsoft Solutions to Successfully Optimize Operations Across the Departments  

Founded in 2008, Magicrete building solutions had the vision to help builders build better, cheaper, and faster with their revolutionary construction technology and they required a suitable technology, so they chose Manufacturing ERP Software. They manufacture lightweight concrete (AAC) blocks, and so far, provide an impressive range of construction solutions such as AAC wall panels, construction chemicals, as well as precast solutions. Millions of homes have been constructed using Magicrete products.   Dynamics 365 Manufacturing ERP Software Helped Streamlining Business Processes and Driving Optimum Productivity  Magicrete is one of the biggest examples of leveraging technology to optimize its business at all levels. They have been using Dynamics 365 Manufacturing ERP Software since their founding years. Since 2011, they have been using Dynamics NAV. In 2021, they upgraded from Dynamics NAV to Business Central.   Furthermore, they have also been using Dynamics 365 Manufacturing CRM software to manage customers and streamline sales. In addition to it, they use Power BI to get real-time business insights for more logical and data-driven decision-making. Their implementation partner has been providing the needed support for these solutions across different processes.   Dynamics 365 Business Central Helps Managing Operations Across Different Departments   Magicrete always struggled with financial management. As soon as they adopted Dynamics NAV, they witnessed fluency like never before. And after Dynamics NAV to BC Upgrade, the services were now unmatched. This enterprise-wide ERP Solution turned their scenario upside down.   With Business Central, Magicrete enjoyed embedded workflow charts, a friendly user interface, live business reports, and self-service reporting. Not to mention, these features serve as a critical Dynamics NAV Upgrade which helps managers make more informed financial decisions.   Magicrete had a strong faith in the power of seamless data flow. They believed a business must have a smooth flow of data to scale and succeed. Further with this Manufacturing ERP Software, the automated manual tasks resulted in faster progress, low error risks, and optimum staff management. After automating workflow, they engaged their staff in more critical operations rather than just routine work.  The business further linked its SCADA system with Business Central. It helped provide the team with better analytics and eventually led to faster decision-making and better production monitoring.   The job module allowed the project team to check up on project schedules and stay on track with the deadlines.   Dynamics 365 CRM Optimized Sales Operations   Magicrete leveraged Dynamics 365 CRM as an enterprise-wide solution and believed they couldn’t find a better solution. With just a few clicks, the entire team could access accounts, contact, and opportunity pipelines. Furthermore, this Manufacturing ERP Software solution aggregated information on emails, calls, and meetings to track customer interactions history and suggest the next most viable step. Therefore, it helped them boost their workforce productivity.   Magicrete Successfully Got a Unified View of the Entire Business   Before using Power BI, workers at Magicrete would use 5-10% of their time creating monthly data MIS sheets for different departments. Further, they worked in siloes so it was even more complex. As soon as they shift to Power BI, they can view the integrated business data at any given point in time. Having data stored in a source and no manual intervention means having easy data access and no human error.   Power BI helped Magicrete create interactive dashboards, view data, and map real-time information in a format that’s intuitive and highly visual. These dashboards help them identify business opportunities and potential/ upcoming threats. With Power BI, they identified their hidden impacting areas.   Moving Forward  With Dynamics 365 Manufacturing ERP Software, Magicrete could scale up as many times as they want. Thanks to Microsoft Dynamics 365’s agility and flexibility, they can leverage many business tools that help them scale.   With each data unit that Magicrete adds to its 14-year-old database, it enhances the quality of overall data. It further helps them calculate the cost of its products automatically. This has been proven to be a vital use case that even gave them a competitive edge in the competition.   Magicrete finds great potential in connecting teams with other business systems. They are also experimenting with bots that can provide essential data from CRM or ERP for faster approval.   If you are looking forward to implementing Dynamics 365 Manufacturing ERP Software, you must choose a suitable partner with a solid track record. Trident Information Systems have been in the field for more than two decades and became Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. If interested, Contact Us now.  

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Why Has Automation Become Necessary in Restaurants?

Gone are the days when manual work was preferred over automation due to various reasons in restaurants like low competition, manageable customer demands, financial constraints, lack of digital innovation in the market, and so on. These days, however, technology is upgrading and so are the approaches. Business owners who would earlier work on disparate systems now may prefer to use a unified Hospitality Management Solution. No industry has escaped COVID impacts, and hospitality is no different. Restaurants are now shifting their management approach from manual and disparate tools to unified centralized Software Solutions for Hospitality.   Research has revealed that COVID forced existing technology to evolve even faster than was expected. Customers enjoyed the upgraded comfort and wish to continue it. Convenience is the key factor that compels customers into your business. From easy billing to fast delivery, to attractive meal deals, customers compulsively follow the path which offers more convenience. According to studies, it was found that about 60% of consumers are ready to spend a little more on good services.   Cloud Kitchens caught pace due to automation. Requiring low to no staff, and offering easily prepared dishes, boomed when restaurants were shut. Automation helped businesses to survive through the toughest times so far and protected them from the verge of shutting down completely.  Those who have implemented Hospitality Management solution like LS Retail Hospitality Solution not only survived but also went ahead of the competition effortlessly. They had a competitive edge because of robustly embedded tools such as AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Power BI (Business Intelligence). These tools immensely helped them cope with uncertainties and forthcoming challenges. On one hand, where most restaurants were fighting hard for their survival, those who adopted a unified Hospitality ERP Solution, were adapting and managing throughout the period. With multiple integrated tools and services on a single platform, restaurants have witnessed a whopping growth in the past few decades.   Why is Hospitality Management Solution So Critical?  Hospitality Management Solution like Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Restaurants has so far helped businesses survive through all ups and downs and continue to be a fanatical support. The COVID outbreak affected the common seating practice in the restaurants and demanded a no-contact approach. Having the pandemic still lurking around, businesses are yet feared of its impacts. Hence, making automation the only solution to grow.   Assists in Keeping Up with the No-contact Trend  Migrating to city areas and their work culture is the main reason behind the large supply demand this industry witnesses. Currently, the market demands no-contact services as they are still feared of calling in sick (extremely sick). Hence, restaurants prefer Hospitality Management Software to keep up with this trend. LS Retail compliments a Mobile App for Hospitality Operations which reinforced your restaurant staff to resolve their query using their hand-held devices with minimum effort. They can use their mobile phones as a POS Software Solution and do everything a does. Taking orders and bills from the same devices fosters ease, empowerment, and staff potential.   Data Collection and Data Management   Data collection and accurate report building get easy with the right tools. Tools driven by Power BI in a Hospitality Management Solution are the easiest when it comes to data collection. It extracts data from different touchpoints and turns them into actionable reports. These reports target your requirements and assist decision-makers in making more logical decisions. LS Retail Software Solution is embedded with Power BI and Azure-driven tools. When it comes to data management Microsoft Cloud Azure is excellent. It offers either a fully managed relational, in-memory database, or NoSQL while spanning proprietary and open-source engines to suit the modern app developers.   Consistent and Error-free Services   Humans have different capacities and may not even feel well enough to work to their full potential. Moreover, the workforce is more likely to make constant errors, machines, however, are usually consistent and error-free. Automating your manual tasks will not only cut out the probability of errors but will also help your staff feel more empowered, eased, and motivated to give their best. Transferring responsibilities to machines gives enough time to your waiters to greet your customers and pay maximum attention to them. Hence increasing the customer service quality. In addition to it, a fully integrated Hospitality Management Solution saves floor space as the waiters do not have to travel to the kitchen to tell the customer orders. Instead, the information will automatically transfer to the right KDS (Kitchen Display System) using a POS Solution.   Better Understanding of Consumer   As cutting down physical interactions with customers was a priority for businesses in the pandemic inception, credit to digitalization some restaurants managed to get customer insights. Automation with the right tools made it possible to use this widely available data and use it for more effective strategy formation. Collecting data also means that the restaurants can provide personalized services to customers without having to directly interact with them.  Loyalty Programs   Having customer insight and understanding their behavior facilitates compelling loyalty programs. Using Business Intelligence tools to track customer data and create insightful reports. Based on these reports, a restaurant can segregate customers based on their choices, likings, spending patterns, and factors affecting their spending. Further, they can create exclusive deals for groups and individuals. In addition, it becomes a lot easier to decide on offering the right meal plan in the right location and chain. Using LS Retail CRM for Hospitality, one can maintain healthy relations with their customers and connect with them on an emotional level.   These days, automation has become so crucial it saves a restaurant from drowning. Having  Hospitality Management Solution like LS Retail provides ERP and CRM on the same platform hence making operations even easier. With integrated solutions, you no longer have to rely on disparate systems. Automation not only prevents errors but also boosts your staff’s potential. It makes your staff feel more confident and empowered. Passing monotonous responsibilities to automation leaves enough time for your staff to treat customers more warmly and fulfil

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Comply with Quality Standard & Food Safety Regulations with Food Manufacturing ERP 

The established food services are subjugated to maintain safe food handling practices and behavior, otherwise, they can be subjected to food-borne illnesses and outbreaks. The best way to tackle this issue is to adopt a Food Manufacturing ERP. Since the quality standards and food safety regulations are elevating with time, the CEOs need advanced technological assistance to cope with it.  Maintaining food safety in food service businesses can get on your nerves. Related issues can pop up at any stage like storage, food receipts, services, or preparations. Food Manufacturing ERP Software can be a great help for you to demonstrate consistency in implementation, enforce and monitor food safety-oriented functions and operations.  What Are the Challenges Faced by the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Business?  An outbreak like COVID-19 enforces the evolution of current food safety and quality standards. Therefore, most food and beverages manufacturing businesses are adopting the latest Food Manufacturing ERP. The following challenges have played a great role in the process:  COVID-19 Pandemic   Due to COVID-19 outbreak, issues leading to supply chain disruptions, hiked food prices, increased ingredients, and workforce restriction in the plant that hamper production are perceived to continue. You can opt for the latest Food Manufacturing Protection Software as it can be a total game-changer, especially in current scenarios.  Coping With Safety Standards   Unfortunately, food manufacturing is one of those industries which cannot operate from homes – you cannot price and pack meat on Microsoft Outlook. It is the owner’s responsibility to keep their workforce safe and provide them with a secure work environment.  Keeping Sustainability at The Front   Having vaccinations finally available to the masses, it seems like Covid-19 times may come under control. However, the climate crisis is not leaving our side so easily. Since food sustainability issues have been behind the scenes for obvious reasons, now it is necessary to bring them back to the front as soon as possible. Food manufacturing ERP can be an immense help in the process.  Information Circulation  Foodservice establishments are responsible for declaring allergens in their ingredients. Businesses must keep updating their customers about the allergens irrespective of their location, whether they are at home or at a restaurant.  Waste Management Practices   It is essential for a food manufacturing business to introduce and implement a suitable waste management system to check food security risks and facilitate environmental hygiene. A suitable food manufacturing ERP can do wonders in resolving this issue.  How Can Trident’s Food Manufacturing ERP Help You Combat Food Quality and Safety Challenges?  Trident’s Food Manufacturing ERP is the Best Software for Food and Beverage Industry. You can have all the exact ingredients to beat any quality standards and food safety regulation challenge. You can get our industry rich services delivered at cloud or on-premises and claim agile business growth with the following benefits:   Optimally Utilize Your Inventory   With First Expire, First Out (FEFO) solution, track your raw material shelf life and expiration, so you could utilize your inventory to the fullest. In addition, you can also minimize wastage and avoid unwanted situations like understocking and overstocking. Quality of inventory is met by standards with little to no extra effort.  Two Way Lot Tracking  track your lot from the grocery store to your factory within seconds. Having a transparent supply chain, you can access real-time data on your raw material purchasing and recall identification. With this Food Manufacturing ERP, real-time stock transportation data is in your hand. You can acknowledge where exactly your stock is on its way and when exactly it will reach the store. You can be aware of any damage being done in its way.  Keep Up with The Quality Standards with iOS and Six Sigma:   Manage your food quality with IOS and generate methodologies to improve the process with Six Sigma. It is an excellent platform to keep up with the quality standards. Keeping up with quality standards increases chances of customer retention and attracting new business.  Grants Ultimate Inventory Control  You can have the ultimate control over your inventory with our Food Manufacturing ERP, its batch, and lot. Also, trace them via serial number. Serial Number Tracking ensures a more systematic lot tracking approach, minimizes risks while enabling centralized control over all your stocks.  Helps in Better Decision Making With real-time inventory data and current food quality standards compliance, you can make better decisions and adopt advanced strategies. You can decide what innovation you can make in your current inventory or how you can raise your quality standards.  Balancing operating a Food services establishment and complying with food quality and safety regulations can be quite exhausting. You need a food and beverages software system to keep up with the current market scenario. Trident serves excellent Food Manufacturing ERP across the globe. For one of the finest ERP solutions contact us now. 

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How can Restaurants Create Attractive Menus? 

Have you ever wondered why a customer of yours only orders a specific dish and ignores others? Did they decide before if they wanted to have fried chicken with mayonnaise before walking into your restaurant? Was there something else that drove them to choose what they did? Yours Restaurant Management System plays a critical role in influencing your customers. Your Restaurant ERP System helps decide on a menu. A BI-oriented Restaurant CRM Software can help you understand your customers and identify popular dishes in a certain area. This is a huge advantage when creating a menu. Be cautious while selecting the right Restaurant Software Companies. One wrong decision can tie you down for up to five years and may supply a low ROI.   Customers tend to look at the menu for merely a few seconds. If it is effectively tailored, you can witness whooping sales and margin. Transform your menu from a simple and stale price list to an eye-catching marketing tool.   We have compiled a few tips to effectively give your menu a new lease of life ensuring it fulfils your customers’ and business needs.   Go Digital with a Restaurant Management System   The fundamental tip is to use suitable Restaurant Management Software, preferably a unified ERP and CRM. LS Retail is one of the most famous examples of a unified ERP and CRM. It also works on Power BI providing insightful business and market details. These details also specify meals that are in most demand area-wise. It is an incredible tool that helps spot opportunities to boost sales and profit margin.   Scale Down Your Menu   According to the UN National Restaurant Association’s report, many restaurants scaled back their menu at the peak of the pandemic. They axed complex dishes and only simple to make dishes were offered which could be prepared by lesser staff. This way they could cut their inventory requirements and ensure their staff’s potential could be maximized. Most of them utilized their Restaurant Management System to the  In many ways cutting down menus and shredding out less successful items is a logical step. If you keep more items on your list, you will need more inventory at hand which adds costs. Suitable Software for Restaurant Management provides robust inventory management tools, so you live to track and plan your inventory accordingly. Moreover, you may not be able to maintain the same quality throughout all the dishes, which will end up slowing down your pace.   Giving your customers too much time to think encourages them to take more time in deciding what they want. It is a clever idea to add only popular dishes and meals to your menu. Restaurant POS Software can help you identify the popular dishes.   Spot Your Most Famous Dishes  How much you manage to persuade your customers depends on how well you organize your menu. According to William Poundstone’s book Priceless, he described how restaurants list their high profit and expensive dishes on the top right corner of the menu to catch the customer’s eye and make them think of other items displayed as cheaper options. Also, using a Restaurant Management ERP will help you with spotting the famous dishes so you can plan further accordingly.  Boxes are another eye-catcher. Those items are boxed that the chef wants to sell, and people tend to purchase them at the same time. Boxes in assorted sizes promote a sense of flexibility among the buyers. They think they save money if they purchase the smaller size. In addition to it, you can also utilize colors to your benefit. For instance, the color red is used in limits to catch the eye of high-margin items. Orange stimulates appetite, whereas brown gives out an earthly vibe. With a Restaurant Management System, you can easily segment your menu using favorable colors.   Highlight Food, Instead of the Price   A scientist at Stanford University found that people are more likely to choose a less demanded, healthier option such as vegetable sides if they are given a more elaborated description. On the other hand, labels such as “twisted citrus glazed carrots,” attract more of their attention than a healthy vegetable side.   Similarly, you can also successfully justify the price tag of more expensive items. Diners will be more inclined to your expensive mutton curry if you manage to justify how premium it is prepared using top-grade ingredients. With a Restaurant ERP Solution, your customers can view such details on a POS device. It becomes easier to incline them toward a more expensive device with a Restaurant Management System.   LS Retail is a unified Restaurant Management System that helps restaurants manage their inventory and plan their menu. It is also easier to serve customers, and with insightful reports, successful strategies are on their way to implementation. If you are looking to implement LS Central and need a demonstration, Contact Trident.  

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How Can Steel Manufacturers Predict Demand and Streamline Operations Amid an Unpredictable Pandemic?  

Steel manufacturing covers about 2% of India’s GDP and 0.6% of the world’s GDP. Being in such a small industry, steel manufacturers often come across various challenges that their old Manufacturing Management System cannot cope with. However, some of them still upgraded to Steel Manufacturing ERP and went ahead of the competition.   Their challenges grew threefold when a pandemic attacked the globe. New COVID variants emerge now and then which leads to unpredictable pandemics. Unpredictable pandemics cause unexpected customer demands. This often leads manufacturers to the verge of despair. Several steel manufacturers decided to upgrade their disparate technology to Steel Manufacturing ERP, whereas some still stuck to their good old excel sheets.   Due to unpredictable demand shifts, many steel manufacturers suffer losses. Sometimes some plants even shut down leading to an unemployment crisis. What is the solution? Steel Manufacturing ERP Software like Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides a single platform that supports ERP and CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) at the same time. This Manufacturing CRM Software optimizes Power BI to predict demand even during the most unpredictable times.   Can Steel Manufacturing ERP Be Really a Solution?  Steel Manufacturing ERP is a wizard tool for manufacturers. It is a unified solution that maintains enterprise resources and manages customer relationships at the same time. One of the most renowned Manufacturing ERP Software includes Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Manufacturing. An ERP for Steel Fabrication ensures the following benefits:   Company-wide Network Integration   This is one of the most valuable benefits provided by Metal Fabrication Design Software. Integrated Manufacturing ERP System aids manufacturing companies or plants to integrate and streamline their key areas such as raw material sources, procurement, managing vendors, managing inventory, and so on. This approach swears by the accuracy of financial transactions with every detail present on the same platform. Manufacturers using distinct software to manage their business often miss streamlining the key operations.   Multiple Planning Capacities   The steel manufacturing process in a steel manufacturing company goes through multiple planning capabilities. Things get complicated when a manufacturer tends to store data on multiple platforms. While planning he has to search through multiple sources and sometimes cannot even find the required data. It severely hampers the planning process. In contrast, having everything present on a single platform unifies data and makes the planning process a lot easier.   Timesaving   ERP for Steel Manufacturing reduces the production and sales cycle. Moreover, the staff can access important data without having to go through a loop of management. Furthermore, it also streamlines the supply chain and inventory management and makes it easier to tackle problems. Steel Manufacturing ERP fulfills every requirement on the same platform.   365 Degree View of Critical Data and Processes   A unified Steel Fabrication Software ensures a smooth flow of information across the company. Therefore, allowing users to access real-time data on the go. In addition, managers and decision-makers are at a great advantage. They get to oversee their entire manufacturing business from a 360-degree view. Even if they are running multiple plants, they can access its data in one go. Planning becomes a lot easier compared to the manufacturers relying on disparate systems to manage their business. With Microsoft Steel Manufacturing ERP, the managers can get real-time information in actionable and insightful reports.   Accurate Business Forecasting   To meet the overwhelming customer demands for automotive, construction sectors, and heavy equipment, it is important for steel manufacturing plants to track the emerging market trends, especially during the time of COVID. Old fashioned Steel Fabrication Management System failed at providing current reports. As soon as the reports reach the person concerned, most of the time, they are a day or two old. A Metal Industry ERP like Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Steel Manufacturing uses Power BI to extract data from various sources and merge them into an actionable and insightful report. Whether it is finding the issues arising in KPIs or forecasting customer demands. Power BI proffers accurate reports on the same.   Cost Control   ERP Implementation for Steel Manufacturing accounts for excellent control over finance and accounting, thus, bringing out optimum management and project budget control, as well as related costs. Therefore, keeping business control is not the only advantage you get from Steel Manufacturing ERP. You are also entitled to get robust financial management.   Microsoft Dynamics 365 is one of the most popular ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM across the globe. There is hardly any business that has not ever heard of Microsoft Dynamics 365. It has helped businesses achieve milestones quickly and more easily with its robust tools and functionalities.   What Makes Microsoft Dynamics 365 Your Go-to Steel Manufacturing ERP Software?  From small and unorganized businesses to large multinational businesses, having a full-fledged view of any sort of business is imperative. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Steel Fabrication provides a 360-degree view of your business. Whether it is a single item producer or a custom-specific metal manufacturer, D365 for Manufacturing has everything you need. This software provides the following benefits:   Quality Management   This Steel Manufacturing ERP allows you to generate your material certificate which ensures its quality grade. Furthermore, it also allows the user to track issues by problem type and spot their long-term or short-term solutions, respectively.   The statistics also state insights into the key performance indicator (KPI), and where the nonconformance issues arose. It displays the solutions which helped resolve those issues in the past. You can also use the historical data to calculate the previous quality measures and discover the appropriate measures to use this time.   As soon as you set up quality associations, it creates quality orders for different business operations, conditions, and events. The quality association may also sometimes include a certain item or every item.   Shop-floor Reporting   With Microsoft’s Steel Fabrication Management Software, manufacturers can manage their operational tasks which are straight away associated with the production department. They can also schedule, track, and report work progression in the manufacturing plant. Further, live reporting with job progression reporting and costing according to the employee’s name, the time on production orders, and their duties.

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Key Benefits of Upgrading AX to Dynamics 365 

AX to D365 Upgrade may appear daunting but it is simple and more beneficial. Some businesses might avoid the idea of their D365 Migration due to the belief of exploiting their current system to its maximum potential. However, this can do more harm than good.   The major reason an Upgrade AX to D365 Finance and Operations is mandatory is because of its about-to-get terminated support system. Mainstream support for D365 AX 2012 R13 ceased to exist on October 12, 2021. After which, the only security hotfixes will exist till January 10, 2023.    Apart from support, An Upgrade AX to D365 fosters multiple benefits. Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations does have similar benefits, but it outrages AX benefits. Dynamics 354 AX possesses certain drawbacks:   Microsoft Dynamics AX is not a suitable option for small-sized businesses but medium to large sized ones.   Even Though Dynamics AX Implementation may appear customizable for certain industries, the dependency on partners and ISV can add to more deployment time and ownership costs.   If partners host the software, it can lead to an increased cost as it is a Software as a Service (SaaS), and Cloud ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) options are limited.   Benefits of AX to D365 Upgrade  Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the only cloud-based solution that provides CRM and ERP on the same platform. It integrates different abilities into one application to coordinate and work efficiently like financials, operations, marketing, customer service, field service, project service automation, and sales.   Having these tools integrated with existing tools like word, outlook, excel, etc. can help you make better decisions. In addition, these functions get timely upgraded while allowing you access to the latest version. There are numerous benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O.   Complete Functionalities   Dynamics 365 delivers everything on the same platform. D365 Migration helps you save time and money on your staff training. You can easily integrate your CRM, BI, ERP, and IoT all in the Dynamics 365 range and abolish any third-party service dependency. Microsoft keeps adding new features every year and ensures you have the latest technology working for you.   Cost-Effective  AX to D365 Upgrade diminishes the costs as it is cloud-based software, requiring no on-premises servers and hence reducing dependency on your workforce for its maintenance. Microsoft helps clear out the redundant resources and puts more focus on the value-adding projects. It has a robust disaster management system and maintains back-ups. All these factors help reduce costs and make this solution one of the most cost-effective options.   Automatic Updates   Microsoft ensures frequent minor upgrades, and major upgrades twice a year. The minor upgrades happen constantly without disturbing the ecosystem of your business. When it comes to major upgrades, you are notified two days prior. The service provider itself will take care of your upgrades and maintenance. Therefore, leave your IT staff enough time to work on more important activities.   More Flexibility and Scalability   Being cloud-based software, it is more flexible towards changes and scales with your business. You can make customizations according to your business requirements. It is even suitable for SMBs (Small and Medium Businesses). Dynamics 365 allows you to calculate your usage whenever necessary. One of the best things about this software is that you do not have to plan for an extra server space, different software versions are available for you like Local Business data (on-premises), Cloud and Edge (hybrid), and Cloud (Public cloud). Therefore, after AX to D365 Upgrade, you will be open to more options.   Built-in Power BI   Microsoft comes with a built-in Power BI which works as a catalyst for effective decision making. Power BI collects business data from diverse sources, integrates it, and turns it into insightful reports. Those reports are in-depth and identify KPI performances. Power BI is a great tool for building great customer relationships. It extracts customer data from different touchpoints and provides insightful customer reports which can later be used for creating strategies.   Many businesses have already embraced AX to D365 Upgrade while others are just considering it. We Upgrade AX to D365 Supply Chain and Finance Management as soon as possible because only security hotfixes are available till 2023. Support for Supply Chain and Finance Management is available and is better. Trident Information Systems is one of the Gold D365 F&O Partners that provide 24/7 Support for D365 F&O. Contact us for further information.  

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Bind Customers to your Retail Business with LS Retail  

Have you ever wondered how some retailers manage to bind customers to their business and some do not? Suitable ERP Software for Retailers and a hint of creativity are the secret ingredients. They optimize its tools and complement them with innovative strategies. However, if you are not creative enough, it is no issue at all. LS Retail ERP alone can provide a robust platform holding a plethora of customer-compelling tools and functionalities.   Retail businesses run on low-profit margins, face massive competition, and are in desperate need of ERP Software for Retailers. Those who run disparate systems like separate Customer Management System, billing software, Inventory Management Software, etc. are prone to face more downtimes than those who prefer a unified Retail Management Software like LS Retail Software Solution.   Having a disconnected CRM Software for Retail is not very effective during a cutthroat competitive era, where your competition is upgrading their technological approach. Such retailers commonly come across some general issues such as:   Overstocking and understocking.   Redundancy issues.   Imbalanced balance sheet.   Inability to cope with a sudden customer preference change.   Poor strategies and rigidity.   Lack of enough data while creating loyalty programs.   LS Retail ERP abolishes most of the factors hindering a successful customer relationship, it uses Power BI (Business Intelligence) to collect data and creates real-time reports which help understand customers better. Create successful loyalty programs, deals, offers, and coupons based on the information given.   How does ERP Software for Retailers Help Connecting with Your Customers?  ERP, like LS Retail Software Solutions, extracts customer data from every touchpoint, compiles data, and generates insightful and visually appealing customer reports.  In addition, you can:   Offer secure and contactless payment options.  Align replenishment to the actual demand and trends.   Allow customers to check real-time product availability.   Enable self-service shopping and checkout options.   Customized Deals and Offers   Having deals and offers customized for your customers helps form a special bond with them. With Power BI you can get reports on just the information you need, through which you can segregate customers into different segments according to their preferences. You can either create individual offers or group-oriented loyalty programs. It usually compels customers to think it over and form an emotional bond with a particular company or a brand.   Display Relevant Item Suggestions on E-commerce Platforms  This CRM for Ecommerce, using artificial intelligence, looks through the customer’s history and understands their pattern, then it customizes a list of products for your customers   Which might grab their interest. Besides increasing cross-selling and upselling, it can make some customers subconsciously feel cared for and drive them to visit your site more often.   Self-Check-out Services  With more and more dependency on technology, customers are becoming increasingly impatient. No customer likes waiting in long queues with a bunch of items. Offering self-service and self-checkout options busts frustrating queues and clears up the floor space. Customers hop back to stores with more convenience than those who lack it.  Easy Product Purchase or Return Either Online or Offline   To gain customers’ trust it is mandatory to ensure an easy return policy, either online or offline. A customer will feel confident enough to purchase a product from your shop if they are provided with a convenient return facility. With this ERP Software for Retailers, you can easily provide easy purchase returns either online or offline.   Word of Mouth Attracts and Binds New Customers   Keeping your customers satisfied helps attract new customers into your business through one of the most effective promotional techniques i.e., word of mouth (WOM). When a customer is happy with your services, he is most likely to refer your store to his friends and family. It does not take too long for new customers to build trust in your brand too.   How to Pick the Right Vendor?  LS Retail Software Solution is indeed one of the best ERP Software for Retailers. However, it is crucial to choose the right LS Retail ERP Implementation Partner from the pool of LS Retail ERP Vendors. Make sure the vendor you select has a robust track record and enough resources to support you during downtime. Make sure the partner provides 24/7 LS Central Support.   Trident Information Systems is a Gold Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation partner with 20+ years of experience and a robust track of accomplishments. Our team of experts delivers 24/7 support. Contact us for further information or a demonstration. 

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Why Should Large Scale Businesses opt for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central SaaS?  

Back in the day, businesspeople perceived cloud-based software implementation to be well suited for only small to medium-sized businesses. It had an image of reducing the upfront and implementation costs for SMBs while large-scale businesses still preferred to stick to the traditional on-premises software. However, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation has shunned this perception. Greater control, more functionality, and complete customization are some of many Dynamics 365 Business Central Features.   Large-scale businesses have begun to accept Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation to manage their complex requirements. It is one of the most popular enterprises resource planning which is now considered well suited for large enterprises. At the recent Annual Directions Conference, Rayner Vas (software engineer), and Christian Heide Damm (architect) elaborated on Microsoft’s investments and enhanced performance. Now, Business Central refrains from any limitations on the number of users, transactions, sessions, or size of the database, making it a suitable option for businesses of varied sizes. Business Central Licensing is also very flexible.   The Forrester research also backs up this claim; they state the total impact of Business Central on a business’s economy. They found out that businesses who opted for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation successfully attained operational efficiency, cut costs, and easily scaled their deployments. This growth is a result of the support that the cloud offered.   However, if you are still unsure about Microsoft Business Central, we have compiled the top three reasons to convince you to choose it for your large-scale business.   Steady Scalability   Microsoft Business Central allows as many users as your business needs. There is no limitation to your growth. Each Business Central instance comes with data storage of 80 GB. According to Microsoft, this is more than enough space for different organizations. Even if a company needs expansion in their data storage, they can add it.   Business Central keeps adding regular performance enhancements to ensure enough scalability for even the largest organizations. Latest features like SQL Compression – a technique that is also employed throughout other Microsoft Dynamics 365 cloud services. It helps reduce database volume and enhance performance. Its service functionality also tracks unanticipated database growth while aiding users to catch issues in the earlier stages and prevent unexpected database use. In addition, the Business Central Admin Dashboard also helps the users to manage their database costs continuously. Having complete visibility of your data and being able to see exactly what you are using; you can calculate the total costs and plan the budget accordingly.   According to further reports by Forster, almost all the Business Central users state the benefits of being able to scale users and enjoy license types. Also, during turbulent times like pandemics, they could keep their ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) resources on provision and cut costs.   On the Go Productivity  Being a cloud-first solution, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation enables its user’s freedom of action. In the past couple of years, some large-scale businesses faced shortcomings when it came to making rapid changes. For instance, large-scale businesses working on premises could not fulfil the requirement of remote work overnight. Those who were already running in Cloud could successfully adapt to it.   Reports also suggest that firms who invest in technologies which enable remote work will eventually enjoy a competitive edge through a more engaged workforce. Furthermore, it was also reported that business central users noted that being on SaaS allows their transition to remote work a lot easier than it would have been with their previous on-premises ERP software.   Best In-class Security for Your Business   It is not hidden from anyone how robust Microsoft security is. Microsoft takes its security very seriously. It costs about USD 1 billion a year. It has shown its security’s continuous enhancement in multiple ways: from data encryption to identity isolation to automated threat detection, and just-in-time access.  A few years ago, some customers were hesitant about using cloud services because they thought it was not safe enough. Nowadays, however, the situation has reversed. Business owners are more inclined toward the concept of the cloud due to its unparalleled security. With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation, users can take complete advantage of the full security infrastructure provided by Microsoft cloud to its users.   Overall, because of the above-mentioned reasons and more, numerous retailers chose Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation. For Microsoft Business Central Demo, contact Trident Information Systems. We are a gold Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner and have served various business ventures.  

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